Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Very much this.

Glyphs or Tomes for spell effects would be an amazing addition.

Make it an option in the barbershop and have it unlocked similar to Green Fire. Like if you want Lunar spell effects, have the Night Elves/Nightborne offer them, Void being offered by Void Elves/Forsaken, and so on.


I feel like Order magic could be used to nullify the interactions between Void and Light in a neat way, as order works through discipline and study and self control. So even if you’re imbued with Void, by using Order magic to wield light you’re kinda using it as a filter, if that makes sense.


Uhm… trying to update main post… Do do do.


Updating the thread accidentally somehow applied my editing to a reply instead and now its mad I’m trying. Bah! lol

There it goes!


Been trying to recreate a void elf using AI Art. Sadly, I can’t seem to get close to the WoW fantasy for the art, but I think it looks good


Downside, I can’t even get the correct skin texture, no matter what I tell the AI to do. What does people think?

EDIT: Also, sorry, lost TL3 to post images.


this would make void elf my main if this was implimented. atm i cant fathom just being a grape flavored bloodelf.

Not bad at all! I like it!

    • Chromie and a new friend join the search for the lost Disc of Tyr. To aid their efforts, Travard rebuilds the legendary Tyr’s Guard, righteous paladins dedicated to representing the values of Tyr across Azeroth. Reforging Tyr Part 3 requires completing “Infinity and Beyond” in the No Limits questline to begin, and rewards Gold and White Armor for dragonriding mounts.

Well then…


Well then indeed.

I do hope that void elves (and all other races) get paladins that make sense for their cultures and people’s…

I don’t think blizzard is giving us class skins (at least not yet) but some lore to explain it would be greatly appreciated…


Not looking good sadly.

They could have tied more races to existing groups to save some time, like Gnomes to Silver Hand, Trolls to Zandalari ones, and made some new ones for Night Elves. And make a new group for odd ones like Orcs using Lightbound lore or something.

Druids are going to even worse if they end up all being the same.

A Goblin Druid should not be the same as a Night Elf who should not be the same as a Mechagnome.


transformer druid, best choice. wouldnt need to receive elunes blessing, etc. just decide…hey we can do that with technology lol maybe they go to each druid council and are turned down. so they do it themselves. thats very mechagnomish


Highly unlikely to happen at this rate seeing how Paladins are developing.

May see bears/cats with robotic limbs though. If they don’t make generic forms for all the new druid races.


you are sinking into the pit of despair. have heart, even if it never happens,we can have fun dreaming up ways for it to do so. like pink sparkly consecration. hehe.


There is always headcanon as well.

If they do Light paladins I’ll just pretend with one of my void elves that they use the Void. >.>

Or I’ll make another Highvale Elf.

One or the other.

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didya get the priest 3-set ? surely you got the priest 3-set. it has voidberg all over it.

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Na, it’s just being a realist.

As of right now all signs show they are making new Paladins followers of Tyer and they did not do anything too special for Lightforged Warlocks.

So it is far more likely that Druids are all going to either join the Cenarion Circle or a new order will be made for them.

Likely in 10.2 with the new world Tree.

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well mechagnomes are a special case. it wouldnt require a bunch of cutscenes or complex quest chains. maybe mekkatorque recounts his attempts to get them in the council of druids and his inevitable decision to make their own version. since they already have various mecha pets, the models already exist and are unique so upsize them a bit so they dont look like pets, and give them a mix of pally, hunter and priest abilities that functionally mimic druid abilities and spells. done and done.


I have a name picked out for a helf and velf pally, and with my spriest I pretend she heals with void because they got rid of the one spell that did that D:


Currently at the trading post there is a purple weapon pack for the paladin class. They are nice for a Void Knight transmog. :ok_hand:


OMG man, heck of a right up… THUMBS UP!


10.2 has been shown off and while nothing has come up for us, blood elves will be getting some updates it looks like!