Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Hopefully, but always expect the unexpected too.

All right you might be right on that count.

That would be preem.

Also important will be explaining how void elves can use light magic.

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Like I said I’m not expecting that they will but that would be good.

I don’t buy into everyone elses claim that we would just explode cause that would indicate that Disc Priests shouldn’t exist at all and would fling mud in the face of various points in the lore where Light powered classes engage with the Void magics around them and vice versa.

So Like… I mostly don’t expect much cause I don’t think Blizzard thinks its a problem… cause they’ve never actually said it was in that way.

The ONLY point where anyone can show that the Light and Void react to the point of destruction of both is in the Origin of everything which 1) might be false and 2) is a time point where there was literally only light and void interacting and far more in excess than anything we’ve ever seen.


Blizzard will have to add something canon (they already know it) because it will revolutionize the lore of the void elves.

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I don’t think it will do anything for their lore the way things seem to be going.

This will change their lore as they will be able to use vacuum and light without exploding. :grin:


Bah, unless Blizzard shows literally blue skinned void elves using it directly AND explains it we’ll still have to deal with folk naysaying.


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I think a new NPC (like the draenei warlock) would allow us to have a canon thing.

A counterpart for Omen, a Void Elf or Forsaken Paladin would be neat and give insight into the mindset.

Heck we already have Reverend Bartholmew so him taking on a Void Elf Paladin as a “squire” would be lovely to see.

Crap, I really want this now.


I doubt it.

Devs know people don’t like “contradicting” class/race combos. Look at how even today people are criticizing LF draenei warlocks.

The devs made sure to explain these new warlock combos in the latest patch (and I loved it), having as a main character in the storyline a LF warlock no less.

I am very positive we will see some sort of explanation given whenever we get paladins for all races. You will see :slight_smile:


I hope so.

I’m very sus given the data mining so far.


Paladin ren’dorei are going to be a flop for me without a shadow spell tint. I’ll be hooting and hollering for all my high elf friends, but the whole lightbulb part of paladin is the reason I don’t like it.

Can’t believe the Heartsbane Grimoire got nerfed like it did. It used to have so many cool spell interactions like making Glyph of Stars form solid, and paladin and priest spells indigo. At least it still makes shaman spirit form look sick as hell.

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It won’t be a flop per se for me but I’ll be very dissapointed.

I really hope they give us some sort of void flavor option for void elves…

But I’ll be very happy for my high elf brethren!

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That’s kind of the thing with a shadow skin, though. I wouldn’t just want it for void elves because it also works very well for other races. Humans for a nod to the corrupted paladins in Wrath with decidedly not DK, but “unholy light”. The undead paladin who went fully into the cult of the forgotten shadow. The elephant in the room with the Shadowmoon clan.

Giving paladin a void tint opens so many fun RP possibilities :dracthyr_love_animated:

And for real, very happy for the high elves who can live their best paladin life.

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Oh yeah! I want void elves to start with a void option but I want that option available to all races!

Once that door is open I want everyone to be able to walk through it. Otherwise it’s not fun or fair.

Ideally orcs, Mag’har, worgen, void elves and Forsaken start with it with others maybe doing a small quest to unlock it account wide.

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Would be neat, but we aren’t seeing lightforged demons so I have my doubts.

Starting to worry about future Druid implementations as well.

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For either good or bad, I don’t think this is suggesting Paladin for all races. But really, who knows.

New Paladins being granted power directly by Tyr (who has his own interesting relationship with the Light as a creation of the Pantheon of Order.) Could be interesting.

So for races like Void Elves and Forsaken it could be like, using Order magic to safely wield Light magic.

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Coming back to this, yeah, pretty much; It really was just such a weird choice to introduce the Void Elves as a completely new group of Blood Elves rather than any of the already established groups of High Elves. The story of the VE’s starts with the return of Alleria and her Void potential. Alleria, the most iconic Alliance High Elf, so it will never make sense why they didn’t just follow that thread and decided to create a new group of Blood Elves, of all things.

What makes me sad is that it has already been 5 years and we have seen almost no advancement of the VE lore, and by now there have been so many possibilities. The RPG books mentioned there used to be a HE population on Kul’Tiras; How cool it would have been to see them in Stormsong Valley, as part of the Tidesage culture? We could have had many of those High Elves falling prey to the Void powers House Stormsong unleashed, and actually use Alleria (instead of having her sitting on the boat) to help bring those corrupted ones back, and prevent the rest from falling into as well.

It was the perfect opportunity to have a Void related plot affect the Void Elves as a group and build them up.


Maybe Tyr can bless Void Elves with the power to seal the Void within them into an external container by granting them sealing powers in addition to the Light’s blessing! Or he could grant them a sort of catalyst power that balances the power of the Light and the Void within in a way that prevents the two from countering each other! The possibilities are endless, we just need to pick whichever one suits best!

Omg I really hope we can get a glyph or something that recolours our spells, like I’ve said before I’d love the following spells to be recoloured:

Avenger’s Wrath (light purple tint)
Divine Shield (Starcursed navy blue tint) & rename to Void Shield
Consecration (this one I want recoloured to a combo of light purple and gold tints)
Holy Light (recoloured like above) and renamed to Corrupt Light