Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Kinda sucks if they tie all Paladins to Silver Hand but these types of classes (Druid/Paladin/Warlock/Shaman) do kinda need a handwave to add them to more than one race. Unfortunately.

Well, if we take it as a case per case basis, it doesn’t make too much sense for there to many hardcore separations.

You got your base Void Elves who may or may not be accepting people who may or may not be turning Void-ish. (We REALLY need some lore for this…)

You got your Allerian Stronghold who make no sense to not be connected, one group being the troops of Alleria and the other being her students. And given their decades in Outland, they have a unique view of things and likely knowledge of the Void, and where likely there when Alleria took interest in it. Plus this is already my headcannon for their source of Warriors/Hunters/Rogues…

Stormwind High Elves who are, lets be honest, are basically holding hands and skipping down the sidewalk with Void Elves since their introduction. And are the likely source of High Elves entering the rift.

Quel’Lithien Lodge… They’re (Mostly) dead Jim. Only tie in that would make sense would be if the artifact that corrupted them turned out to be a Void Artifact and the Void Elves have a fix.

Silver Covenant are already a military organization with a few other races as members. I don’t see them merging one way or the other but I can see a few either becoming Void Elves (Summoner Nolric?) or they start accepting them as members/working with them on larger military endeavors.

Dalaran High Elves aren’t really their own group so much as Citizens of Dalaran (Raise your heads to the sky!) like Stormwind High Elves, so I can see it much the same.

Highvale are the least likely to be either joining the Void Elves or accepting them as members, given their use of light and isolationism. And aside from not liking Arcane are the most stereotypical High Elves. So barring them having a unique understanding of Light and Void and becoming the source of Void Elf Paladins or something I don’t see it changing.

So while I don’t see any group overwritten by the other, logically it makes a lot of sense for there to be a lot of intermingling between the groups. Given how similar their history and goals seem to be.

My 2c on the subject.

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Quel’Danil isn’t mostly dead… they’re fine.

Wait these are the elves of Quel’Danil… did you mean the lodge in EPL? I think that one is Quel’Lithien.

Yeah, intermingling and interaction sure, but none of them should be overwriting the others and most of the generalized plans I’ve seen from other players tends to go that route either just reducing void elves to a minor group or erasing them altogether.

Thats all I want to avoid.

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Whoops, wrong name.

Well I don’t really see that happening, baring Blizzard writing Void Elves gain major influence over all the other groups somehow…

Allerian Stronghold and Stormwind HEs maybe.

I dont know why i never put 2 and 2 together as its extremely obvious and im sure its noticed by everyone else.

But at telogrus rift there is instructor duskwalker who a void elf, and hes training void initiates, who are also void elves.

So if there are void elves who are trained in the void already, and void elves who are freshly undergoing training, then its been in the game since their very introduction that they are transforming new void elves.

Im not sure how i missed something so obvious.

I mean it was always clear that there were new members. I just never noticed the contrast showing old and newly transformed.

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That’s actually a major point of discussion.

We don’t know if they are becoming Void Elves, if you can get transformed into an Umbric style Void Elf by learning void stuff, if you can transform to look like Umbric’s Void Elves, and we don’t know if just learning void stuff means you are called a Void Elf.

They just never put out enough info to make it clear.


Thats what I would have said but then I noticed that there is an established hierarchy of those who are brand new, those who have become transformed void elves but only recently, and those who have already studied and been taught by alleria.

so here you have a void elf who is teaching initiates how to control their void powers.
If they werent making new void elves, how do you have initiates and instructors?

It just doesnt make sense otherwise. To me this is near confirmation that they can and do transform new members.


To a degree… But it’s unclear if that’s what’s going on or not. It also answers none of the questions of how.

I think blizzard did indeed mean for those initiates to show them making more but they went no where near far enough in explaining for any real value to be gained.


For me its good enough confirmation and im surprised it took me so long to connect the dots.

I guess the first time i was there it was all about exploring and not evaluating the lore implications of stuff. And then later visits youre just used to seeing it.

But i do still want the answers of how and confirmation that you can look like alleria and still be a void elf.

Personally i like to think they do it on island 3 which you need to glide to access.
A perfectly good void storm going to waste there.

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Aye, it’s good enough for me for proof that new ones are being made. I’m glad it’s enough for you as well.

But this is what I dream of having blizzard say in no uncertain terms. In showing preferably.


I want a rework of Telogrus Rift where we shackle the void storm and use it as a font of void to facilitate the process!

We. Could. Be. So. Much. More. :octopus: :purple_heart:


I really hope the Silver Hand table is a red herring for unlocking paladins. Not that I don’t want paladins for all, but it could just be as simple as a node for the next part of the Tyr questline.

Also, if we got paladins before shaman when we have been running around with all this elementalism going on I may actually break :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


It could be new recruits, transformation, or just a time locked spot where they just learned stuff from Locus Walker.

Blizzard did not give enough follow up in the story for a race that was literally just introduced.

And this is after they promised not to do the Draenei thing again… Only worse.

You think they would add some NPCs every so often or something.

Heck, we get more Vulpera and Mechagnome NPCs then Void Elves that have any impact.

Same. Part of the neat thing about Paladin Races is their connection to the Light.

Just saying “Tyr dun it” isn’t that interesting.


All this is immensely cool

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I would honestly really love an evergreen Mechagon-style daily hub for the Thalassic elves, a neutral place where they can meet and try and reconcile.

Also think of the dailies swoon
Running correspondence between family members not ready to meet yet.
Cooking contest.
Dye the opposite elves clothes the opposite colors as a prank.


The void elves are recruiting blood elves and high elves…the silver hand has blood elf and high elf paladins.

The most complicated will be to explain the use of light magic. :thinking:

The void elves aren’t recruiting, but are accept to accept those who are into studying the void.

They will soon have the paladin class, we may finally have lore to explain the recruitment of new void elves, especially these new void elves who use light magic. :crossed_fingers:

The lore will most likely, just like the Warlocks, tied to the class, not the race.

I doubt anything will be explained honestly.

Void elves will just have paladin and there will be no lore to justify, explain or give a reason as to why.

I seriously doubt we’ll learn for sure how new void elves are made because of paladins being given to void elves.

It’ll still be nice to have the class though. Unless we do get lore or a void class skin I’ll probably make mine a helf though.

I think the lore will be justified actually, but it will be centered around the class, not the race. The same situation in regards to Warlocks.

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I hope Blizzard adds new Void Elf Paladin NPCs, like they did for the new Priest, Mage, and Rogue combos. :pray: