Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I still find it stupid how the dark ranger customization is locked to each other, rather than having the options seperately. Oh, the red eyes would’ve been perfect for the Void Elves.


I fully support high elf fans in any requests they have that does not try to remove the void from void elves.

So essentially just removing the name and racial proc.

But anything else like hair and stuff… well void elves are still high elves.
So those types of options dont contradict the race in any way. It just adds to the variety of elf options.


Heck, they could have had the intro scenarios exactly the same but had Alleria with a bunch of her Rangers (Warriors/Rogues/Hunters) helping to track them down and get caught in the Ethereals trap and it would have been thousands of times better and explain why a bunch of Void Scholars have martial classes.

But Blizzard forgot Alleria had an army of devoted troops she could train… It would have tied them into one of Alliances most famous groups and one of the most iconic and unique groups of High Elves too.

Heck #2, could just have explicitly said Umbric and his most trusted followers where being tracked to avoid any weird leaps in logic on how they where even surviving on a rock with a sizable population. And pushing that this is a group of void experts.

They where actually well received until it was datamined that they where a out of nowhere group of Blood Elves and crap hit the fan. Like it totally made sense Alleria would train her troops.

This was not long after Blizzard publicly apologised for the shoddy introduction of Draenei and how they would do better seeding in new races in the world.

But a lot of the Preorder races lacked polish and felt like bait for a cash grab.

In a perfect world, with the Heritage Weapons Quest, they show they built up a small research facility with a complex portal network connecting to Stormwind/Allerian Stronghold and wherever the Blood Elf scholars are coming from.

Removing is stupid but it would be amazing to have options to swap those out.

Same for Dwarves/Trolls/Draenei and Dark Rangers ect.


I rather see more options added, without removing anything. This should be the best course of action where everyone can enjoy what they want, without effecting others.


I always said in the past that the hardcore Blood Elf-fans fought in vain from the very beginning by gatekeeping High Elves from the Alliance. It was the most requested wish in every community (even foreign ones) and it was a clear indicator that something “went wrong” with the Void Elves. I’m glad to see that the most obnoxious gave up on their behavior. Gatekeeping was never okay, especially reveling in the misery of others.

And I do agree with the term “Void Elves are a mistake”, simply for the reason that it should always have been a job class. With the alluding Void expansion and several hints across the recent patches, it would have felt natural to have them introduced as a proper class for all player races to “fight the upcoming darkness on the horizon”.

Not only would have this solved all the problems Void Elves currently have but also open the possibility for actual Alliance High Elf Paladins. I’m pretty sure people will complain that they can’t use the golden battle graphic effects with the upcoming Void Elf Paladin job class, which will ensure another heated debate.

What are the “consequences”? The majority has spoken and they got somewhat what they wanted. The few people who wanted blonde and blue-eyed hourglass figures for themselves lost ungracefully. The Void Elves were not really planned out and we all can see this. That doesn’t mean you can have fun with them - but they are not what people simply wanted. Blizzard has now to cater both player types at the same time with each update for this race.

I think this has something more to do with a story conflict. The third sister wouldn’t have agreed to this. They want to keep their pure blood High Elves on the Alliance.

What’s up with that, anyway? Why aren’t the Void Elf weapons available to the players right now? Even the Dark Iron Dwarves and Nightbornes got theirs before them.


Clarification - are people looking at Night Elves as High Elves, or did I miss something about High Elves in game :frowning:

I think it’s just the eternal need to fight over pixel elves, which is of the highest importance or something


Don’t forget the capybara

technically, most of the alliance’s high elf npcs, arent pure blood. they are half elves.

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Awww, but we want a pixel war

What is this in reference to? I’m a bit confused by this request for clarification.

This thread is for Void Elves customization options. Night Elves is a different thread.

high elves on alliance are like veressa and alleria. night elves are a sort of highborne, which is what high elves use to be before they fled to quel’thalas, following the sundering. the difference in ley lines and change from the well of eternity to the sunwell, caused them to morph to smaller sizes and pinker skin. blood elves are high elves, also.

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id play a void elf it was like this.

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Anyone else get the heebie jeebies when people start bemoaning/demanding/fixating on the term “pure blood”?

Or is that just me?


As a Void Elf player you should be actually aware of the fact of having purple blood when the character has the bleeding animation. So, the term “pure blood” is still correct, because it lacks the Void corruption.

  1. I iz aware of the purple blood, I consider it a plus.

  2. thank you for proving my pony, creepy ice cream lacking gobbo.

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Be grateful that this is the anonymous internet, where you can make such comments without consequences for this vague suggestive offensive remarks. We’re still talking about Void Elves and their corruption and not some RL racism here.

You’re not fit for such discussion. Be gone.


… wuh

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Just wanted to say as soon as void elves can be Paladins, I think I’ll be joining ya’ll.


well it reminds me a bit of when people try to measure skill at the game. you have the person who is high end content only, looking down on people who cant sustain the hand eye coordination to dodge 50 different mechanics happening simultaneously, vs the person who plays the game to prove they are perfect in some way. hehe. there’s more than one way to read perfect in some way