Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

i like blast. :smiley: also like moritz. and fenelon. etc. i like moritz, even when i disagree with him cause he’s pretty chill, most of the time.

you be okay with oddly colored consecration? personally, i want pink sparkly consecration. but starcursed would work also. it would just seem less pally and more dk or something.

I would rather abilities like consecration were removed entirely or exclusive to tanks, but that’s a whooooole other thread. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I like my blessed spinning hammers option for it on my ret pally


Unholy still hoping Blizzard will look at us like they look at Ret :dracthyr_cry_animated:


I do, though the occasional use of it doesn’t bother me. It’s when folk harp on it while telling me void elves shouldn’t exist I get sus.

Hoping blizzard will do Ret treatment to a lot of specs honestly. Feels so good to be Ret these days.


Deleted the old character before summer, made a new one during the Diablo event but that one has no access to the forums (Blastkrizzle-AD, US-server). Asked the customer service if they can restore my old character for the US-forum. They don’t offer such services and it’s “more complicated than one can imagine”.

I actually thought I could escape this place but it looks like I’m a slave to the torment after all.

I asked my brothers if they can help me out here. Someone you know jumped in, because he doesn’t post on the US forums and it worked. Was instantly banned until Nov the moment I accessed the forums, but it was lifted a few hours later.

I’m also a very likable girl but I could (almost) care less what someone is thinking of me on the internet, especially on the other side of the world globe. :woman_shrugging:

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Had a bit of a thought looking at some of the night elf body overlays…

Currently the void skins are all or nothing with their overlays (dark circles under their eyes, ‘bruised’ extremities). This is part of the larger complaint of why people often opt into the human skin tones - most don’t have a problem with a blue draenei as it lacks these imperfections.

Instead of having to create a whole new set of skins, they could use a tattoo slot that works for all the skins (human included) to let us choose how voided out visually we are.

This would cover many of the skins showcased in this thread, offer an easier implementation of starcursed effects, and let void elves who like to be more like Alleria add those details to separate themselves from blood elves.

Inspiration comes from the way ESO adds a skin overlay to vampires. Except this would be a barbershop toggle, and would not require eating people.

I’ve been on these forums forever, and still no tier 3.
imgur. io/a/JA38n


More skin overlays and such for that sort of customization as well as additional ones for scars, warpaint and tattoos all being separate from body and head.


Ideally it would be an extra option separate from tattoos and scars to have it all, but I do believe we would be forced into one or the other.


After what they did to the Worgen and somehow thought was a good idea I am less than optimistic that they would do warpaint/Tattoos/Scars/and Blemishes separately from one another but Old Gods they really need to start setting this all up for that.


Ret is the standard I’m holding all class/spec design to from this point forward when it was introduced. Absolutely love it.

We’re not holding your hand.

Thank you so much for the explanation. That makes sense. Now that you have explained it, I knew that ugh :upside_down_face:

Have you been reading the comments?

void elf heritage armour with priest tier gear is the worst thing i have ever seen.


I don’t think she has any say in Alleria’s troops.

Who knows. Would not take much in terms of writing as they seem to be stand alones stories. So they just need to get too it.


Yes I’m not sure what it was you’re trying to ask about.

Eh I’ve seen worse.

Seems Blizzard is rolling that all out slowly. Probably waiting for story points that feel good to them.

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Probably best to ignore them. They aren’t really bringing in anything to the discussion, and more of moving with the offense to push the Void Elves out so people miss out.


This thread has more love than anything done for Ren’dorei in-game.

Would love these. They’re amazing.


I just want the void-touched hairstyles back.