Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Nice thread.

I’d like to suggest void themed semi-translucent skin, where you can see the purple or blue bones inside the Void Elves arms or legs. This would show the Void Elf’s level of corruption, kind of slowly turning into something like a Void Walker.

Also a second suggestion. Instead of void transformations (such as Entropic Embrace) only being toggled upon ability usage, instead also add an idle animation for the same effect. So basically if your character was idle for a period of time, or standing still while doing non-combat related tasks, you would periodically get the visual effect of Entropic Embrace, as well as an animation such as the Void Elf looking at their shaking hands.

Since the animation or visual effect would be more common now, we could also justify adding customization options for EE in the character creation menu or barber shop.


The Void Elves have been added as some sort of punishment to the Alliance players, which where all the hate, anger, disappointment and unfairness stems in the first place. Blizzard wanted to give them some mysterious and cool alternative but the overall perception is simply put a “spit into the face of the paying customers” and nothing has changed this so far. Or why do you think they still want race titles, tattoos and so on? Because the anger is real.

Have you ever considered how the majority of people feel who have lost their enjoyment because of the Void Elves? It’s not a one-sided street, it goes both ways - and the Void Elf supports are a minority who came “second”, not “first”. The High Elf request is at least 14-17 years old. The reason why you can play an Alliance High Elf now is because every WoW community, where Blizzard gets their feedback, was massively upset about this forced addition.


The anger isn’t real, because it is only a small group of people lurking the forums continuing on and on, like it is the end of the world if they don’t get what they want. Think about it, why are a vast majority of the High Elf community not posting anymore? Why do we only see threads or topics about High Elves by the same 1 or 2 people who chose to sockpuppet or troll on the forums. Yeah, that isn’t anger.

You obviously haven’t been on Legacy of Quel’dorei or Telogrus Rift discord servers. Because the people are happy. They are happy that they got the options they want. While the rest of us are still trying to push for some more Void Elven customizations, in relation to the void, well, in this thread.

I mean, put it this way, you know why Blizzard was refusing? Because of 2 groups of people here on the forums going back and forwards on the same arguments, and fighting over pixels on the screen. This had massive concequences. And now you look at both groups? Things have died. The arguments over High Elves are dead. Because people are happy with what they have now!

Don’t believe me, just go look at all communities. Go look in game.

If people still have problems with Void Elves, well, good news. They aren’t forced to play one. They can play a Blood Elf if they want another option of High Elf. If they’re unhappy about that, well, either don’t roll anything, or just quit the game. Because the Void Elves are here to stay.


If you’re feeling real anger over a video game to the point where you feel that a group of players who are enjoying what is in game is somehow a problem, then you should probably leave the game.

That doesn’t seem terribly healthy nor kind.

Most players, high elf, void elf, even blood elf are quite happy to play their toons as they are. Some of those people continue to request what they’d like to see. There is nothing wrong with that until you start walking over someone else wanting to request what they want. I don’t mind folk wanting more for their high elves but folk really need to stop telling other folk they can’t have something just because they don’t like it.

Regardless of what you feel or believe about void elves or high elves, coming into the void elf (void aspect) thread to post about how bad void elves are is not really what the threads for.

Keep your eyes out though… I’ve got a Blood Elf thread like this one now and I’m thinking of completing the set so maybe there will soon be a place for those still fighting for high elf options to gather their thoughts and any pictures/ideas they want to put forwards.


OM gosh… I am so confused…
I LOVE my Void Elf Warlock! Seriously, I really am no sure what all this is about. I am really happy I could switch up my Warlock. Just saying.

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Yes, twas I who ate all their ice cream >_>

It was yummy.

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I agree with you to some extend but the topic hasn’t died down yet. It was simply offensive to give the Alliance not pure blood High Elves. Doesn’t change the fact that the Void Elves are played as High Elves nowadays, which only cemented what the majority wanted in the first place.

I never mentioned that it bothered me. From where do you get this? I always said that the Alliance-players won the half-decade long battle.

The Void Elves are overdue for some customization. But given how long it takes for Blizzard to even release Heritage Armors, we will see some additions in 2024 or 25?


Void elves as our high elves were totally the right call instead of regular high elves imo

A normal high elf is just a blood elf.
Their differences are insignificant.

Void elves brought something new to the table.
Theyre not a complete copy paste of what was already in the game.

But should you wish to RP as a non void high elf, theres customisation that works wonders for that.

Void elves have something for everyone and were a fantastic addition to the game.


Imo the only real misstep with making void elves was not just using high elves.

I don’t think of course it would have stopped all of the fighting and requests or what not but I think it would have really helped high elf folk take to them faster.

But I love my void elves and wouldn’t trade them for the world.

I can’t wait to see their lore expanded and for blizzard to reasonably explain how we make more of ourselves, what we’re doing these days and shows that we can come through our transformation as allerian to umbrician to a mix of both.

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There are non blood high elves in their ranks and have been from the moment they were unlocked.
Theyre just not part of the unlock story.

But I do agree that it would have been better if the unlock scenario showed both blood and high elves being transformed instead of just blood.

Show dont tell is important.
But sometimes its nice to just have things outright said.


THIS SO MUCH LIEK BLIZZARD PLZZZZ IM BEGGING :melting_face: :melting_face: :woozy_face: :woozy_face: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull:

my first reaction to your question

is, they remind me of shadow priests. every void elf is a shadow priest, who decided to try out mage, lock, etc. we turn purple like shadow priests, we got old god/void tentacle things like shadow priests. we’re just confused shadow priests lol

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did you ever get to see the original shadowform for shadowpriests? it shimmered like a rainbow and left a trail of shimmery rainbow stuff as you ran. if you’ve ever seen the sun shine on water with motor oil in it, thats how it looked. it was unique as heck. dunno why they took it away

Just looked it up on youtube.
Im not sure how i feel about it. It looks cool but doesnt feel very void.

Shadow form with glyph of shadow in live now is my favorite shadow, but it would be cool to get that one back as an alternative glyph option.

Or at Blizzcon 2023 atleast. You never know could be at 10.2.

I’d like a glyph that makes it even darker from what the base is. That would be cool… Like if it showed only the glowing eyes.


A shadow form as dark as Void form! If you are using the dark ranger skin the red eyes are so pronounced. A big reason I’ve wanted to unlink them from the undead skin tone… or they could give void elves those n’zoth eyes.


It is only still going because of a couple of forum trolls keeping the topic going. But if you minus those forum trolls, well, the topic is actually dead. Because we can play as an Alliance High Elf through the Void Elves. And as I said, the community is actually happy. Sure, it is far from the original request from the old days, but it is better than nothing.

Plus, the Blood Elf community, the High Elf community, everyone just got sick and tired of the fighting and forum bickering. We all have moved on. Best that we all support each other to push for more ideas towards Blizzard instead of making post like “oh void elves are a mistake” or “no more void elf customizations until we have this”. Because the fighting does have consequences, as we seen in the past.



Side note I changed the name of this thread to Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren’dorei) and changed the Blood Elf threads name to Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin’dorei). This is mostly because I just wanted to make the names thematic.

This. Support is better than constantly trying to push down the other guy.

High Elf folk should request what they want and let the void elf players enjoy what they want and what they want to request.

Its not like I run around to any high elves I see in game and tell them they’re void elves or something. Running around and telling me that I’m a mistake is just a poor thing to do as a person.


Yes! Families and friendships were definitely torn apart when Voids were exiled. So much good storytelling to be had here.