Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

So much this. My god I’d love that.


That is sort of what I was hoping for actually. Having a void form similar to Alleria’s.


Personally, I’m lowkey excited to see how EE affects Druid forms. Especially Glyph of the Stars, which on occasion I wouldn’t mind seeing as purple. The ability to customize it and make it Red could also serve some Nightmare Druid vibes.

This is also why I love the idea of customizing EE, as it could grant a myriad of options for player agency, red options matching a Darkfallen or Nightmare Druid look, or even something akin to the Shadow Priest gylph as mentioned, with the proc appearing as just purple waves over the players standard appearance.

The Void offers endless possibilities :milky_way: :purple_heart:


While I definitely think the Runestones got retconned to come from an arcane source, and were maintained by the Magisters (using Thas’alah’s as the anchor due to its arcane nature) I’m 100% agree that there’s a very possible line of Thalassian druidism that can come from Thas’alah. It’s not a World Tree, but it was the “mother tree” of Eversong Woods, which became suffused by the power of the Sunwell. In some ways, it feels closer to the Arcan’dor.

But the lore of Thas’alah and how it was venerated, specially by the Farstriders, just links a lot of thalassian cultural aspects of nature reverence and respect, which while not quite being druidism, I feel it’s very close to it, much like the Gilnean Harvest Witches.

The RPG even mentions how there is a druidic aspect to the Ranger’s skills, and how when some became Dark Rangers they twisted those abilities. And while that might have been de-canonized by reason of being the RPG, it still can fit with the current lore.

Farstriders having a far closer attunement to nature, something that can be honed into full blown druidism, could be such a good path forward. The reasons High Elves didn’t followed a druidic path were sociocultural ones, they always had the potential (IMO all races have it) and while I do think they did looked down on druidism once they became Night Elves, those with an affinity to it still gravitated to forms of proto-druidism, and we could see that mostly reflected on Farstrider-specific culture.

And with a Farstrider specific background, it’s a path that would be available to both Blood Elves and Void Elves.


I know this is a “yeah obviously” type of thing, but im amazed at how changing to playing a shadow priest makes me feel so much more connected to being a void elf.

Shooting off beams of void energy while tentacles sprout from the ground just sells the role so well.

Its just such a good fit and makes me love the game even more.

So to anyone thinking of playing a void elf, i highly highly recommend shadow priest.


I’m glad others are talking about the Farstrider angle, because that was what I was going for with uncertainty if I was just putting too much of my own headcanon into it.

I swapped this priest from velf to a belf because my friend had just joined the game, and was having the worst time in BGs (Blizzard, xfaction queing with merc mode when?)

Instantly just kinda stopped playing it. You’re speaking truth.


I have mine as Holy. Though mostly because of the transmog

(Fenelon here)

This was my first void elf and she was always meant to be a farstrider that followed Umbric group looking for her void obsessed father.


This was mine, and I haven’t played her since I got the heritage for her

And in fact, I haven’t even logged in to change the transmog appearance either.


And the pretty hoothoot.

Void elves make no sense. Have no meaningful lore. Shouldn’t exist and were transparently added to spite the requests for high elves going back a decade and a half. They were put in as part of an ill conceived and senseless yin/yang thing with LF draenei.

The excuse for years for not giving high elves were “they don’t have enough of a population remaining to be a playable race that makes sense given how many there would be who end up running around the game world”. Suddenly it was dropped for a fraction of a fraction of heretical luantics who experimented with evil magic, got corrupted, and so on.

Why void elves and not fel elves as we saw in BC and Legion (you know with red skin)? Why void elves and not lightforged elves since the sun-well is now a lightwell? Why void elves and not life-elves imbued from nature magic? (In BC in Falconwing Square in SW Silvermoon there used to be two NPCs, high/blood elves representing a group that were against embracing fel, for embracing nature, there is no reason to think they weren’t part of a larger group) Because it was convenient and one last way for a certain bad actor who was given too much power over everything who also ruined Sylvanas because he was a jerk to give a certain rude gesture to the player-base.

Why shouldn’t void elves if they exist at all (they shouldn’t, their lore is a jumble of nonsense) be just part of a continuum of high elf type customizations that are in essence corruptions or embraces/infusions of a given type of magic school?

What I’m saying is, no more void elf customizations until:

  • Blizzard unlocks high elves, allows players to appear as them, be referenced as them, etc.
  • Blizzard changes all void elves (and maybe blood elves since we’re dissolving factions) to high elves and unlocks customizatons for other magic school infusions so they can be light-elves, fel-elves (why should this form of evil, corrupted, heretical elf be disallowed?), nature/life-elves, arcane-elves, maybe even death-elves/san’layen.

Why shouldn’t players who wish to play as more traditional, natural, forms of elves be denied any ability to do so just so a fraction of players can embrace this nonsense more? What about the other forms of nonsense who don’t even have a voice or option yet?

Restore player choice. Fix the whole situation permanently and we shall have peace at last. Heretics can be heretics. Holy elves can be holy, high elves who’ve escaped the clutches of addiction can be free elves, etc, etc.


My first was actually faction swapping my monk. I don’t even know why I picked it other than that velf was the best thematic pair for undead the Alliance had. I logged into my main to see Orgrimmar empty day after day…

Do not regret the choice.

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I mean, you’re not wrong, but you’re not correct either. I do like the idea of Void Elves, and yes, I think they should exist. But the lore behind them makes no sense, and as you said, isn’t meaningful either.

Problem is, Blizzard just doesn’t seem to care much. Void Elves were added to compromise for the High Elves, but left the problem of the lore, since they were a new concept of being added. The zone behind them to unlock didn’t make sense for them, and the reputation requirement that was used to unlock them didn’t even match as well.

Then come to patch 8.3, where we had plenty about the void. It would’ve been a perfect patch to help expand the lore behind the Void Elves, but once again, nothing happened. We’re left in a small circle of have a race with a interesting concept, but the logic behind them is lack-lusting.

Now, the Void Elf compromise didn’t work to please the High Elf community, until the customizations came in. But it came in too late.

Another problem WoW faces is faction devide. Splitting the playerbase. Though this has nothing to do with High Elves or Blood Elves or what so ever, but racials. And this happened back in Mist of Pandaria, when the Troll Racial was overpowered, causing people to pay money to transfer from Alliance to Horde just for the racial. And it happened all expansion. Instead of doing a hotfix to prevent any damage to the factions, Blizzard just let it all go, and it lead to where we are today in terms of factions.

And even if they’ve added High Elves right from the beginning, this wouldn’t of helped the faction devide.

Sorry, but I disagree with this entirely. We have our High Elves now, via the Blood Elves or the Void Elves, best we can do is just request for more towards them. Such as lore should be a more bigger request, since the lore is lacking.


This sort of ranting brings nothing of value to the discussion. Whatever your feelings on Void Elves are, they are irrelevant; they are still a playable race, they are not gonna get deleted. You are simply being rude to anyone who likes them for what they are, or could be, with ramblings like this.

I want a better High Elven fantasy in game too, but tearing down the VE fantasy does nothing but show you as someone that really only cares about what you want, neglecting your fellow players’ feelings.

VE’s are certainly not my choice over High Elves, but I think it should go without saying that we all should respect the love and care other people have for VE’s.


I’m glad you found a good home on the Alliance, and that it was a void elf. We’re a wonderful concept.

I still don’t get why they decided to go for blood elves instead of a group of SC or some other high elf group.

It would have fit so well for Vereesa to call upon her sister who clearly has some understanding of the Void to go help out some of her soldiers or something that went missing investigating some sort of void research. Hell could have still used Darkhan’s stuff for it.

Regardless we’re here now and we’re not going anywhere. I hope Blizzard expands and explains some more down the line.

All of this. Like all of it entirely.

I suspect its just Emet on a burner account.



I’m not sure. People were upset about the decission back in TBC, but soon, people just learnt to adapt to the idea. Either way, it doesn’t matter now, and in the end, I’m happy that we have either Void Elves or Blood Elves to chose from in terms of High Elves, and both with the High Elf customizations, we’re able to pick who we want to be.

I hope so too.


this is EASILY rectified.



Sweet sweet delicious tasty filling lore.

And Void Capybaras. Those are non-negotiable.


Honestly, I don’t understand how some people prefer to want to gatekeep, such as the person who thinks Void Elves should be removed. People who enjoy them shouldn’t be punished because of some people are upset that they got Void Elves instead of High Elves.

I get it. They are not the Silver Covenant High Elves, but who cares anymore. Void Elves are here, people can customize them to be as a High Elf, and nothing is going to remove or change that. A huge majority of the High Elf community including myself are happy with what we got now, and while some are still being requested for more options, I think it is fair that we all respect others who want the Void options or the Void Elves in general.

If people are unhappy that we got Void Elves, there is nothing forcing them to play one. But people need to stop trying to ruin the enjoyment of others who do enjoy them, especially with comments also claiming them as a mistake. Void Elves aren’t a mistake. They were just poorly implemented because of the laziness of the writing.


Void Elves are a thing now. You can like them or hate them but you need to deal with it now.

They really need to get some lore because this race is pretty empty about their story.


Void. Capybaras.

They can even have the N’zoth eyes instead of oranges.