Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Flame cat would look grose… Unless they did costume art for Entropic Forms.

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They absolutely are not going to do anything special for EE. :frowning:
My DK changes her undies every time it procs, which is… fun.

It’s going to look really weird on 90% of the feral forms that don’t already have the outline glow, imho. Such as balance of power, pvp, and mage Tower skins respectively.

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I do think Entropic Embrace needs to be worked on, and customizable too. Because when the druids do get added for every race, including the Void Elves, some of the forms are going to look bad with EE proc’ing.


would be nice if there could be a toggle for its visual, i like the void aspect of void elves and thats how i usually customize them. but EE is so ugly


I know some argue that it needs to have a visual for it because it’s a buff, but not all abilities that proc have an effect like that.

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The visual effect is a bit of an eye sore, and does need to be worked on to suit the Void Elves better.

I did create a thread a long time ago for options on customizing the effect of Entropic Embrace, but people didn’t like that, and thought I was asking for the Void to be removed from Void Elves.


thats the frustrating aspect of this discussion. some people dont like how some just want to RP as high elves and the visual of EE still forces the void aspect regardless. its just an ugly visual, and at this point who cares


Blizzard’s initial statement in regards to customizations was to allow us to express who we want to be in game, and allow us to customize our characters the way we want too. Problem is, I don’t think they are keeping up with this statement. Take for example, the Dark Ranger customization: Skin and Eye colours are only locked together.

But with Entropic Embrace, how are we going to express ourselves if it procs like we’re Umbric’s followers who followed Umbric to the Void.


I like EE but I really do wish there were some options.

I know it can hurt some people’s eyes for instance and then there are folk who don’t deal with it well for their high elves and I don’t see why not help them out too.


If we’re really meant to be the arbiters of our toons at this point why don’t they just open it up.

And on the flip side of course we could see darker EE.

Think like when the forums messed up and some void elves had white eyes and pure black skin.

Or the starcursed effect.


I disagree. I love the visual effect to bits
Its a huge part of what makes void elves so appealing.

I hope the current version is never taken away from me.


I’d just like more options. Can keep the current one, it looks good with my spriest, could have a more pink one, could have one that looks more like Alleria’s, and then the option to not have it visually shown.


I wouldn’t expect or desire anything be taken away.

Just added to.

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Id be lying if i said i was for customisation of it.
But im not completely against it either.

Different degrees and versions of the void effect could be kinda cool.
Like the starcursed one fen mentioned could be good.

But i am against versions of it that does not reflect the void in any way.

Eh, we can agree to disagree about one that doesn’t have a visual effect.

I think if they did what they did to the priests glyph of shadow, then it would retain the void in void elves but not annoy anyone who wants to RP


That shows the degree of change the glyph makes now.

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I wouldn’t mind something like that too, but yeah I do want the option to not have it show. But I doubt blizz will change it in any way, but we can still hope.

It isn’t exactly what I mean, and I don’t want anything removed from anyone. My biggest fustration with how Entropic Embrace looks, is to how it almost looks like a SPriest Shadowform. And mind you, not blending well with some of the armor or transmog appearances as well.

This is something I want Blizzard to look at. To make the Void Form from Entropic Embrace more unique to the Void Elves, instead of making us look like a temporary Shadow Priest, and to make it work with all armor and transmog appearances.

Personally i dont think the visual effect looks anything like a shadow priest.
One is bright blurple, and the other is an obnoxious overpowering blob of deep purple gas.

Though i will say that when playing an unglyphed shadow priest, shadowform is so overpowering that i cant see if ee has proced or not.
(Using the above mentioned glyph it looks awesome though)

Red/Orange/Yellow mogs look particularly bad IMO.

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If they ever do add customization for Entropic Embrace, I hope they give us an option to make it look like Alleria’s void form.