Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I hate calling it a mistake. Its more that its under-utilized. We’ve had multiple times where the perspective of the Void Elves would have been neat and helpful whether that was with N’zoth, or during Zalarek Cavern or what have you.

While its nice to see a few new void elves with names in Dragonflight none of them do particularly much of note. It’d be nice to have a few new faces actually involved in some of the voidier sections of the game.

Still I agree. We need more lore. We need more stories. We need to see whats going on now, where some of the more important members came from and what we’re doing to secure out future.

I imagine this would be the easier of all the parts. Writing Umbric into his past as a Magister would probably be fairly simple. If he were just a member of the Magisters Counsel that supposedly exists he could easily have been mostly busy doing that until his forced departure. Perhaps with notes of him suggesting the Blood Elves seek out the powers of the Void to protect their home.

It would also be a good idea to have the Timeline on when the Void Elves were exiled be more directly spoken about. As it stands Blizzard has been extremely unclear on when it happened.

I’d also like to see more info on Instructor Duskwalker. I think as a clearly important teacher of new void elves its important to know more about him too.

This one would be nice to see. We know the whispers are more numerous now. It would be nice to see how the Void Elves are protecting themselves from this better and to see them establishing themselves on the Telogrus Rift as well as perhaps in few voidy areas of Azeroth to study and protect.

I’d love to see the Void Elves establish themselves on the five or so islands, keeping the main one as a sort of staging ground where an Inn exists and some general vendors and traders for those visiting along side a larger storehouse for their supplies from Stormwind.

The second island should be quarters for the Void Elves and their new recruits especially. Its here that I’d like to see the newly arrived High and Blood Elves congregate to learn more about the void as they take their first steps down a powerful but dangerous path. Add more trainers and instructors and expand it with teaching areas.

The third island should have its Void Storm contained and here should be where high and blood elves who have advanced enough to become void else (a choice not forced) undergo a new ritual to change them into void elves.

Its important that this ritual have them come out as both Allerian and Umbrician void elves and that Blizzard show some of them becoming a mix of the two. (randomize the customizations they end up with basically.)

The third island would also be where Umbric and the other leaders hold council and where void magisters and researchers congregate to advance the void elves knowledge.

The Fourth island I think should be for our Warriors, Rogues and paladins. A militant island where our blacksmiths toil at Void Crystal forges and anvils to build weapons of the Void Elves and prepare to support Stormwind in their military needs. An area where the fighters live and train and a storage motor pool where they store Void Elf Ballistae and other possible war machines.

The Fifth island should be a small voidified forest and field run by our druids, shaman and hunters where they keep and train our starcursed hawkstriders and dragonhawks. There should be a number of tameable starcursed versions of animals on this island for Umbral Rangers to use and collect and perhaps an area to buy some more starcursed mounts?

This would help also of course with the third point…

Of where the future leads. Knowing the Void Storm is how they make more but that its a choice is important. The Void Elves should not be a forced thing for those coming to learn. This also allows those of us who are focused more on the High Elf aspect to still play with the idea of learning from Void Elves and then going on as high elves still.

But there should be more. Umbric should speak of actively trying to defend against the void on Azeroth and exploring the Telogrus Rift, supposedly the dead corpse of the world where the World Soul Telogrus dwelled. There should be strands giving us a glimpse of the void elves looking towards their future both on and off of Azeroth.

There are many options and places we could go and many things we could be.

The doors are open to us. We need only walk through them.

:purple_heart: :octopus:


I’d love to see a story about a ren’dorei and a sin’dorei who were siblings torn apart by ideology. A short questline that could cover many things about these people as vehicles to tell the player the current political climate.

What are the sin’dorei’s true opinions about their void cursed cousins? How do the sin’dorei reconcile banishing the ren’dorei with their major belief in survival no matter the cost? Could that let us explore the lingering pain of Dar’khan’s betrayal and how that war still haunts them?

What did the ren’dorei do after their banishment? They have no holdings, their titles are void (huehuehue [if they had titles to begin with]), nothing to their name but Alleria’s word. Was the choice to sate themselves on void a personal, or familial thing? How do ren’dorei beat their chest for the Alliance when the Horde was their shelter for so many years? How to they make peace with meeting old allies on the battle field?

These are a lot of questions, but most could be explored by a couple of simple back and forths with two people with history between them.


Been a while since I upload any concepts on here! So I decided to finish this idea of a long hairstyle with a tentacle, braid and none toggle. Also with the jewelry and tentacle recolors I had previously made :smiley:






The more I see mockups of it the more I want to see properly done Tentacle and Tentacle no and braid options.

They fit so much better and really never liked Blizzard just leaving holes in place of the tentacles when you turn them off.


As long as the option for “nothing” still remains I am on board. Some hairstyles look great with no tentacles and nothing in their place. I get that some don’t look as good, but I just wanted to voice that I’d still like for the option of “nothing” to remain available.


I think that is fair.

More options is always (generally) better than less. I also don’t much like removing an option once it is there.

So an update to allow the No Tentacle option to remain, but also have a filled in option. A Tentacle option for all hairstyles and a braid option would be neat.


IMO it works well enough for most hairstyles, but I do wish they closed the geometry on those you can see the hole. A Tentacle/Braid/Nothing toggle would allow people to fix the length issue they have on some hairstyles, without really touching the base mesh, thus allowing for flexibility!


There are hairstyles for the ladies that have such a big, gaping bald spot without the tentacles. Others just have the hair cut off in odd ways. It was such a hack job that I just opt to forget the toggle exists.

Should have had braids or filled them out with more hair!


Honestly I feel far more lenient because I genuinely like they saw the opportunity for an easy QoL fix with the tentacle toggle and implemented it. Sure I would have liked a more in depth quality check, but I’m really glad they did it because they might as well not done it.

That being said, when (if?? :frowning: ) VE get another pass, the old hairstyles get the holes filled in. The issue with the missmatched length in some styles could be lessened with an additional braid toggle (maybe an additional hair strand option) but the base mesh kinda has to remain mostly the same so the toggles match.

Personally I find it easier to deal with the mismatched length because we have options, and it would be even better with more.


And finally a proper line-up for the Bayonetta 3 and Janella Deemspring inspired hairstyle!




These Hairstyles does remind me of the High Elf Hero from Warcraft 3.


Yup! as I said above it’s inspired by bayonetta 3 and Jenalla from War3 Reforged! When I was playing with the design of one of my VE’s, I just really liked the idea of a braided style like that with the tentacles running through it.


Kinda sorta update and Lore additons.

I’m not sure if this has been brought to everyone’s attention yet. But there is a VERY solid foundation for Thalassian Druids.

  1. in one of the OLD like way OLD games before WoW. High Elf druids essentially existed, via Runestone usage. But that game was mainly retconned during Vanilla and BC in a lot of other aspects.

  2. My fiancé who also loves these elves. Showed me something very interesting tonight. Thas’alah.

Thas’alah is a WORLD TREE within Quel’thelas. Apparently the High Elves first installed the Sunwell. The magic permeated the Forest. With the oldest tree absorbing the energy and growing massively. It’s branches greatly playing a part in what allowed the forst to be a perpetual spring.

This tree had significant importance to the High Elves as well. Namely it was so important and powerful, that the High Elves used it as the Anchor for their Runestones that protected them until Dar’Khan Drathir took the wards down.

Thas’dorah (Alleria Windrunner’s Bow we get in Legion) was made from a branch of the tree and empowered by soaking in the Sunwell.

So by all rights, these people have plenty of lore to use to be druids.

Unfortunately in game the tree is currently dead. Arthas chopped it down and the Deathholme Citadel cits on it’s stump.

But effectively the High Elves arguably still have every potential to have Druids in their society.


We do know the druids will eventually be added for both Void Elves and Blood Elves. It is just a matter of when.


Reminds me I have to get off hiatus and grind out honor levels for the nightmare skins. I just noticed today the bear model has exposed muscle tissue, so also a perfect fallback for Undead druids if they botch the racial ones. :dracthyr_love_animated:


I just can’t really get into playing a druid for some reason. Despite it has something for everyone, it is the one class that I just can’t even play. How ever, I’m happy that everyone will be able to get every class for there own fantasy. I’m still wanting a Void Elf Shaman, since I do like Shamans, and having a void themed shaman is something I want to really go for.


I’ve been an on and off druid main for years, so it’s like a warm blanket of nostalgia for me.

The REAL question is will Entropic Embrace touch your feral forms. With skins like the BoP disco bear having a glow outline that would look absolutely sick when it procs.


Ive decided to return to my priest.
So that staff is now all mine!!! (When it comes out)