Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

wow this months trading post is a doozy


Tomorrow I’m leaving Stormwind with exactly 5 tenders left in my pocket…


i gotta have frosty crown. and those full length gloves. and, i think the ethereal is a mobile transmogger.


It’s August Tomorow. Can’t wait.

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Tints would be amazing. A blue and silver version along with a violet and gold would slay.


Sadly, that’s not a staff. It’s an offhand. :sweat:

booo. lol woulda been cool staff

But, we are literally getting a cool staff /joking


Another thing with the Vulpera as paladin could be a loa so we could expand the Vulpera lore with this.


Maybe Xal’atath will come back in the future with something about the Void, it could be great to finally give some lore to the Void Elves. Don’t miss the opportunity to finally give them something.


Casting my vote for Blizz to lean INTO the Void aspect of Void Elves!

GIMME ALL THE STARCURSED! :eight_pointed_black_star: :purple_heart: :new_moon: :purple_heart: :eight_pointed_black_star:


Has there been anything saying the void beings experience pain?
The most recent thing I’ve seen is Turalyon experiencing pain if Alleria is in void form, nothing about her experiencing any.

When you consider a paladin is just a martial priest, they should have been paladins from the get go. A priestess of the moon should be a paladin.

I think arcane wielding nightborne paladins would be a cool option, but I’m also a fan of a large variety of cosmic powers to choose from and letting people switch to whatever they feel fits their character.

I’d still love to see horde Satyr with the nightmare themed druid forms.

I still think it’s odd how balance is so cosmic themed.

The audio book mentions how the pain hits both of them, after Alleria uses a large amount of Void Magic, should they touch.

But still, that doesn’t say a Void being can’t use light. Just that a strongly souped up Void creature would be in pain coming into contact with a highly souped up Light creature.

But realistically, our PCs don’t ever get access to channel vast amounts of Void Magic like a Void Rift that span the cosmos. So the potential scenario of say a Void Elf using so much light that it hurts them immensely is just not going to happen on the Player Character’s scale.


Gotta love the inconsistencies.
I remember the painful touch thing in that story, but the most recent says they can touch just fine unless she’s going void form, and it only said he felt pain, but that may have been due to it just being his viewpoint. Nice to know they can still be intimate though :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d really like a void based class. It’s something we are still lacking.

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I think it ran more like Faerinath says.

In that moment in the story Alleria had utilized a massive amount of the void energies to get them out and it reacted badly with the Lightforged Turalyon.

So for a bit there it was directly painful to the touch.

After we only hear that she and he can’t touch when she is using her void form specifically.

Light and Void can be used together but one must be careful in how much of both at the same time. I don’t think this is inconsistent. Its the entire basis for Discipline Priests.


I might be the only one - but I love this :slight_smile: My main Nelf hunter is wearing it right now. it glows blue with specific abilities too.

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Someone posted a picture of their elf wearing it on a discord I’m in and it looked really good.

They said they were a “Wild” Elf.


That is how I have interpreted mine as well. With the wild hair, too LOL

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Can’t wait to get it myself. See which of my elves it fits on best.

Really can’t wait for void elf pallys, shaman and druids.

Also blood elf druid and shaman…

I feel like I’m going to like it best on either a shaman or druid


Anyways, I think it is time we revive this thread with some more voidly support.

Though as I said to others, our lore is a mistake, because of it being lack-lusting. We need more lore! Something that explains:

  • The past: Life of everyone before becoming a Void Elf
  • The present: Basically, what are they doing now?
  • The future: Future Void Elves joining, etc.