Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I would settle for switching it void wings like the heritage armor popping off, i don’t care if it causes a 404 in PVPErs


Man I just want my void elf to look like an unspeakable horror with n’zoth eyes, fleshy skin covered in teeth, and some tentacle hair :pleading_face:


May I present to you Voidberg?


Still in Arathi, trying to do that one Bandage quest


Void elves should be able to be paladins and demon hunters now. I don’t care about “lore” as now the lightforged can be warlocks

They gave lore reasons for LF and normal wiggle goats, plenty of us still have a keen interest in the lore. I can’t wait, with both hype and concern, to see how they do VE Paladins. Thinking something like Duskblade or something, finding a balance in the Shadow and the Light.

Demon Hunters it’s a model/animation roadblock, they have unique animations on their models for their move sets (it’s why no other class can use Warglaives), plus their demon forms.

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I love that the Darkmoon Faire just rents out the fair grounds to nebulous organizations in the off seasons, maybe they can do a Void one and we can go grab a bunch of void cosmetics for races and classes next?


Aren’t void elf models just blood elves though

We’re growing closer to all races being all classes. New Paladins will likely be involved with Tyr. Void Elf Paladins specifically could revolve around the lifecycle of a Naaru.

We actually have a fairly decent chance for Demon Hunters given we share a model with Blood Elves, but there’s probably still some tweaks involved, as well as myriad of assets required to open the class up to all races, though with sharing a model we could possibly see the class sooner. DHs already have a couple of Void based glyphs.



But they would need to tweak them regardless and give them their own cosmetics.

If they didn’t and/or also didn’t give it to Nightborne or other races as well absolute unholy hell would be raised.

As much as I adore VEs the whole “let’s just flood them with Be stuff cause it easy who cares if no one else gets updates” is not a design philosophy I enjoy.

grumbles about no Nightborne Dark Rangers


Ohhhhhhh yeah yeah, I forgot about that.


I’m can’t stand male night elves model but hate the horde cities so I’m stuck playing a blood elf demon hunter. I’d prefer they at least open it up to void elves and nightborne (seems easiest to do) so I can PAY BLIZZARD for a race change. Just felt I needed to let them know

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Didn’t Alleria like “eat” a void Naaru? Imagine if Void Paladins were just a bunch of elves that took bits of Naaru and dipped it in void sauce


The darkmoon faire is totally already aligned with the old gods. No doubt about that :stuck_out_tongue:


Uh you do realize that Blood Knights get power by eating the corpse of another Naaru right?

(In a manner of speaking but still)

Yeah just dip that naaru in some Void flavored A1 sauce before consumption. Or marinade it? Hmmm dry aged Naaru covered in void sauce for 28 days. Served Medium Rare with a side of…I’m getting off track

I’m not understanding the tangent.

VOID elves already supply the Void part of the equation, a Naaru would supply some light.

Ok. So eat the naaru

Thalassic elves can only eat so many Naaru XD