Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

You and me both! I want ranger tattoos! But yes, tattoos in general for all races.


It feels more like the only priority given is to the top 1%. The rest are brushed to the side of the curb.

I mean, you look at Final Fantasy XIV, and look at how that treats there players, then look at how Blizzard treats there players, you can see the clear difference. What Blizzard needs to do is just prioritize everyone.

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thats only true on alliance. if you look at the list of customizations, nightborne and highmountain tauren are in the top 5 with nelfs, humans and dracthyr. and it seems unlikely that nightborne or hmt are top 1%. alliance allied races are in the last 10, cause alliance. hehe

I wasn’t talking about top 1% in terms of customization, but total playerbase.

Also, I disagree the customizations are more of Alliance or Horde bias this time, where I see Orcs and Humans being both towards the top of each other with the most customization options, though this is all based on my own opinion ofc.

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Personally i dont see any real value in the list of possible combinations as it doesnt necessarily reflect any substantial options.

Things like skin tones and hair are far more important than such things as what colour you can make earrings. Or even the existence of earrings.

Like, if you give void elves the option to change the colour of their underwear to 3 different shades, void elves move up 4 ranks.


There’s also the problem of customization options not being able to be used together. Void elf faces are duplicated to be used on both the blue and natural skin tones, but going just by the number it looks like they have more options than most.


Yeah im very confused about why they did that.
I assume it must have been some technical problem they couldnt find a work around for, but its very weird as theyre the same faces.


If I had to guess? It’s because the shadows under the eyes of the void skin is tied to the eyelashes somehow. So using a face for the void skin on the tan skin made it look like you haven’t slept in eight years -instead of just a bit flushed.


Yeah, one of my original thoughts was having some sort of intro quest where you’re a warrior that’s part of an assault group sieging some location through a void rift or some such, kinda like those legion invasions, but you’re captured. Site turns out to be where they’re making sentient weapons using these void creatures being unwillingly bound to create these weapons…as part of your escape you end up making contact and it binds to you bestowing abilities which you’re shown as the two of you, now one, make your escape.

Having it have extra info on the void and such would be pretty cool. Treating it as another character via whispers/voicelines etc would add a lot of cool flavor to the class as well.

So yeah, I’d be all for all that sort of stuff. I was kinda having fun seeing what sorts of things the AI image generators threw back when I’d type stuff in. Run out of tokens fast though.

As does the bit about Azshara showing up again having spent time beyond the umbral veil.
I’d still like playable naga too :frowning:


Now THAT is the true endgame. :fish:


same thing. hmt and nb are not the top 1% of the playerbase but they are in the top 5 for customizations. in fact, the actual most populated race (blood elves) is beat out by nelfs, humans, dracthyr, hmt, nb, goblins, lfd, tauren and trolls!


alliance allied races are mechagnomes, bottom 6, void elves, bottom 5, kul’tiran, bottom 4, dark iron, very bottom and lightforged draenei, who did pretty good in the top 8. of horde allied races, only vulpera is super low at bottom 2 and maghar at bottom 7. the rest of the horde allied races are in the top 5 or midrange. now you could argue that you mean the faction with the top population, but it doesnt appear to be race population based for horde, or blood elves would beat everybody. lol instead they are midrange.

so top 1% only applies to alliance, since our most populated races (humans and nelfs) are in the top 5, but not so for horde. instead horde’s allied races are in the top 5 and alliance’s allied races are at the bottom.

if you’ll notice the bottom half of the chart is mostly alliance races.

The reason they did that is the same reason we don’t have dyes in the game. Colors are not dynamically assigned to things in WoW, they are “baked in” to the textures. What that means is that there isn’t just one face texture that changes color based on selection. There’s a texture for each face, in each color. That’s why there’s 8 void skin faces, and 10 non-void skin faces. Blizzard never bothered to make void skin versions of the two faces Blood Elves had that Void Elves didn’t but got shared with Void Elves eventually.

The shading around the eyes is just part of each face texture in each color for the void skin tones. Basically the void skin faces are just the first 8 Blood Elf face textures recolored and with added shading in places. The same goes for the void skin body textures.

A good example of this are the Night Elf female skin textures that have the lip color “baked in” and so the lip color changes based on the skin color you pick.

It’s possible (and maybe even likely) that the master texture files have “layers” in them which might make it possible to separate the shading from the void skin tones and allow them to be used on top of the natural skin tones to create a hybrid look that fan made pics have sort of shown:

Kinda like the Nightborne glowy hands but more encompassing.


I figured as much. As for layering, I am not sure how they structure race assets. I’ve only been in the nitty gritty of the models and textures of FFXIV where you are smacked by the fact every race must have the same amount of features, and no more (like your cat can have it’s tail slider, but not the Hyur muscle slider. It’s the same “slot”).

Been curious if Blizzard set up their files in a similar way, and why customization is so few and far between. Now they’re fighting against what seemed like a tidy set up in the WoD clean up.


well this is the issue: void elves have no tats or markings on the face or body, no hair decorations or headresses, no necklaces, no bracelets, no face or jaw jewelry, and we have only the hairstyles we started with 5 years ago. blood elves launched with more customizations than we have, even after 5 years of customizations. its like they forgot we existed, other than to toss us stuff they are giving to everybody. and oh my gosh whats up with dark iron dwarfs?


It could be neat to bring in Xal’atath in at this point. Like because the adventurers released her on Azeroth she is now free to muck about in the machinations of the Void Lords. This time freeing those similar to her; strong powers with the void but imprisoned by their creators.

The Blade of the Black Empire was the first iteration of imprisoning a void entity or old god type power within a object, but they’ve sense expanded it to flesh and merging it with other sentient beings. The many samples taken by N’zoth and given to void lords to experiment with has been most beneficial.

Now with Xal’atath’s guise of returning to the void she is free to wreak havoc and release her kin to turn their powers against their would be masters.


“Oh! Lots of post! I wonder if there was news while I was gone! Oh…”

Stuff like this makes me want to quit my diet…

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I’ve been off and on the forums for a bit due to an imposed vacation, did we get any amusing VE memes/references out of the Grimace shake thing?

More seriously, I’m curious if the void infusion affects VEs appetite much, or what cuisine they may start rolling out, that isn’t just jokey-tentacle-gross out stuff.

Though if blizzard made a VE dish and it was just the Zelda style pixelated censor mystery dish that’d be pretty funny.


Yeah, but sounds like she’ll be popping up before long anyway since she may have made a bit of a cameo.

I like the idea though =]


I wish we had more portals in Telogrus, I’d like to hang out there more.

… or at least install a food court.