Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I can’t eat tomatoes either. Can drink coffee if it’s decaf. Some tea just not too often. I hate that my body hates some foods.

i havent isolated why tomatoes are a problem since they arent shelled. but i managed to isolate the cause of my shell allergies, a chemical found in the tendons that attach the food to the shell. makes sense since i have an autoimmune problem where my immune system attacks tendons in my body, where they attach to the joint bones. sadly, the treatment for it, is the very thing i’m allergic to lol yeah.

For me it’s the acid. It tears my stomach up.

i have handy dandy famotidine for acid reflux emergencies. same thing as pepcid. in the event i eat something with unrevealed nuts/tomatoes/shellfish/eggs. it does happen, like biting into a sandwich with mayonnaise (which has eggs). navigating food is …interesting.

Foolishly hopeful there will be something in a future patch for us.

The end of the mega dungeon and the leaked patches point to a good theme to include void elf story or customization. Then again we have had several of those since their inception, and they continue to not even mention us.


its because alliance races, other than nelfs and humans, are low priority. vulpera are likely suffering from the same thing as pandas - the artists appear to struggle with furry customizations.

The furry thing is so silly considering the people they have on staff. You would imagine a team with a rotating @DENFUR (et al) in their Twitter handles would have some sort of bias to execute.

have you seen the customizations list? vulpera are nearly at the bottom. worgen’s worgen form, also near the bottom. the very bottom are dark iron dwarfs. i dunno why.

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You were doing so well of late. Why try to start drama again?


If that’s how you feel that’s how you feel.

No anger here nor am I in denial. Blizzard either will or will not.

This threads point is to show what could be for the void and void elves specifically. And it will continue to do so to the best of my ability and time.

Now I want a snickers…

Love snickers. Great for test taking btw.

This would be wonderful!

Cannot agree more.

And they should be separate options that can be stacked… glares at worgens new scarred skin tone.

I think it’s around the corner. Now I’m not expecting a lot myself but I’m betting we’ll get some attention.


we’re so easy to please because we are so far behind on customizations, almost anything would be an improvement.


Remember how upset pro-high elf people got when people talked to them like this? It is amazing how it works both ways.

If you want Void looks, keep fighting for them.


Lol who made these numbers where’s the link because I have a hard time believing lightforged are that high up with as bad customizations they were given at all . They have way less then any of the races in wow I refuse to believe their numbers are that high .

best solutions are hairstyles and tats because those are the most requested by all void elves, whether void or helf. and honestly, i dunno if i can go another 5 years with just 2 helf hairstyles. at least my alts have more options (well if you dont count my new mechagnome, who only has like 7 haircolors and 9 hairstyles).

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WTB void sparkle sassy pigtails


Got to stop replying to the obvious attempt to derail the thread. I’m genuinely so tired of helf v velf v belf nonsense - it makes me not want to associate with the space.


Yupp so anyway back to wanting them to make sparkly void pigtails !


Ah obvious new hairstyle would be tied back tentacles, or wriggling locks. We have the options for peekaboo tentacles, no tentacles, but no full head of full cephalopodic horror.


shudder. eek.


Oooh so like void sparkle Medusa kek . I also want to see some void sparkle body tattoos .

It would be cool for them to do what they did with nightborne and make our hands glow with void sparkles and our feet .