Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Oh finally I could change characters. It was weird that I was locked on Turokan after deleting him like 3 months ago lmao.


bumping again for visibility ! we need more hair styles plz k thnx


We need more stories and lore for them now. Even with a patch on the void, they have still nothing.

Also I would like more hair styles for them too.


Yeah that’s the thing, it has been like… 7 years IN UNIVERSE!! and we’ve not gotten any new lore on Void Elves lmao. Every other AR had a strong enough foundation in the world, but VE started flimsy so they needed more build up, and they have yet to get it.


At this point I am thoroughly convinced that blizz hates void elves and that they were added just to try and pacify/shut down the high elf wanters. now we are getting punished with no representation in the lore and literally no customization other than porting over blood elf skin colours and half their hair colours (I emphasize half because why can’t we have them all?? why is light brown being gatekept??). Just look at all the updated nightborne and HM tauren customization compared to the 5 void elf options and the way they are frequently seen in the story now


Blizzard: We are going to make a race with no backstory before you recruit them and have no established connections to the faction aside from one character and we are going to make them completely focused on a specific cosmic force.

Us: You’re going to make them show up whenever that cosmic force does right?


Us: You’re going to make them show up whenever that cosmic force does right???


lol now if they were horde, they’d have 2 heritage sets, their own city with actual buildings, 2 leveling zones, and a flight point, feature for an entire expansion, would have 20+ hairstyles, demon hunters and paladins. hehe (they still pretty cool, tho)


That’s very wishful thinking.

They’d be just as ignored as we have been regardless of faction


I think a Void Knight class is definitely in the cards now with the Sarkareth fight. Old god stuff will stay with priests, but the cosmic void theme will be its own class. It will be like a true anti-paladin class, not like dks since they aren’t actually the opposite of holy like void is, but rather they are the opposite of life.

I’d go with something like:
Void Lord - Tank
Heavily armored, uses shields and 1h, enhances defense with shadow shields and barriers.

Entropy - Augmentation style dps support
Mid range for ally buffs, plate, 2h weapons, uses gravity magic like Admiral Fujitora in One Piece, black holes, implosions, bending/cutting space like Captain Yami on Black Clover, etc.

Ethereal - Healer
Uses the cosmic void to heal from range. With shadowmend gone from priests, this spec will pick up the theme of shadow healing and take it to the max.


While that would be cool I honestly think a class is the least likely thing to happen for this.

Its more likely they’d do the class skins in the end than it is they’ll add new classes for such types of fantasy. Its taken years for any class to be added and they’re normally only related to the expansion they’re dropped in.

I don’t know I just don’t see it as likely. I’d love it…

But I think I’d rather focus on getting Blizzard to see the benefits of Class Skins for all classes and not just Paladin or for only Void Elves.

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Probably also won’t see a new class added again until they finish up the base classes (excluding DH and Evoker) for all races.

Their timeline for adding the classes to all races is a lot faster than I ever expected. They’ve saved the most asset-heavy ones for the end: Shaman, Paladin, and Druid.

Pretty sure Druid is de-facto going to be the last added in.

It is finally coming to a head that Void Elves will get Paladins :slight_smile: and by that point I will be content with this long, round-about journey lol

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bumping BLIZZ PLZ GIMMIE these hair styles and void elf paladins plz k thnx


I’d love to see a void themed class.
I tend to gravitate towards the idea of a void knight, but maybe they could go a shaman route and have some melee as well as ranged specs.
With 8.3, there sure were a lot of great void themed abilities that could be rolled into a class, as well as some of the newer stuff in Aberrus.
When the dracthyr were announced, I thought it was kinda funny as they were basically what I had been thinking would make a cool void class…well their framework.
A humanoid form that would then turn into an armored aberration when going into combat. Sorta like Marvel’s Venom. Both forms having a bunch of customizaton. Maybe even some different body shapes to choose from. Could even go the same route as having the character bound with some void creature that gives the abilities/powers/form. A lot of these themes are already in the game.
Could have it comment/talk to the player via whispers and such as the Xal’atath blade did.

I thought it might be fun to find some sort of AI image generator to create some images. Few minutes gave me these and I’m kinda digging it. (click for album)

I wouldn’t mind this either. I quite liked the concept and have been wanting to play a naga for a while.
I wonder what a naga void knight would be like, that sounds cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes please.

I think I’d rather have a typical dps melee spec than a healer. What’d be even cooler is just throw 4 specs in there :stuck_out_tongue:
I’d like to see the same done with Necromancer, but it’s looking pretty bleak on those being added.


I’ve started a “WoW project” for myself where I’m gonna level a void elf of each spec because I’m crazy like that. I hope they add some more customization soon, so all my characters can look different :sunglasses: :+1:

Also, does anyone have some good words to use in their names? I’m on an RP realm and I’m naming them all what I consider their last name. I have a lot of Somber___, some Umbra___, Onyx___, Grim___, and Gloom____.

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I really appreciate the heritage armor & weapon items. The current set looks great but when trying transmog weapons or make a caster robe set, nothing in game really matches the set.


bumping again cuz we def need more hair styles also give us void elf paladins and also give us pigtails k thnx


They didn’t even have an established connection to the faction they actually came from, they didn’t even exist till they shoved void onto Alleria for whatever story they eventually plan on doing with that aside from showing up in a one-time event for one patch.

Easily the laziest race blizzard has made.

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They deserve a Second Heritage option that’s a robe. They also deserve to have those Void Elf weapons that have been around since BFA to come out.

TECHNICALLY to be fair, they do. In the scenarios for Nightborne and Void Elf.

We learn that Silvermoon is accepting/welcoming of ANY High Elf or Blood Elf, which will track later on in the Rift.

Then take the OG Blood Elven lore, where Dar’khan Drathir falls to void magic and temptation, which is ultimately how Arthas gets in to destroy Quel’tehals, as Dar’khan is the one who disables the runestones to allow for it to happen.

Due to Dar’khan’s betrayal, Magister Rommath outlaws extensive study into Shadow and the Void, citing Dar’khan’s fall as the main threat it could pose to their people. Threatening to banish ANY who chose to delve too deeply into the Void/Shadow.

Magister Umbric, being a Thalassian Elf (Arrogant, Vain, and Stubborn as Hell). Decides you know what? Screw Rommath, “I do what I want” in a kind of Eric Cartman fashion.

Umbric then gathers his closest colleagues and most loyal students(Mostly Blood Elves, but some High Elves based on the context), and continues to study the Void in the Ghostlands.

^^That all is the Lore tie-in to the Blood Elf race. Which is a pretty solid foundation honestly.

It’s clear that they plan 2 - 3 expansions out. Alleria is designed to be using the new Cosmic Void, not the Old Gods Shadow Void. We see our first bit of Cosmic Void in Abberus with Sarkareth.

You can tell this based on how Alleria and other Void Elves look in Entropic Embrace, compared to Shadow Priests’ Shadow form. The VE color is a DEEP Blue with Purple Accents.

Also, Alleria having traveled the Stars makes sense that it would be Cosmic Void.

Alleria becoming Shadow based, is a Foil to Sylvanas who is all Death Based. But it also helps set up internal Alliance Conflict between her and her husband Turalyon, the first and so far only Lightforged Human. Listen to the Audio Book if you haven’t, it’s a GREAT read/listen.

11.0 - 13.0 somewhere in there we will get a large amount of Ethereal and Cosmic Void Presence. So Void Elves will likely take center stage. Given Locus Walker is teaching the Void Elves how NOT to be insane, and even new High Elves and the like are coming to the Rift in order to learn how to be an Alleria like Void Elf, instead of a fully Evolved/Mutated one.

It is is infuriating that we only got like 1 super small area with Lore for the Void Elves so far in BFA, and the ONE line of Dialogue where the Blood Elves seem to despise the Void Elves.

ALSO, I’m not sure if this last bit is TRUE or just RUMOR, but apparently there are talks/data about how in the Hearthstone AU, Telogrus (the planet/area that becomes Telogrus Rift) is a Titan. So more Void Elf stuff could come of that.

Like we needs it, but on the brightside they’ve at least T-ed it up.

Old Gods I wish.


I would appreciate it a lot if we got a silver or gunmetal version of the heritage armor. Gold is very blood elf, in my opinion, and also doesn’t exactly fit the motif as well as it should. It is the only heritage set I have never used a piece from, which is a shame when the design is otherwise well put together.