Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

what the heck is that?

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I kinda pity y’all. You want Void but you’ll never get it as Blizzard backstepped and rushed to give the Void Elves non-Void looks as the blueberry look was that unpopular. Had Blizzard just released High Elves then there would have been hope for y’all. Since Blizzard hasn’t, it means that Void Elves will never get anything.

The denial some of y’all got going on is pretty sad.

One day maybe some of y’all will wise up and realize that adding High Elves as their own playable race will end up giving you what you want for Void Elves.

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they arent skimping on void elves because of high elves. they are skimping on void elves cause they are an alliance race. i mentioned this earlier. if you arent human or night elf, the devs dont seem to be that interested.

No. They are skimping on them because the Void Elf concept was severely unpopular and Blizzard was too petty to just add High Elves. Instead, they butchered the Void Elves and killed any chances of them getting the Void themes they deserved after Blizzard jammed “pretty” Blood Elf looks onto them.

Blizzard, of course, still doesn’t understand why this didn’t make High Elf fans happy and why Void Elf fans aren’t praising them for it.

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it wasnt severly unpopular - that would be female kul’tirans. they just werent as popular as they could’ve been.

Yes, it was severely unpopular. They had no lore, no build up, and High Elf fans felt betrayed and slighted since all the things they said were reasons to not add in High Elves were even more severe against Void Elves. Then the lore made the Void Elves a bunch of exiled Blood Elves. Blizzard easily could have made the Void Elves the High Elves that went through the Dark Portal alongside Alleria or had them be an expedition of Silver Covernant High Elves who ended up getting tainted by the Void while on Argus.

No. Blizzard hates their High Elf fans that much that they didn’t even do that.

Blizzard rushing to let Void Elves not be blueberries was entirely damage control over how badly they messed up with Void Elves.

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well even with all the reasons you list against void elves, female kul’tirans and in some cases, mechagnomes, were even less popular. i view the blueberry void elves as a niche race - they fulfill the goth/emo slot. of course, that will appeal to people who like that theme such as fenelon, who would like them to be even more goth and grotesque. some people feel the alliance was in dire need of a monster race and void elves almost almost, fit that.

i’m just glad the devs threw us helfers a bone.


Don’t feed the trolls.

Emet is a disingenuous lying fool looking to get a rise out of you. Even playing back with him doesn’t amount to anything of value.

Also to be fair Blizzard is barely working on any race these days. And personally I hope they leave night elf stories alone for a very long time. They only ever ruin them more.

While I am amused and interested in some more… exceptionally out there concepts… I would say I’m mostly only interested in tattoos/warpaint, obsidian skin tones, starcursed hair options and generally more hair options, as well as the half natural half blue skin tones personally.

The rest are just things I’ve seen requested. (Fenelon though does have four tentacles hidden on his back and a mouth in his stomach that disenchants) I don’t expect the more grotesque items to happen really.

And honestly most of what Void Elves have is useable for High Elves. Just slap on the natural skin tone and turn off tentacles and you’re pretty well set.

Sure there could be some other things but on the whole its a great option for playing what you want to. (Not saying you shouldn’t request what you want mind)


dark elves. drow. we need like true cotton candy pink, eyes and hair. would look great with obsidian skin


This. ^^^

Honestly I’m surprised this isn’t the path blizzard is going.

Not sure how to say this without sounding negative… It feels like… They’re adding a lot of void elves recently into Alliance race pools in places a high elf might make more sense? Like void elves need more lore and I expect them with Alliance races but they’re being used a lot when there should be few in number with no real explanation.

It’s like blizzard is trying to tell a bunch of void elf story just by having them be there… But it tells us nothing.

Showing us Alliance high elves and void elves interacting would go a long ways to making a good story to go along with void elves customizations representing high elves as well.

Even better if it’s the SC and the Highvale groups. Expand the narrative a tad.

I’d love it if they just did an update to all existing racial capitals… Though… Few issues with two or so races on that front…


That would be fun. Really expanding a bit of understanding on the push and pull.

I still want void and light to be distinct but there is something there.

We need a lot more fleshing out.

And they don’t need to reach super far for that either.

I don’t see it as drow, distinctly different elf to me, but yeah we really could do with those options. They’re neat options after all.



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Spoiler Potential


Wanted to talk about this a bit in general.

I hope when they do finally bring paladins to all races they don’t just make it all “human paladin Light” themed. Let each Culture take from the Silver Hand like the Sunwalkers took from the Argent Crusade and apply their own cultural tint to it.

Don’t devalue the cultures just to do something easy… otherwise there was no point waiting to add all classes bit by bit like they’ve done. Cause this doesn’t count as lore to support the induction of more paladin classes across all races.

Which Blizzard said is a goal in adding a new class to each race.

Also I still hope they give players a void skin. It would be really badass.

I don’t honestly think they will at this point but I still want it and I will still be requesting it… Now I know its unlikely actually I might finally add a class section to this thread…


Oh it’s basically an overlay, like how tattoo’s work: so if you put that over a regular skin texture you’d get this:


Indeed, it felt specially poignant in BfA with the 7th Legion Mages. Besides kinda taking HE’s place as the generic mages -which was always spotty- not much has been done with VE’s as part of the alliance forces.

We’ve really had very little in the way of VE’s as part of the alliance in DF or even regarding their own cultural context. Besides the Spelunker, Kavia, and some Timewalker NPC’s, not much at all.

I really wish DF had at least taken the time to show a VE and a HE hanging out together somewhere.

I really think the best case scenario for VE and HE is to move their stories forward together, joining their strengths and covering their narrative weak spots.

It’s just weird to believe there would ever be a place for Draenei Warlocks in the Exodar or the Vindicaar lol.

Yeah, at least it would allow to explore such things without having to impact the gameplay.


I am not gonna lie giving void elves “normal” skin tones and eyes did nothing for me. I have one that’s a shadow priest, she has the purple eyes (the ones with actual pupils) and one of the blue-gray skin tones. It makes sense and I don’t hate it. I did have her in “normal” skin and blue eyes for a minute (when I wasn’t playing her, go figure) but I found it all looked hideous on the character select screen.

I’d really like to see more hair styles, mostly. There is one (I believe it is “scandal,” the longish one) that I like and the rest are horrid imo. I might also take this time to mention that those hair styles don’t seem to go well with “normal” tones either, but maybe that’s just because I was playing them out of the gate and got used to them as they originally were.

Yeah it really just feels like they’re used to replace rather than fill their own place, using the void, within the Alliance.

It feels like a waste. Why make Void Elves when you’re just going to use them like High Elves? Gives us our flavor!

This is what I expected going forward but here we are getting next to nothing. :frowning:

Aye thats fair. If they do that update to every capital I want the Warlocks of the Exodar to be outside in their own “hidden” cloister.

Absolutely and there is a lot of good reason to do that. If only for ease of understanding and use of those components.


At the end of the day, we just gotta play with what we can and curently have. And truthfully, it’s good enough. But more accessibility for both void/high could be great. Like regular hairstyles unique for Void Elf race without being wet is another thing.

Though I’d love some story on how a void and light can mix together to make a race stronger too. without void being hurt by light and light being hurt by void.

That’s one of the sadder things about WoW, I’ve been waiting for over 10 years now, to get some updates or story with the BE Magisters. I’m sure every race has at least one organization that was introduced, but then afterwards not much happened. They are much better in making new ones it seems. But hope never dies : )


I think they didn’t do that in the end because they turned Blood Elves back into High Elves. For the devs, the BE are the HE just in their newest form. So they had to come up with something else they could give to players who want to play High Elves on the Alliance side. I pretty much also would have preferred if they kept the BE closer to the darker, magic vampires they were at the start, and used the Silver Covenant as a base for HE on the Alliance side.

But who knows if that choice/story would have been better than what we got in the end. VE are as a concept pretty interesting, they could give them a more distinct style, separated from the BE (which would have been more difficult with the HE), and who knows with all the void stuff coming up, they might be a bit in the spot light in the future.

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I actually really liked the introduction of the void elves and thought it was a fun and solid foundation for them to build upon. They started off really strong.

Even in the start of bfa they were being put to use and showing their worth.
But it quickly went down hill.

We know they’re recruiting new members into their ranks. How this works has been left a total mystery.
Weve had void stories and the void elves had no presence.
Void elves got undead customisation with no explanation as to what theyre meant to represent.

Void elves are a really awesome race. But there are so many questions about them that Blizzard seemingly refuse to answer.


That is actually the biggest question though, who really are the Void Elves. Because even going back to their introduction, it still raises this question, considering we haven’t even heard of Magister Umbric until the introduction of the Void Elves.

Like I said, I’m not disappointed that we got them, I am just disappointed with how Blizzard has treated them. Patch 8.3, this would’ve been a perfect patch to help expand upon with the Void Elves and explain them more, but still left out in the dark.