Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

i still want those hair styles and body jewelry and heritage armor weapons we never got and oh void elf paladins .


You are confused.

Blizzard making HEs means that they can stop pushing HEs on VEs and actually develop VEs for VEs.


Better to just leave Emet alone. They have their opinions but their interest is in getting responses so they can fight.

I’m weary of the drama and its unneeded at this point. A lot of the high elf request is here and anything else they get is for them to request on their own time. Heck we got Dark Ranger things which many use for San’layn as well.

We can all enjoy void elves and not give in to those who only wish to bring us down.


I think given all we’ve seen paladin will come along in time.

I do still hope to see a void skin for it, though as an option and not to restrict people and their ability to play what they want to play.


this is true hence the other thread where he complained about my tmog as a response to me saying well its not my fault he couldn’t make a tshirt mog work like its subjective . and because my tmog shows legs and he threw a hissy fit . It seems like he just likes to start fights . But now reading some of his responses in this thread its clear he just wants attention .

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this so much im more infavor of it being called rift warden or something as a spec or something . Instead of light of dawn it could be called void mist or something else and have it be all void fog or something .

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Honestly I can’t take seriously the opinion that if a race is currently underdeveloped, splitting into two, thus needing more dev resources, will fix them lmao.

It’s just so baffling I’m slightly fascinated. I wanna put him on a petri dish under the microscope.

I feel Warlock was the last class that could be made to work without the need for Class Skins, but Paladin really needs a lore expansion to make sense for several races.

And not just VE and Undead as usually we talk about, but also Orcs; they could make so much more sense as a representation of the Shadomoon mysticism. I think many of the AU Shadowmoon NPC’s could be translated into the “Paladin” gameplay archetype. Many of them used the void in a physical offensive manner.


I wouldn’t mind it as a spec either as long as its available to everyone. I do love the idea of changing out the abilities name for thematics though.

This is where I lose any hope for people getting their separate high elves. It doesn’t make a lot of sense for Blizzard to do it now that they’ve put so much of it into Void Elves.

Many will be upset about that but many many more are very happy right now it seems… I wish there was a way to make everyone happy but apparently no matter how its sliced someone will be unhappy.

They’re very dedicated to the bit. I do find it fascinating as well but much like you’re not supposed to feed the chipmunks at the Grand Canyon, I find feeding the Emet of the Forums leads only to frustrating needless fights. lol

Warlocks really could have been added at any time in the same way and reasoning that rogue could have been…

Every race has its outliers and its people willing to do anything for power. Whether they were accepted members of society would have been a wonderful course for Blizzard to explore over the years though for many cultures…

Imagine Draenei warlocks from the beginning but you have to find your trainer hidden on the Azuremyst Isle cause they were rejected by their people?

I still think LFD could have used their own skin for warlock though. could have been awesome to have a light skin. lol

I do agree for many races there is an excellent chance to expand the lore. Void Elves and Rift Blades, Forsaken and the Church of Forgotten Shadows, Orcs and the Shadowmoon Reavers.

There are so many possibilities!

Blizzard, the door is open to you, you need only walk through it.
:purple_heart: :octopus:


Yea he’s just only making pro high elf fans look bad hoenstly.


Pretty much! I’m very much a High Elfer, but I can’t get on board with the idea they need to be their own Allied Race. As long as we have this current system, we missed the boat. The most that can be done from a High Elf perspective is to introduce them as part of the Void Elf narrative going forward; in much the same way, so many issues of the bare-bones nature of Void Elves can be fixed if they lean more on the elves that already exist on the alliance. It’s never not going to be baffling the way they went about VE when Alleria, the OG, gave them such a strong start by making the most iconic Alliance High Elf a Void user.

Still baffling. But I do think there’s a way forward that uses VE and HE together to actually form a new, stronger identity for alliance thalassians.

AR High Elves are a pipe dream, and I really prefer to see VE and HE moving on together, much the same way Worgen and non Worgen Gilneans are.

There are some kinks in the implementation that I wish had more nuance. Say, I don’t think a NE or Draenei should be able to start on their Racial Starting area. These combos only make sense chronologically well after when they happen canonically. Maybe after a revamp it could make more sense. But a Warlock in Azuremyst or Teldrassil would be thrown in jail, at best bhaha. Maybe if canonically we are hidden and just pretending to be, IDK, fire mages XD.

And LFD warlocks shouldn’t be able to start in the Xenedar lol.

Outliers do exist, and I am so happy we get to get that immersion, but I do wish the cultural concept was taken into account when implementing this.

The void does INDEED offer many possibilities. Honestly I think there’s just such an opportunity to explore the cycle of light and void through paladins and priests, both gameplay and in universe. It could expand our understanding of void users so much more. I just think that the idea were a Shadowmoon Voidaxe is just using the same understanding, but inverted, to a Ret Paladin, is so compelling.

In truth, every group has its crazies. He’s not the first one that has shown up, l won’t be the last. It’s the way it is.


they have the time and resources. all i have to do is point to dracthyr, who have so much customization its silly good. they arent neglecting void elves due to high elf requests. /points dracthyr. hehe. they’re neglecting void elves cause they arent terribly interested in the alliance,/points dracthyr, unless its humans or night elves. think about it. gnomes still dont have their own city or flight point and theyve been playable since vanilla. lol they cant even use the excuse that gnomes are an allied race. they are original wow.

for example, gnomes primary competitors are horde goblins. goblins were introduced 2 expacs after gnomes, and have their own city and a flight point. gnomes are stuck in an isolated corner of gnomeregan and have to run to ironforge to get a flight point. and thats upgraded from when they just started with dwarves. lol

so i’m with emet on helfs being playable but not because velfs are neglected, cuz that just goes with being alliance.


everquest had gnome necromancers. they lived somewhat near to two elven races that did not like necros. you couldnt be a wood or high elf necromancer. and chances are you would be kill on sight by elven guards or at the very least unable to vendor or bank in their cities. but as a gnome necro, you could grind rep with those elven factions and earn full access to their quests, banks and merchants.

the forests were peppered with faery npcs who had their own rep and necros were not on the good list. every fae would try to kill gnome necros. could be quite challenging as some fae were much higher level and nuke necros from orbit lol in the newbie zone. i made a gnome necro and as i made my way to the elven zone to begin the rep grind, a shiny white unicorn (fae faction) emerged from the woods and …well, you know what happened next.

but gnome necros had it easy compared to iksar (lizard race) necros, who had such bad faction, they just gave up and turned elven cities into their own personal dungeon camps

did the hunter void elf finally take a nap already? lol that guy. i feel bad for him bc yeah the void elves arent the best at all and i have saw even better alternatives for alliance that arent “high elf” but lol.

if you really wanna be a high elf and you want to split the hairs as small as you can go…it’s just being a blood elf lol. we are no different than what happened pre-scourge. it’s just quite strange that you can look up on the wiki, the first paragraph says they changed their name and people are still playing on semantics. if anything the void elves are less high elf than anything because they did all this void junk and are balding and got the pally privileges taken away. i mean losing a class alone is just tragic.

he just wont be honest and say he hates the void elf lore and what he got.

i will in his stead. i wanted an old-fashioned, core fantasy, high elf, a goody two shoes with pointy ears and svelte anatomy, on alliance. woodsy, but cultivated. less critter elf (night elves) and more bookish elf (blood elf). what i got was crazy lady from the nth dimension lol she’s almost there now but it was rough when she started with dark circles under her eyes and looked as if she had been found sopping wet, and blue from cold in a frigid swamp, like a freezing, drenched , lost puppy.

I mean honestly this isn’t the crazy 2018 faction war insanely anymore. Yet even after 4 to 5 years there’s still people talking about Actually Pure High Elves on the Alliance when that ship much like with the others is completely gone.

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nah, just high elves would be fine. lol

Honestly, and in my own honest opinion, I am disappointed that we never got the Alliance High Elves that we actually wanted. I was sort of hoping like from the Silver Covenant, but we didn’t.

Now, I am not disappointed we got Void Elves, but I am disappointed how Blizzard has treated the Void Elves. How they were pulled out of nowhere. How the lore for them makes absolutely no sense, and how we still got no lore to move forward with them.


I want my dolly to look pretty too!

but you already do. :smile:


I do think you’re erring on the other side tho. It’s evident that most people that want Alliance High Elves want them to be on the Alliance- evidently.

That’s the thing with High Elves, the ones that still call themselves such, is that they have a story with the Alliance going as far as the second war. What people want is a continuation of that story, of the ones that never left and always remained a part of the Alliance.

So of course a Blood Elf that’s on the Horde will never fulfill that fantasy. I do think it’s unlikely HE’s will ever be playable, I just wish that Void Elves actually addressed with more depth the fact that HE’s are already on the alliance, and what it could mean for them as kin going forward.

Like, it’s a bummer that we get to see this awesome kinship between Nightborne and Blood Elves, I wish we got to see something as deep as that between Void Elves and High Elves.

That’s the thing that bothers me at the end. The Alliance already had a population of High Elves, all it was needed was to make them playable, so the way they decided to give VE instead to the Alliance was just so baffling.

It was an even smaller group so it didn’t even address the population issue. If they wanted to give us Void Elves, they should at least made more sense and have them be simply Alliance High Elves that decided to follow into Alleria’s -The most iconic Alliance High Elf- steps.


Nightmare fuel :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: