Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I can confirm that the weird “behind the ear” bug is still affecting both VEs and BEs, at least on my client.


Very curious that its gone on mine…

Graphics card hijinks maybe? Only effecting some types over others?

I’ve never seen it on the BE model and I woulda noticed. That isn’t to say it’s not happening just not happening to me.

So the issue seems to be already inconsistent there. As I really thought it was a VE specific bug.

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Oh yeah, for me it has been there since SL launched, on both the VE and BE model.

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That face when someone finally made a thread in the CC forums that linked to our actual Customization Threads but then someone comes along and someone comes along and says that one was already made and links to that one thread that was just the OPs ideas… /rant

I still think these are nice.

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There’s some similar bugginess on the female night elf.
Make her bald, and remove facial markings and such to make it easiest to see.
Skins colors 13 and 14 have these weird circles around the ears and the left side of the head that are miscolored.
It’s more subtle on 14, but still there.

On the hair tentacles, has it been suggested to have different textures/skins and colors?

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really huh I didn’t get the issue until dragonflight and only on VEs but I don’t like it

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What bothers me the most about it is because of how the Forums are designed that means that as old CC members move out and new ones move in, trying to keep it all in one singular thread will invariably lead to less effective Main posts. The outgoing CC members either aren’t going to probably maintain them and probably can’t even if they wanted to once they lose the CC status.

Valuable information will be lost within those threads over time and newer updated threads in the GD or elsewhere will be overlooked because they weren’t around or were missed when the original thread was made.

I think the CC shouldn’t be restrained in making extra threads at least after the original poster of the initial thread has left the position.

Still I think Blizzard is aware of my thread so I’m fairly sure they know of the requests shown within this customization thread and are well aware between here and twitter that people are clamoring for these sorts of additions.

It is one of my greatest desires to have the tentacle toggle finished out where it applies to all hairstyles and doesn’t leave half finished holes. Whether thats just more hair in the place of the hole or braids or what have you… they need to be filled and tentacles need to be added to the styles that do not have them.

And of course, ALL future hairstyles should be made with a tentacle toggle in mind.

Luoren shows this off nicely.

Where the tentacle isn’t so a part of the hairstyle that it causes holes when removed.

This I didn’t know about! I’ll check that out.


Additional colorations is a long standing request for void elf tentacles. Texture is less common but has still been suggested before.

Now that I know its showing up intermittently between machines on the same patch and such I’m betting its literally just a random graphical glitch and not something to do with Blizzard working on things in the background.


I’m wondering if it persists into game and shows up on character or if it is character creation only…

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All very good points.

Here’s hoping.

Should have been like that from the start.

Some of the best art on the subject IMO

It was one of the first request when the first customization pass started if I remember correctly.

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It’s so weird, I thought it was a model bug caused by some faces being flipped by mistake during an update, which happens, but the fact that it’s different for different people has me ??

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my guess is its how different graphics cards handle textures and fx.

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I’d love an even bluer skintone, and perhaps a funky hand effect similar to Nightborne.

Yeah I know it’s Nightborne’s thing, but they didn’t even manage to do a very good job with that so why not smear the crap around to our Void Elves as well?

Oh I’d also love a more distinct red hair colour. The current one is a little washed out, and I want my Mytique fantasy.

EDIT: Oh and jewelry please. But not the same jewlery that Blood Elves have. Something unique with red, purple and blue inset crystalwork.


Glowing violet hands


As a massive fan of the Falling Tear hairstyle (I swear I’ll start posting on my void elf one of these days), I’m definitely all about this.

Or even have a little tentacle just poking out of the end of the ponytail, less intricate, and it implies that they’re disguising one huge long tentacle with the ponytail.

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Update: The bug appears to be fixed for all my elves.


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Back when it was affecting my void elves it appeared in game as well at character creation.

I agree. Their efforts are a massive boon to the Void Elves.

Aye, it was one of the earliest ones on my lists.

I can only guess that it must have been a native to the client side error between wow and some graphics drivers?

Not really sure otherwise what would cause it to be intermittent and only effect a few.


We could definitely use more tints for the void aspect!

These are among my favorites by Silverleaf but some bluer ones would be amazing as well!

I can honestly see that glow effect used for several races, including void elves, without much fuss.

The Nightborne do however deserve a lot of it and more color options. Theirs should be a centerpiece given their the originators of it.

I’d love to see more tints for the void elf colorations as well as for the natural hair colors… though I just like having more varying tints in general. Really applies to most races for me. lol

I’m sure we’ll get jewelry down the line. Seems an easy way to plump up some races options.

Not my favorite but I bet Blizzard will do it.

I actually really like this idea… >.>

Yeah, it used to be on mine but then just disappeared.


Honestly? I think this was a bug on the model, but the issue is that we didn’t realize when it was actually fixed lmao.

I need this title so bad


I know right?

Very nice title for any void minded folk.

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