Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I wonder how much mythic raid boss kills go for XD

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Dark Elf looks would also look nice on void elves.

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Considering the Emerald Nightmare also originates from the Void and Old gods, has anybody suggested some Nightmare looking customizations? giant reddish/Void purple antlers, corrupted plant arms/legs, red vines, etc etc…

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They have, normally in reference to the druid class additions, though some just want to see it in general.


Recently the forums has had a bit of an update I noticed and it appears that while my main post survived this update for me the pictures are all in large format.

Very interesting. I get the impression its still being worked on… Might do some editing later to try to make things look a little nicer again.


Just a general reminder of some of the more common things folk would like to see for void elves!

Skin tones!

Both in general and some more interesting concepts like EE all the time!

More hairstyles and tentacle toggle available to all styles!


More eye colors and options!

And many many more!


I have the impression that blizzard will only add new hair, skin or eye colors during DF…:disappointed_relieved:


I would love to see Jill Valentines’s Hair for Void Elf Females.

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Probably so but it’s still good to remind them that there is more people want.

Since you’re here I thought I’d repost what you posted in the paladins thread.

Seems blizzard is still working all classes for all races, reiterating that it will still take some time for lore and animations.

I find this to be good news for void elves getting some neat void options!

Don’t see why not.



Oh BTW something it’s not on the OP about these, is that the idea is to add the “voided” parts as a “tattoo” rather than a new skin tone, that way it works for every skin tone.



Thats not a bad idea.

Now I think on it they could set it as not the tattoo options but as a additional option in general.

So like lets say there was Warpaint, Tattoo and Encroachment as options that all do an overlay like that.

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Oh yeah, I’m talking about the implementation! So it would basically work like any sort of tattoo/warpaints/scales/markings/etc that are overlaid on a base skin, rather than making this sort of “void encroachment” Skins of their own.

That way with a couple of colors you have all the possible combinations with the 16 BE skin tones.

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Boop. Coming in and saying hello and maybe some interesting discussion about Void Elves.

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That would give quite the range of options and would be so wonderful!

If they had the Obsidian skin tone and the void creep blue plus tattoos I’d have quite the look to Fenelon.

Have any entertaining headcanons you want to share?

Right now I’m rather interested in the concept of how Void Elves react to and are reacted to by high elves of the various small factions of them and how blood elves and their various factions see them.

Been trying to figure on how each of my own void elves (and high elves) and my blood elves all see one another exactly. Both from the standpoint of the overall racial identities and factions and on personal levels.

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So it appears that Warlock will soon be available to every race, even those with deep reservations about it.

Once again Blizzard is keeping with the aforementioned all classes all races despite what some folk believe.

Paladins, Shaman, Druids and Demon Hunters will undoubtably take more time for everyone to get but it does appear it is only a matter of time.

So… I can only surmise that Void Elves will eventually get Paladin, Shaman and Demon Hunter.

Warlocks will be a good test case to see if they keep with adding appropriate lore for each individual race in areas like where the class trainers end up. Draenei, LFD, Night Elves and Mag’har have particular issues with the Fel and it will be interesting to see how they react to being able to be Warlocks.

If Blizzard does something interesting with those races lore regarding it, it would suggest they’ll do the same for Void Elves with Paladins. If not then we’ll probably just have to live with it being more representative of high elves, with no nod to the void elves.

Though not all hope for a voidy paladin is lost with such an outcome.

They can easily add options down the line through glyphs or perhaps even an entire game feature.

Interested to see what happens the next few patches.

Speaking of I used to think that we wouldn’t see Paladin or shaman or Druid until after Dragonflight and I think that could still be true but they’ve been consistent so far adding them in these patches somewhat. May be we see at least one of them considerably earlier.

Many doors are open to us. Blizzard needs only let us walk through them.

:purple_heart: :octopus:


Can’t wait for more velf classes! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


this would be awesome.


Twas me! :purple_heart::hugs:

It was very much a reference to the Voidstrider.

It was also in reference to my ideal end result of a Void Elves Void exposure, akin to both the Ethereals goal for transforming Umbrics group, as well as High Astromancer Solarions transformation into a Void God, but only in a more sustained and controlled manner.

It’s been a minute since this was discussed, but it caught my interest and I figured I’d chime in :upside_down_face:


I would be interested in seeing Class Combos like Paladin Kul’tirans, Night Elves, Void Elves, Gnomes, Mechagnomes, Undead, Trolls, Highmountain Tauren, and Goblins as well as seeing Druids like Void Elves, Dwarves, Vulpera, Nightborne, Blood Elves, and Humans.

Also forgot Worgen Paladins too.


I hope new hairstyles are added before or with void elves getting new classes. I don’t like repeating hairstyles but it’s gonna happen if we don’t get new ones :sweat_smile: