Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Hi again, I’d just like to say I am very happy with the recent Legacies DF cinematics where our main cosmic force, the Void, makes a strong debut! I can’t wait to see what else DF has in store for the Old Gods and the Void, if it does, but these cinematics have already made me optimistic.

And I’d like to urge people not to let their hopes go as now that Drakthyr customization has been complete for several months already, this widely opens the door to Blizzard to work on customization and more race-class combos next for the pre-existing races!


I can’t imagine that the void will not have a role to play during DF. Murozond, Deathwing, Galakrond, twilight dragons. The Void and dragons is something that kinda goes hand in hand these days.

I’m not sure it will be a lead up to the next expansion but they’ve been hinting at that possible Light vs. Void expansion for some time, building up each side and what we think we know vs what we don’t about them.

The void yet has a part to play and hopefully void elves as well.

Take it with a grain of salt, but Blizz said they see the Dracthyr customizations similarly to how they did Pandaren models vs. others in MoP.

If thats the case then we may see another massive round of customizations come 11.0 to equalize everyone to the Dracthyr’s levels. Keep hope and keep letting Blizzard know what you want to see for all your favorite races!


Saw this by Ramavatarama on twitter.

Tentacle hair! Which is really neat and a great idea.


I’m not a fan of tentacles but I find it cool.:+1::octopus::squid:

Blizzard should add this hairstyle for people who like it.:purple_heart:


Can we please donate them Belf hairstyles.

nice to see actual void customization for a change :ok_hand:

And cleaned up + added glow and jewely :smiley:


Old God’s I love the look of the glow on tentacles. An entire hairstyle of that might make Fenelon no longer bald…

Think I’m going to add this to the main post later tonight if you don’t mind?


Sure go ahead! :smiley:


it looks amazing, anyone else reminded of Kerrigan’s hairstyle from Starcraft with this? I actually really love the mid and bottom parts, only thing I’d change a bit is make the top thinner / more flat looking as it’s bit too thick xx

Or we may see some of them even earlier! In addition to more Race/Class combos! I’m positive! We have a whole 2 years of this expac left to go, I’m sure we’ll see more customization and race/class combos by the end of it!


Here’s hoping.

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A new NPC, a high elf paladin.
Perhaps an opening to void elf paladin.:crossed_fingers:


While I’m sure high elf players will rejoice, seeing that being added now makes me feel less like they’ll give us void based paladins or paladins that will be actual void elves. That makes me sad. (Also remember to post this to Lore/Sandrinar’s thread too. His is the place for high elf based news and options.)

I still hope that they will give us paladin with a class skin (Ideally also given to a few other races) to allow us to play void based knights. Nothing against those who want that option, I just would like to see the void be forefront for our lore going forwards and having a class added is a big piece of lore in many respects.


Other random NPCs have been added, I hope they will add more, including void elves and why not a void knight.

If it can also bring lore, that would be great.


TBH I wouldn’t read much into this HE Paladin NPC, feels more like a homage/reference than any customization hint to me.

Now, if it had had a VE hairstyle, then I would have been slightly more suspicious, but yeah, as it is I don’t think it says much.



It is what it is. :frowning:

They’ve already said they’re interested in an all classes all races model.

Just give it time.

Again though I hope we get to see it applied for the void elves through their unique lore opportunity.

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With the recent answer from Twitter, seems like they’d like lore added before adding in the class when it comes to Paladins. I’m all for it, will give it a better sense of place in the world.

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I agree. I think its needed for classes like that.

Honestly I’d have also added some lore explanations for rogues in some of the cases where they just added them.

LFD specifically using the Light to cloak themselves would have been nifty and opened up more options for people to see stealth as a wider array of concepts.

Void Elves by their natures I feel should have a greater explanation for the Paladin class and I’d like to see some work on their shaman and druids as well as they don’t fit as readily as some other races would.

I’m also a particular fan of the paladin bit being more broadly applied? Like allowing the other races with shadowcasters to utilize a Shadow/Void Paladin concept. Forsaken, Worgen, Mag’har, Orcs, Void elves, all have shadow casters that would lend themselves well to a new kind of paladin.