Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

How cool would it be if Alleria and Turalyon’s son (Arator?) is the bringer of a Void/Light concept Paladin to Void Elves? I feel like that would be really awesome.

I’m also for expanding upon class concepts, I like your Rogue idea with the Light - could be explained through refracting light rays in a way to camouflage.

It really depends what route Blizzard takes.

On one hand they say lore needs to be applied and then on another they stated that they still want classes to keep their iconic colors for their spells and such to easily identify them despite knowing it’s a popular request from the playerbase.

So it will be really interesting to see how they handle it.


Oh I really like that idea, there is just so much potential with Arator being a Paladin and the child of the Original Void Elf. We saw him following his father’s footsteps, it would be amazing if we saw him now delve into his mother’s path.

Maybe not become a Void Elf himself, but help develop a way for them to be able to become Paladins.



I saw this in one of the survival trailers, can someone confirm if this is a trainer/npc somewhere in dragonflight? I have the beta, just not sure where they would be.

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Looks like one of the buildings near the crafting area. Can’t go in to confirm, but I have been noticing a lot of belf/velf npcs with mix and matched cosmetics :face_with_monocle:

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I haven’t seen anything with the void elves so far, as of yet they all seem to have the void elf cosmetics, aside the few bugged ones.

Were they bugged? :sob:

I know there were a few NPCs with red nails and green eyes using the brooding locks for Velves in the rock climbing area. These also may just be Bethesda level randomly generated NPCs, though.

Yeah, a lot of the supposed void elves using blood elf customizations had blood elf voice lines, and were standing in places that wouldn’t make sense for a void elf. (ie, blood elf tents, among horde npcs) plus, I think someone pointed out that they had the nightborne skin on them, not the void elf.

I’m just curious if this is another High elf/Blood elf npc.

Not sure its how I’d want to do it but lets face it I’m biased towards the void. lol

I can see the potential of Blizzard going that route as it would reduce their need to do a class skin but its not what I’d personally want to see.

I’m really into my void knight concepts though so…

The general idea of using the known powers to do things that we don’t normally expect though… I do very much like that.

Light being used to do rogue powers is one of the better examples I’ve seen and I really really like.

Yeah I agree.

Honestly I hope Blizzard doesn’t worry too much about the unique look of spells and abilities for something like PvP…

If they really want those tells just make the effects appear as normal to anyone else… A few games have done that in the past.

I would enjoy that storyline for Arator… (Even if it did see him become a void elf) though I’m still like… lets get something more void based for paladin for void elves.

Still I could see Blizzard work with that. Wouldn’t be my ideal but I can see it happening.

Well thats intriguing.

Not sure where that is but I’m sure we’ll see soon enough.

All customization requests are on hold until undead get beards.

How would I even grow a beard? I had to replace my lower jaw with a metal facsimile.

While I support not only beards for Forsaken, I am not putting my own requests on hold for another. (Then again I also often request beards and upright postures options for my forsaken. So I guess thats… also my request?)



Yeah, I’m pretty confident by her outfit that it’s an NPC, likely for crafting. Interesting to see another blood elf using high elf customization.

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See that’s the thing, conceptually I like the idea of Arator as a bridge between both of his parents in terms of his power, so making him a Void Elf kinda just swings him the other way for me.

That’s why I like the idea of him becoming a Paladin that works more like a Disc priest and teaching that to the VE, or him helping the VE find their own way to become Paladins, be it so by altering the Void/Light cycle, or a more concrete Void based analogue of the Paladin role that he helps develop.

Oh wait is this of note because of the blue eyes? I thought there were several BE NPC’s with blue eyes in Dragonflight?

See even more easily you can just glue the beard into the metal jaw!


I’ve only seen one so far, but if you have other examples I’d love to see them

This thread is a great example of why blizzard should allow addons that modify armor textures.

Some of the gear I could see maybe being void elf related but yeah I’d bet its a blood elf without more information to go off of.

I’ve seen a lot of Blood Elves using their newer options and very few confirmed void elves so far using our new options. I remain hopeful that Blizzard will make it clear and expand the lore to show void elves having a wider range of options that are canon to their people.

I think they need to add something to the Telogrus Rift though that shows new recruits becoming proper Void elves and have them come out looking like Umbrician velves, Allerian velves and a mix between the two. That would be the best and easiest way to add them as canonical options.

I think overall if it were me making the decisions, I’d keep Arator as a Blood Elf. I think it would hinder his already established story for him to go the void elf route.

That said I’d very easily be convinced to see him begin using a disc esc paladin design in some capacity as well. It fits for his story and that unsung forseen future for him.

I would not apply that directly to void elves as a whole, though I’d have some high elves pop up using that concept for sure. I think the Void Elves should and would develop their own paladin version (along with other shadow casting races such as the Forsaken) and use their unique gifts to accomplish the same goal.

Story possibilities abound… Many doors are open to us.

Not even just in DF. Blue eyed belves are not entirely uncommon since SLs changes alone.


I didn’t know I wanted Void/Sha skins until now. I feel like these threads make devs cry.


As far as I remember these are some paladin guards.


Ho’damn. And those look like random NPCs too, not unique-named ones, telling us that it’s not exclusive to specific npcs anymore, but rather more widespread.

Are these from a twitter post?

I think we’ve had random blue eyed BE NPC’s since the Sunreaver Frosthands in MoP, but yeah, these new in DF are the first to reflect the new customization options.

I think so because of the image sources, but I did find these ones on a MMO Thread a while ago.