Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Only if they give it lore.

I mean don’t get me wrong I want lore for it.

I’ve outlined it many times even just above.

But they could really just give us skins with no explanation.

I’ll be honest I don’t really see them doing that. Class skins are far more likely. Honestly wouldn’t mind either though.

Waste of resources, and this way the all races all classes won’t muck up the lore as much.

Class abilities (and racials) are just toolsets. Nothing wrong would occur if they applied a different skin.

Heck tauren, blood elves, Zandalari and draenei all could make use of minorly different skins for their own holy based paladins alone.

Literally rewrote the entire backstory for the Legion. Lol


That’s not what I am talking about. Of course wielding light only requieres conviction of belief, the point being made is that beings to which the light is anathema to can use powers resembling those of Paladins.

I’m literally talking about how beings that worship the light and are suffused by Void energy would be able to wield the light within the context of how we know such forces interact with each other.

If we go with the explanation that Twilight Vindicators simply had enough conviction to wield the light, then so should Void Elves and Undead.


Exactly. Honestly I would love to spec my Lightforged Draenei Inquisitor as a Holy re-skined Shadow spec. He used to be a fire mage for those reasons, but after trimming my chars he ended as a Holy priest, which really doesn’t quite fit the Inquisitor fantasy.

Like for sure I’d also be happy with a forth DPS, holy based Priest spec, but a reskin seems way more viable for that. Also would kinda love a Twilight spec for Paladins NGL, but yeah, aesthetic reskins don’t require any balancing, so IMO it’s good enough.


If they go the skin route for any class I hope they do not keep it to one race or class.

Like Paladin alone could have a whole shoal of skins. Things to differentiate the paladin orders we have now to adding a void based paladin like thing for races that the Light may not exactly fit to Elune based options for paladin Night Elves.

Twilight I wouldn’t want to be the main spec for void elves myself, but it is an option I’d like to see.


This is what likely will happen with the Void Paladin questline and why don’t make it available just now.

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Honestly all I want is the prince hairstyle for voidelf and I’ll be happy

So sad that it seems that void elves aren’t getting anything new in dragonflight. Not even hairstyles =/


I’d feel worse about it if anyone else got something.

As it stands Dracthyr got a whole massive amount of customizations and no one else got anything.

I do hope blizzard is planning to equalize customizations in the expac after if not in DF.


How they can be both simultaneously lazy and overdone at the same time boggles my mind.


Most of that is armor customization due to lack of transmog.

I feel really bad, because all other legion allied races got stuff.

I heard that Void Elves are getting tails.

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Not to alarm you, but that’s not a tail :eye::lips::eye:


I mean we got stuff too. Just not void stuff.

I’m also sad for the Mag’har, dark iron, mechagnome, Kul’Tiran, Zandalari and vulpera players who got literally nothing.

That would be odd.

opens mouth to say something and thinks better of it and closes mouth.


This darkfallen NPC has changed its name, now it is called Zeldis.

Apparently it uses VE/BE voices.

There are other void elf NPCs that also use VE/BE voices like this :


Now this could mean something or Blizzard is just not paying attention.


I think Blizzard is not paying attention or it’s laziness. :sweat_smile:

There are already Void Elf NPCs from Legion and BFA that also have VE/BE voices.

Combat voices are BE.



Some people are pretty creative. I enjoyed going over the OP. I think those are pretty good suggestions for the player character to have more options.


I think most Void Elf NPC’s use Blood Elf Combat voices, so far only Umbric has unique sounds that I have found out. Maybe they didn’t thought it would be necessary to build a pack of generic combat noises for VE NPC when the BE one works well enough.

As an aside, do y’all think we will be seeing more customization options in 10.1.5 or is the rest of the AR’s gonna be waiting til next expansion lol


Probably next expac is my guess. That said, hard to tell… I didn’t think we’d get what we did during SLs patches.

Not going to expect anything until 11.0 but I won’t be super surprised if we get bits during patches.