Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

But there’s no quest to justify it, or even a name for one. To bring it home as to why I bring up druid: you can have Nightmare forms with as little fanfare as earning the required prestige.

So, yeah while lore justifications as to why we’d get class skins would be fulfilling, they have already shown that they will add thematically antithetical themes to classes with little more than 10 achievement points.


Because a skin of a natural creature or a green fire quest is so dramatically different for the corresponding class it’s on right?

Yeah… no I’m not buying it. The void is literally the exact opposite of the light. There needs to be more work put into it for it to work then that.

Still waiting on some “Void” customization options…


I do think people over-complicate themselves when thinking about lore explanations, when all that’s needed is to establish an in universe analogue for gameplay purposes for a desired aesthetic.

A Void Knight would simply use Void instead of Light in a manner similar to a Paladin, thus sharing the same gameplay. The effects of the spells don’t have to match gameplay wise, because it’s aesthetic.

For Paladins and Priests specifically, there’s this reticence to envision anything but light powering their abilities, when even in Lore we can see different schools of magic being able to do the same things, most recently, how Margrave Sindane explains Necromancy:

No matter the source of the power, we see it as necromancy, because that’s the effect.

So if all the in universe explanation is that some people have managed to wield the Void in a way that mimics Paladin powers, or they are using Twilight magic (Light+Void) to even further get the same results, What more do we need?

And that’s not even considering the Class Skins that could be simply analogous by gameplay terms, but even more separate lore wise, such as a Necromancer Class Skin for Demonology Warlocks.


so you saying things already stablished are good because they rewrote lore a time back, but somehow rewriting lore now again is bad for reasons?

you good or bad with old and new aditions but being good with one just because you like it is double standards.

lore is not setted in stone, they can add things whenever they want and say we were only seeing one part of the story, like paladins using loas, paladins sucking naaru and paladins using druidics ways weren’t weird before they were added and stablished…

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This is a great idea. I would love to play that reskin with my Draenei priest.

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They did not rewrite paladin lore.

Ok how about i put it this way, we rewrite lore to make death knights use life magic instead of death magic. Instead of ghouls they raise vine creatures.

It’s dumb and won’t work and we changed the class theme for no reason, why should we do the same to another class for a just a “just because” excuse.

they did, before blood elves a paladin MUST belive in light and have a great faith in it, then in tbc they could do all kind of wrong things with light just stealing the light from a naaru. that’s a BIG rewrite of how someone can be made paladin.

that’s what they did with loas, taurens and blood elves (before they have faith again)already, lorewise they are not humanish paladins but in game they look the same, we can perfectly have void warrior with paladins tooltip

that example is not the same thing, the time we have life forged creatures that example will be in line with discussion.

wouldn’t you be good with nightborne and blood elves having arcane druids just because is already stablished?


Which they were always wild gods, and wild gods gave the druids their powers.

Don’t confuse priest lore with paladins.

Paladins are infused with the light and must hold strong convection’s of what they are doing is right.

It essentially is, you want paladins to be the polar opposite of what they are and function the same.

It’s like asking mages to use fel, and warlocks to use arcane magics.

we talking about zandalari paladins worshiping loas for holy powers not druids

We are de prelates of Rezan, highest order of holy warriors to serve any loa.

Our path is de elite, taking only those gifted from birth with prowess in battle and blessed by de loa, and crafting champions of light to defend our empire.

And no, we do not have any openings or hand outs.

We are broken.

The light of Rezan has left us. Only a handful of those that followed the great king of the loa still have any sort of power, and even they are suspect.

Our life was devotion itself. Now who do we become?

paladins before tbc always have faith in light, beside conviction, faith was a must.

blood elves have conviction but not faith, that’s why they had to rely in draining m’uru, once they lost m’uru, they went to shattra and and since then speak with adal they now have their magic from faith in light.

what you saying is nowadays lore, lore that have been changing and evolving to fit all races we discover thru expansion, yo good with that but despise other approachments to find a way to have paladins in undeads or void elves.

like the templers npc in the twightlight hammer they praise the void and have shadow versions of paladins skills

we are not blizzard lore developer, they will do void elf paladins one way or another in the end we want it or not, and they will find a way people will in time will find it “logical” as all things like dark shaman and arcande druids


Rezan was a source of light magic, similar to naaru/what ever the sun god tuaren has.

It’s the light magic they provide that infused the paladins in the corresponding races, similar to how humans get’s imbued from a group of priests channeling the magic to them.

Not really a rewrite, since the light is still from strong magic users.

All paladins still have a strong conviction of the light, the sources on where they get is different. But faith isn’t the main draw they get it from unlike priests.

It’s always been the case, all paladins is infused with the light and must think they are using it for what they is right.

You do know those animations is still light baised, they are the same animations even in color that cata paladins use. They use light, not void. I went there and confirmed it myself.

It really would be great to be able to play a pure DPS role while maintaining the Holy Light aesthetic, and vice versa


See that’s the contradiction. Either Twilight Vindicators are using Twilight magic but it isn’t reflected on their spells, or they can simply use light without any issue.

The only concrete fact is that Twiligth Vindicators are what we would call Paladins, they exist the only thing that needs to be ironed out is how they work, but they are clear evidence that beings that have given themselves in service to the Void can still use abilities that would gameplay-wise classify them as Paladins.

There are so many ways the role of Paladin could be given to races that can’t wield the Light outright, from a simply analogue that uses a whole different source of power, or making them use Twilight magic.



I really want to have a skin for the Holy spec of priests to make it Void.

And of course the paladin skin for void knights.

To the reverse I’d love to have my holy light based priests able to have a holy light skinned shadow priest.


They don’t use twilight magic.

Because what they think they are doing is right, same with the scarlet crusade.

The twilight cult in cata did have void worship, and the void is a great magic ro use to create illusions. Either they where under illusion that what they are doing is good, or they simply had the mental state that the world is ending and the right thing to do was help it’s end as a mercy.

That is the thing with priests, yin and yang is there theme.

It’s not paladins theme though.

Then we need recerse skins for all classes and the servers shut down.

A skin doesn’t need to be applied to lore nor does the lore have to be about paladins.

However its perfectly easy for them to have the Rift Blades have a group of Void using Knights, or to apply that to. It can even work for Forsaken, orcs, mag’har and worgen.

All have void using units and there is no reason they can’t use heavy armor and such.


Legion was also the only time since Classic that we had our class lore matter for gameplay. Even then it was a minefield with stepping on top of racial distinctions as it opted to the default. To bring up druids again, it doesn’t make sense for a Kul Tiran or a Zandalari to be involved with their class order hall. Not even just for the timeline.

Arguing about how bending lore to fit aesthetics has a certain kind of charm coming from a Draenei.


Incorrect. It being a “CLASS SKIN” has everything to do with lore.

Easy to make a new class, not as a skin to pallies.

Sure, as a new class.

Going with jabs now that you know your in the wrong here? And going for a non-arguement as well? Charming.

It’s not a jab, but a lighthearted reminder that the Draenei were one of the heaviest retcons for us to play with. It’s all fantasy and made up, and as it has been pointed out numerous times Blizzard has never had a problem with such things.