Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

They’re what?!


Number of Active Spells
We agree. Priests have too many active spells. While we think there will be more to assess as the expansion plays out, the first spell that comes to mind is Shadow Mend feeling unnecessary with Flash Heal being available to all Priests. Instead of Shadow Mend as a talent that overrides Flash Heal, we are working towards removing the spell. We realize that losing a secondary healing school lockout may not sit well with Discipline Priests in PvP, but we’re happy with this direction overall. While no plans are in place right now, we’re also discussing Mindgames and Power Word: Life as contributing to the number of active spells for Priests.


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I was intending on maining priest in DF, but with every little change I just get pushed more towards Hpal for my battle healer fantasy. Disc already had a huge issue thematically representing shadow in their rotations, and I just think this is such a dumb move. Shadowmend was so on brand for Disc, and it made questing as Shadow livable.


Its ridiculous to reduce class fantasy like that.

They should be doing more class fantasy rather than less.

Its extremely frustrating.


As soon as they mentioned they were no longer designing around Void Form (aka their most iconic and visually stunning move will probably be either gutted or worthless) I pretty much regretted the last month that I have spent getting really into it. :frowning:

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I haven’t been paying attention to the talent changes and clearly I should have been! That disastrous!

Guess its good I’m working on my paladin for DF… :frowning: Poor Fenelon.

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Velf Shadow priest with Disc on the side was my thing, but as the months keep rolling I feel less and less satisfied with it. I’ve just started slipping back into Horde/Forsaken rp.

That’s exactly what I’ve done, tbh. Been playing around with it on the beta, and I am actually kind of in love.

Even with the downsides of some design decisions, all three Priest specs feel absolutely fantastic to me since the most recent talent iteration. So much so that, because I am very unhappy with how the Mage trees currently stand, and because it doesn’t seem like the design direction they are taking Arcane in is one I enjoy, I am seriously considering benching Nico in Dragonflight and swapping to my Priest.

As Shadow, I put together a build I find incredibly fun to play, AND I’d have the option of healing as Holy or Discipline, both of which feel just as amazing to me as they stand. This is the first time since 2004, I’ve found a class where all three specs are compelling and fun to play for me. It depresses me that Mages in general, and Arcane in particular didn’t end up feeling that way to me.

I’m just not happy with how they’ve handled Mage so far, and the lack of changes, communication, or acknowledgement of issues repeatedly brought up (some for years now), has left me feeling like I have little choice but to switch my main if I wanna have fun in Dragonflight.

Exactly! It’s basically the spirit behind “class skins”, so gameplay doesn’t break immersion. Green Fire added so much potential and it’s a shame we haven’t seen anything else added that works like that in 10 years :frowning:

A light reskin of the Shadow spec would be awesome for Lightforged Inquisitors (Inquisitors in general tbh)


I would just be very grateful for class skins period. I’m pretty worried about there being zero news on new inscription discoveries. These would be such an easy crowd pleaser to add, but Blizzard seems to want to restrict cosmetic releases to their terms (aka big patch releases - “when it makes sense” - and not just because we’d enjoy them :roll_eyes: )


I have the feeling the issue with spell skins is the same issue with armor tints. They would have to you paint all the spell effects over and make sure they have the same appearance in the new color as the other. I don’t tjink it will be a simple color change like other games would do since blizz handles WoW art uniquely different then the others.

Changing the entire look of a class (like my secret dream of a voidy Paladin), sure. There’s an entire catalogue of removed or NPC exclusive spell skins that are already in the game files, but not available to players.

There has been no effort to give us further customization on our classes - even if it is to revert visuals to their original state. It’s a real shame as I’d say how your class looks impacts how you feel about that character. Perhaps even more than just the racial base.


And it goes further still. If we do extreme appearance changes like say void paladins, they would have to rewrite the entire class lore to make it fit.

If they made say paladin spells have a bloody light like look for blood knights, it’s more easier to do since it’s was already established to be a thing.

With warlocks the green fire fits them thematically since they already deal with fel.

I still don’t think we need to go that far. There’s no lore on why Shadow Priests could summon ravens, or why shaman could have a great number of non-culturally specific ghost forms.

There’s no wild God questline to teach druids about the Great Moth. No, they just buy the appearance and there’s no fuss about it. There’s no lore as to why Darkfallen can be Paladins or Druids. They just are.


Still the worse thing to happen and ppl do complain about that.

And yes a class feature do have to have an explaination.

As for moths, they are creatures of nature, that is fine.

They need only to recolor the effects and come up with some excuse. It’s no big deal, actually.


And that would drive fans of the class away, make no sense for a void knight to enter paladin class halls and a whole slew of other issues.

Such as cosmic magic lore.

So no, an excuse won’t cut it.

Now you know how I feel about humans and blood elves getting druids at one point. :woman_shrugging: Not every race should be able to do everything but here we are, at one point…

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It’s an absurd oversimplification of druid lore to say that all shapes are equal and up for grabs when there is a reason why we have cats, bears, bird, and wildkin. Then you look at Zandalari, and there’s a reason their forms don’t align as equally.

It’s being as flexible with the lore as having a paladin flash purple.


And we will be having void elf paladins elves slinging holy spells, not void…

Stupid idea I know, but hey as long as the minority is happy then blizz is happy.

The forms is mostly given by LoA or wild gods, and there is supposably a wild god/LoA of every creature. Wouldn’t surprise me there is a moth LoA somewhere out there.