Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I’m pretty sure that’s a Blood Elf for reasons stated above.

I still don’t think Void Elf Dark Rangers are much of a thing - a possibility, but rare. The Dark Rangers had loyalties to Sylvanas, and not so much with the greater Horde. Not quite one with the Forsaken of Lordaeron and not quite part of their kin in Quel’thalas - it was probably very isolating. There are some choice lines along the way to support this including the way it was said Sylvanas “lent” some of her rangers to Trueshot Lodge. Arrows in her quiver indeed.

That isn’t to say there aren’t more than a few keen to learn from the Ren’dorei and join the ranks. The Forgotten Shadow used to be a pretty big thing, and this may be the next step for some of them chasing that.

I have always found it pretty reasonable that some would disperse after the Windrunner peaced out. They probably have a lot of soul searching to do at the moment. Just some thoughts from a Forsaken Enjoyer who has kept burning the torch for better Undead storylines since their growing nuance got smashed to pieces by the villain bat.


Oh he does?

Well not as important a find as I’d been led to believe then.

I kinda feel like there could be a few of Sylvanas’ Dark Rangers who were previously high-blood elves, but that they’d be unlikely to return to the Alliance.

However I don’t see any reason that a void elf couldn’t have died in the 4th war and just been raised to be a Dark Ranger then.

I kinda hope that if they add a Dark Ranger to the Rift they’ll go that route for the most part. Some void elves were raised and returned when the opportunity arose.

Thats not a bad reason either.

Oh yeah. Entirely all of this. I just wish Blizzard would make more clear in game lore explanations for things like this.


i like the idea of dead elves using their void elves cousins status in the aliance to have access to the faction, why have half azeroth to travel when you can have it complete?


As it stands right now I am amicable to the idea. However, it’s been stated that it is difficult to raise certain races (notable elves) with necromancy. So there is a baseline for thinking that physical compositions would make that process difficult - and we have no idea how being void infused interacts with the flavor of necromancy the Val’kyr employ.

It just makes a lot more sense that these Dark Rangers were of Sylvanas’ ‘clutch’, and with no strong ties to the Horde or the Forsaken besides they sought their prospects elsewhere.

A lot of the confusion stems from the fact people are ascribing Elf Fantasy to Dark Rangers/Darkfallen when it’s more complicated than that. They belong to the Undead (Distinct from Forsaken) story which has included many groups with and without affiliation with any faction.

Dark Rangers specifically holding (for the most part) loyalty to one person only, so whatever they do is entirely up to them. It’s possibly the most open ended route you can take for a character as the justifications and motivations can be incredible diverse. They are just as likely to face mistrust and violence from either faction due to their former proximity to Sylvanas. I wouldn’t expect it to be very comfortable to walk freely through Orgrimmar these days.

My history as a Forsaken RPer doesn’t leave me with any confidence as long as there’s a Windrunner at the helm. As much as I beg and plead and hope for more void elf story, the reality is we’re going to live vicariously through Alleria with the misc quest giver wearing our skin with a few “oogey boogey zalgo text” flavor put in.

Removing Sylvanas forced their hand for the Forsaken, but I welcome everyone new to the Windrunner Show 2.

It’s also feeling like a reboot. Alleria is one of us, but different. She ‘saved’ and ‘collected’ us, and vouched for our inclusion into the Horde Alliance :thinking:

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I just figure since they were raising the Night Elves like that theres no reason the occasional Void Elf wouldn’t have maybe fallen within the same timeframe. Its possible is all.

I do think they’d be rather small in number though. Since Void Elves are small in number to begin with and it seems the Void Elves were mostly deployed to Zandalar than most other battlefields.

Literally all of this. I agree.

Yeah… I wish Alleria was a bit more like the average Void Elf. She is one of my favorite characters from WCII so I don’t mind her being around. Just… Wish she was more like we were overall if shes going to be the foil through which we see our new burgeoning race grow and advance in the story.

I hope they give more background and story for Umbric along the line. What little I have seen of him so far I do like and he’d make a good choice for showing us the average void elf story expansions.

Didn’t think about it from the point of view of the similarity of Sylvanas and her Forsaken to Alleria and the Void Elves… that is oddly similar.

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I do think it’s rather interesting that we’re seeing Void Elves using the BE model as well as Blood Elves (or Dark Rangers) using the VE model.

It’s like they are softening their own restrictions of what model is meant to represent what. I don’t think it necessarily points anywhere, but it is kinda neat.

(I do still wish that Allied Races shared hairstyles with their Core Races, that’s a thing they could pull off before DF launches, and would give HMT, LFD, NB, VE and DID so many more options, while adding even more to their Core Races)


A much it is great they do not care for the base model, i think they should take advantage of the body system and create a new model for void elves to showcase the possibilty of the void rutual going a bit bad like further void mutations.

/que the voidberg pic.



Or they just don’t care and pick what looks good for the moment.

It would be nice to see some actual development or some in-game examples of the new options with explanations. Glad this thread is still keeping an eye out.


…or, it’s just a Dark Ranger joining the Alliance, with the developers neglecting the “Void”-part. Because as far as it goes, we don’t really know if Dark Rangers actually want to become Void Elves so far.

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I cover that in the rest of my post if you’d read it.


The Krokul from legion are just draenei models with different faces/tails. Why not just offer those faces/tails as a customization option for the regular draenei? I doubt blizzard would ever add a third draenei race. But those faces/tails as customization options seem very doable. It would add more “grit” to the alliance. And many krokul/broken are already allied with the alliance/exodar.


Customization options would be amazing, very much in the same manner that Void Elves got natural and Darkfallen options.

Offering Krokul as body types 3 and 4 with additional voice lines and thematically tweaked racials and race tags would be great as well, having the same freedom to swap them out as gender options, which themselves will be body type 1 and 2.


Eh… I would rather not have a repeat of dark ranger skins on BE on this.

If i remember currectly broken dreanei cannot call for the light to aid them, as such warrants a new race just for them.

Quiestion is, do we take the outlands ones whom is friendlier to dreanei, or the argus ones whom is not.

I’d like a color wheel for hair colors, similar to the color wheel in TRP3 (for those who have it). Not only do you get to choose so many shades, but you can lighten and darken the shades as well. And each race could still have their own color wheel to create diversity amongst races but it would provide so many more hair colors for everyone.


Well, many Broken that originated from Outland are already friendly with the Alliance, so they’re already a shoe in, though I’d personally love to the the Krokul of Argus join as well, I personally liked their edge more.

In any event, I’d definitely adore seeing them playable as well as the class selection they could bring.


Broken from outland looks different too ya know. They don’t have hooves for example.

There’s so much potential for adding what would have been new Allied Races as new Body Types. The sky is the limit!!

Eh, it’s the same deal with being able to make a shadow LFD or a Holy VE. Sure there are lore limitations for those classes, but when it comes to gameplay and personal fantasy/immersion we shouldn’t be beholden to those as players.

For RP purposes, it’s really up to you to interact with such things, but from a gameplay perspective further limitation just runs contrary to player choice.

If they go through with the “every class for every race” I do hope they give an alternative explanation to undead, void or cut off races using light, such as the idea of a Void Knight being the canonical explanation of the paladin class, or any other simulacra of the paladin powers that allow an analogue role.

Like, undead be paladins using sun/fire magics to mimic the paladin role, closer to how Tauren use An’she worship as the source of the power, which is more related to druidism than light worship.

Yeah but that can be answered by model standarization. If the newer draenei based Krokul model from legion was used as a base for playable Krokul and replaced the old BC models for all of them, I would hardly see it as an issue.

Although a feet/hoof toggle would be nice.


In a thread talking about the devs announcement that Shadow Mend is being removed from the Priest Class tree in the future, I suggested they at least add some method (whether its a glyph or a “green fire” option) to make all Holy spells purple so they at least look like Shadow spells that way Shadow Priests (who will now have Flash Heal, and will be able to take spells like Renew, Prayer of Mending, Holy Nova, etc) can at least look thematically coherent.

Such an option would also serve to let Void Elf/Undead/Orc/Mag’har Holy and Discipline Priests (or any Priest who just thinks Shadow looks cooler) at least appear to be to using exclusively Shadow/Void magic.

An option that does the opposite (makes all Shadow spells yellow so they look like Holy spells) would serve to allow Lightforged Shadow and Discipline Priests (and any Priest who just thinks Holy looks cooler) at least appear to be to using exclusively Holy/Light magic.