Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Then i will ask for nightborne hairstyles for night elves. Belf hairstyles are terrible, i don’t want them.

I feel like if Blizzard updated them to be on par with more recent hairstyles in quality more people would enjoy them. The textures are just a bit outdated compared to newer things.

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Honestly anything beats the hairstyles void elf males have now.

Oh I don’t think all of the male Void Elf hairstyles are bad. I like the one I currently use quite a bit, as well as a few others. I’d just like to have a broader variety of options. I don’t need them to be Blood Elf styles, just… more options that look nice and don’t have receding hairlines.


Feel like most if not all of them have this aesthetic and its entirely boring.

On top of them all just being copies of the Blood elf hairstyle to begin with just with the fresh out of the shower in your 40s look.

These are the styles I think look good and tend to use for male Void Elves:

The others just… leave something to be desired, at least as far as my tastes are concerned.


I would accept this, but i’m not a fan of belf hairstyles in general.

I like most of VE hairstyles to be honest.

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Would love if the race got unique stuff rather then more copy paste. Soon they will get dwarf hairstyles on them.

/shaking my head disapprovably.

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Well it’s not like Night Elf females didn’t already have a female Dwarf hairstyle ported to them. Reuse of assets is a given in game development. That said, I too would prefer new styles if possible, but I’ll be happy just having more options either way.


Apparently a dark ranger void elf NPC was discovered in the beta, that’s a good sign. :+1:
Maybe Blizzard will add other Void Elf NPCs different from the 1st generation (Legion).

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Apparently it was no oversight then?
Dark Rangers are really part of the Alliance now.

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This must be a good sign to come. That means more character customization options over void and blood elves, kul’tiran over human, nightborne over night elf, mag’har over orc, and etc.

Lol Void Dwarves Coming 2025

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After that, we’d get void gnomes.

We should have gotten those nice void Krokul as an allied race instead of lightforged draenei. Oh well.

Loving the latest news about void elves. Hopefully you guys get an actual customization pass this time


We can improve lfd with model toggle, giving them a few race models. It could be a cool race feature for them.

I do think broken needs to be a playable race, but i think krokul would not join the alliance due to velen. (They have a grudge with him)

One of the groups of Krokul have an issue with him.

Many Krokul (though they go by the Common name broken) live and work with the Draenei in many places.


I hope we honestly get Krokul Draenei. It would be awesome to have Broken Draenei on the Alliance…


Bit behind on this tidbit of news.

But it appears there is a Dark Ranger with a void elf hairstyle in DF.

Haven’t heard if they talk or have dialogue or anything. I hope if they’re going to put in Void Elf Dark Rangers they give us a little blurb from one of them to kinda just explain it so there can’t be any sort of uncertainty.

Very neat to see. Since they added them I’d really like them to just toss a few into the Rift someplace and have em have a bit of a blurb saying something like, “We were raised during the 5th 4th war and returned home when we were offered the chance” or something like that.


that’s blood elf with voidy hair, in wowhead he has blood elf sounds

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