Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


Seems Blizzard is starting to expand the options for standard blueberry void elves to have some of the high elf options. This fits well with some fan theories that the high elf wayfarers and blood elf scholars are going through some form of ritual to become actual void elves and shows that at least some if not all of our current options are canon to current void elves.

She’s a glorious sign of hopeful lore to come that shows and explains how we make more. (Thats my hope anyways.)

Should also lay to rest folk who tell me I’m not a void elf cause I don’t have blue skin that they’re adding additional high elf options to our random npcs. Preferably we’ll find one that has otherwise Allerian looks (full high elf) but has tentacles or one of our void based hair colors to really solidify that.


Seriously though I really want them to get around to showing a ritual of some form that gives us a visual showing of it. We only have theories right now and it would be nice to see the ritual end with umbrician, allerian and a mix type void elves at the end.

Its the first sighting of a void elf with any high elf options. Up until now even our randomized void elves haven’t ever shown high elf options. I think this is more intentional than not.


You know that I’m joking. But yea its kind of great to see Void Elves again even after not seeing in 2 years not since BFA.


Imagen if Blizzard actually did this from the start, they could have worked toward something cohesive by now.


Yeah, I agree. But getting through to Blizzard on “this is what we want to see” is like trying to get a monkey to write a novel to be the best top selling book in the world.


I like to think that they had to cut the building of our lore during 8.3. It was such a good time to show off our lore and we see void elves show up during quests and content leading up to and during it fairly often. Void Elves associated (and likely made through other means) with the void forces during the lead up to hunting down Wrathion for Ebonhorn, and seeing Xalatath take over the corpse of a thalassian elf.

Not to mention during the vision and a few you see with N’zoth’s forces during the invasions.

But yeah, it would have been amazing if they’d tossed such a new race some lore to explain more of it. Give us a greater and more clear base for what we are and how we expand.

I have so many thoughts for how they could expand that. I hope they get someone who cares for void elves to build upon us when they write new stories going forwards.

In-game suggestions are supposedly more often looked at than random forum posts and contribute more actively to their own internal data stores than twitter likely does.

Still its good to continue to ask for what you want to see for your favorite races, stories and the game in general. Even during times when it seems nothing is happening.

After all it will take Blizzard time to do anything, especially as they go through the transition from Activision Blizzard to being under the umbrella of Microsoft.

I don’t know maybe the entertainment is already being written by monkeys at this point. Like Youtube is being controlled by a Monkey who takes down channels by the strike hammer and just etc now in days.

That’s my hope too. One day they will have to give void elves more depth right?


It’s been awhile since I’ve been in this thread. I missed it :’)

I love you, void elves :octopus:


One day. Hopefully when they put out the heritage weapons. I assume we’ll see some more of those type quests either through DF or the expansion after.

I really hope they use this picture as an idea for Velf smiths.

Good to see you again my friend!

We’ve kept the void gate open for you. :octopus:


aren’t we getting proff based stuff in the next xpac? dk and shaman smithy boys both seem like they have a lot more flavour to be mined to me.

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This would be great. I would love to have void themed weapons.

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Honestly that would be an amazing concept to see them lean into for classes/professions.

Dks especially could use something for rune crafting. Lol

Feels like they always get the sort end of the stick.


Several are already in the files as it happens…

Kinda hope they add a staff and greatsword to this grouping at least.

Dagger and hammers would be awesome.

In fact I want to see Sir Pigeonz hammer from them image a few posts back.


I want a legendary shield with a mouth that sucks wisps out of the corpses of my fallen enemies.

PROBABLY for my void elf.


Interesting development in DF.

Seems to be a void elf with not only black hair (the new one that came with the helf colors, which we’ve not seen on a void elf npc before.) but also a blood elf hairstyle.


We’re on Beta but it’s really great for void elves.

I would like Blizzard to add “Allerian” Void Elf NPCs and a Void Knight NPC (to prepare for the arrival of the void elf paladins).


Can you tell me where exactly this NPC is? I have beta access but have been mostly futzing with talents and have yet to explore the new zones much.

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I bet they will give us blood elf hairstyles instead of new ones. :face_exhaling:


Hope they give Blood elves Void elf hairstyles if that’s what they’re planning because that’s only gonna fuel the fire more.


We don’t need Void Elf hair styles. We are already beautiful.

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If they’re going to add paladins down the line I hope its void based (in canon, I personally don’t care if it allows high elf folk to enjoy light based paladins so long as in canon the void elves still get their unique void aspects).

I think we’re going to see allerian void elves down the line with how things seem to be going.

We’ve seen blue skinned velves with blonde and now standard black hair both of which haven’t been done before. I’m also still waiting for a high elf looking void elf that ONLY has like tentacles to denote the void elf bit.

That way we have all our current options as canon void elf options which would be nice to see if only to stop arguments that someone who is using high elf options isn’t a real void elf if thats what they are.

We haven’t seen a lot on alpha or beta yet to suggest paladins are coming, at least in the early parts of DF, but I could easily see em being on the docket (along with other races getting paladin) after DF.

I encountered this picture on the Telogrus Rift Discord and I do not know where exactly it is. I suspect its in the first zone someplace as I’ve seen party goers before.

Evidence of late suggests Blizzard will first do the easy thing. I suspect that any “new” customization will come after Activision is fully purchased by Microsoft and they can devote more resources to customization updates to bring all races in line with the Dracthyr’s extremely large range of customizations.

Have hope, but we need to be a bit reasonable on Blizzards position… unfortunate as it is.

I really like the hairstyles for void elves and would love to see them on my blood elves. I also like the hair colors honestly…

These days I kinda support all hair styles for all races (where they can easily fit.) and I’d like to see Blizzard consider a hair dye concept in the future. Keep it clear what colors are “natural” for races but let us go nuts.