Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Honestly I’d love that too.

I’ve fallen in love with the idea of shadow casters picking up weapons and donning armor (along with a few other races). Which I could see coming from more of that but just in the concept of both giving the Horde back its version of the Shadowmoon clan and bringing the Twilight Hammer clan somewhat back into the fold, like dragonmaw and Blackrock were would be neat to see.

I’m in no rush.

These are just requests, but if you truly would like not to see them you can mute the thread so it doesn’t come across your field. (I don’t say this as a “go away” I just mean that you can.)


I’d like to mute it but as a Dwarf I feel it’s my responsibility to fight elves constantly. :smiling_imp::alien::skull_and_crossbones:

So just let me complain and give you free bumps on thread and we all can be happy!!


Fair enough. I thank you for the bumps! lol

They actually restored it. I thought I finally won. :sob:

(Not that I reported it or anything. Promise I didn’t! ) :heart:

But since we’re back. “Raises fist in anger”


Aaand we’re back!

Now to return to void posting on main.


I’m in guild night but I’mma make a post about reaching 200 likes later. :stuck_out_tongue:


Odd seeing thread closed and opened a while ago, oh well. Here to throw in my support for more Void Options for the Void Elves.


I’m glad it was unlocked!


It looks like the people spamming it yesterday have had a few hundred posts removed.

It’s a good time for the Void to get a bit of love with priests becoming universal.


yayyy. this thread needs to reach june 25th so it will be a year old :smiley:

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So that is what the forum loa looks like.

giggles in void

For tattoos void aspect something similar to what nightborn and light forged draenie have with all over the body, except no just shiny, but sparkly too.



I know it would be asking a lot, but some tendrils or claws would be very appreciated as hand toggles. I find myself really orbiting my velf mogs around gloves with claws lately.


There are not too many of those sadly, and I think rhe majority of those are leather.


You’re right on both counts. I picked up my monk for the first time since early BfA, and now I am having trouble mogging any other class.

There’s the mail set from Legion that is conceptually very good, but the colors are a bit… loud. Never been a huge fan of super saturated colors on void elves, and to this day I maintain my belief that the heritage armor would have been way better if it was silver instead of neon yellow.

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I was wondering what you folks got up to!

Glad it’s back; let’s see some fun new looks available down the line somewhere.


Has anyone done any artwork or photoshop of what different colored tentacles might look like?

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