Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It’s just so weird they went through all that trouble decoupling eye color from models in Shadowlands, then… added a coupled eye/skin color. Especially when there’s darkfallen with green and blue eyes. (Not Dark Rangers, but as they didn’t lock the skin tones to Hunters, I assume it’s meant to encompass the Darkfallen Elves in general)


I do hope they get uncoupled in the future, but it really feels like they wanted to stress the point this combo is meant to represent Darkfallen.


Dark Rangers have Red Eyes.

Darkfallen have multiple colors.

But if it was meant to only be Dark Rangers - the option should have been locked to hunters, as those are the only ones Sylvanas resurrected as Dark Rangers.

And like, I can literally make my druid a Darkfallen right now:


(I’m not cause it’d be a shame to break up the amazing color coordination of her eye colors and outfit, I just wanted a picture of it lol)


Probably so, but it’s still kinda an odd move since SLs literally spent so much effort to decouple even the night warrior eyes.

I hope they get uncoupled too though.



I think that’s why I believe it’s meant more to represent Darkfallen as the type of undead rather than Dark Ranger the class. Otherwise yeah, they’d be class locked.

In the Sylvanas novel, Darkfallen are described in general as having red eyes, regardless if they are Dark Rangers, so I would believe that’s their most common eye color. I think the issue lies more so on the fact that the Dark Ranger/Darkfallen options are very limited in game, when it’s obvious in universe there should be more variance in both eye and skin tone.

So that’s why I think the options being locked is meant to represent in the most shorthand manner “this is an undead elf”

I don’t agree with it, but I think it’s the logic behind it. Personally I think both the NE and VE/BE eye colors would look great on the new skin tone.

Yeah, I personally don’t like the limitation. I do think I get the reasoning to say “this is meant to represent an undead elf” but it just seems like a step backwards in terms of personal immersion and choice.


That’s my main problem with it. I use the skin, but my character isn’t Darkfallen. I just want to use one of the other colors associated with the void for her eyes, and I think by locking them they’ve added more issues than just letting us choose to begin with.

Sitting here hopeful that it is simply because it was the easiest thing to implement, and we’ll see a separation later on. If they did it with the Night Warrior, they can do it again.

Exactly. I feel that they prioritized the “we are adding this to represent an undead elf” rather than just giving player tools to create their own fantasy, which I would have preferred. Like, I so wanted to use the red eyes on a blood elf to represent a Blood Mage or a Black Dragon.


Aren’t there a few sword-using npcs as well in the game? Rogues, warriors, …?


Asked for this I don’t know how long ago and got hassled because it was “too similar” to fanon concepts of San’layn, but, you know, now that we have actual Darkfallen it doesn’t matter at all anymore.

Also, I’ll just chime back in while dealing with issues elsewhere that there is plenty of foreshadowing in the game as to why we may have gotten this, ease of implementation aside. Vorath using void in the new Blood Elf quests, our use of void necromancy - which is now confirmed to be just as necromancy as any other kind of necromancy, Dar’khan being the only major lore character connected to us after Alleria, Dreven in general - it’s likely we could just wind up picking up straggling San’layn or Darkfallen in general that want to practice the dark arts, since clearly, Silvermoon doesn’t seem to want to open them with open arms.

In general, it makes sense for shadow/void theme elves to ally with some of their kin that are also exiled or feel rejected by their kin. Wouldn’t surprise me if we wind up raising our own too.

I’m extremely happy. This was an allyship / skin I wanted since Dreven, and with the skin unlocked, I got it. The Alliance vampire RP community is losing their minds still. It’s been awesome to watch.

All I can really ask for now is black / dark purple skins, tattoos, and tentacle colours that match all our eye colours. Not sure when we’re getting a pass with custom assets, but I’m hopeful for when it does happen because they listened to every voice.


Gz again with this! It’s wild to think we got this cause of all the death threats and harassment from that ‘Anti-Belf’ hobknob think-tank.

Getting Undead Elves in the game is a huge win for everybody, particularly after the AR debacle. If we can get more for VE, and ‘alternate races’ for other races? This’d be an amazing feature ball that the devs have started rolling. Will save them from having to make a FULL new race for literal years, while giving them the ability to do ‘parity customs’ for Alliance and Horde.

All thanks to Vap and the Void Elves! CRAZY!

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Love that for you guys. Voids such a cool concept you can go nuts with and explore the scary sh$t out of it


I am actually grateful that the Void Elves got this. As I said, congrats to all who wanted it, I just wish for more lore is all.


weird gripe to be honest. I guess it doesn’t matter now since almost all elves (except NB) have gotten this customization. People should really take a look at Emerald Nightmare if they think red isn’t a void thingy. Or put on way too much corruption gear in BFA. I’d like different shades of red though. Even better if we could get specific details in our eyes.

This would also be awesome. I’m imaging red tentacles now.


I think the lore is coming., we’re just not there yet.
With all the drama going on, it was smart to put this in early, even if we don’t have the answers now.

Frankly, part of the fun of MMORPGs is speculation too, and I can speculate on this concept for hours if people don’t stop me. (I won’t, here, at least, unless people want it.)

But yeah,
Dar’khan better be coming. The way he was handled in TBC was disappointing, and with the new tech we have…


We studied his notes.
We surpassed him.
Dude kept rezzing for unknown reasons before we killed him in TBC, so it’s weird he never came back at all and then randomly got mentioned in our backstory.

Necromancer fight lets goooo.


I actually never even considered that we could have raised our own with Necromancy! That would be so sick to see in game! I love those skin options! I want some fangs and bat-ears for void elves!


You mean like these? Which caused issues earlier on in this thread?



The Void is vampiric.
I’m really hoping that when we get custom assets, they go absolutely hard on the horror aspects for us. All of it.


Most OP racial in the game, half-off Transmog baybeh!

The BFA PVP weapons you can buy are all the N’zoth ones, so plenty of tentacles and eyes.

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We need more void stuff in general. I’m really hoping we get some lore with orc priests.

I’m really hoping that lore involves the Twilight’s Hammer, since Twilight’s Hammer orcs are a thing that exists.


Elves just got treated. Literally. I don’t want to see another thing about elves wanting more. Other races deserve appreciation.