Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I mean, that’s just an artifact of the system. That’s the same thing as a Void Elf Holy Priest. Like, can they do it? Maybe. But not super likely.

That being said, Dark Rangers are just undead Elves. There are undead Paladins in the game. Sir Zeliak. So I’d disagree.

Yeah. that’s a customization thing though. But people around here don’t really respect that rp stuff? Like, you can’t be a High Elf, you can only be a Void Elf. So technically shouldn’t they be against that if they’re going to be internally consistent?

Good luck. There is no reason a Night Elf Dark Ranger couldn’t stay Horde. shrugs

Aside from the aforementioned Zeliek (who’s also a DK at the same time I think?), there’s been a named undead Paladin and two generic units in the game since Cata.

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Many of them did stay horde
Although i doubt we will see much of those

I dunno. Quest text just says that they want to go home. Not sure how many there were to start with.

I’m not saying Night Elves don’t. And I agree, the Night Elves does deserve the customizations, though I am not too clear on whether the Dark Ranger Night Elves rejoined with the Alliance or are within the Horde.

Void Elves is where I have the biggest issue with. Like, don’t get me wrong, I am not against anyone having any customizations, including the Void Elves. And it is all because, as you said, the lore. It just makes no sense, and there has been no attempt into explaining on how it all works.

Then plus, the achievement reward says “Dark Ranger Elven customizations”, which correct me if I am wrong, Nightborne are still technically elves, yet, they weren’t included into receiving this customizations.

I dunno, I am happy with receiving the skin tones and hair colours with the Void Elves, but the Dark Ranger, the thing that would be happy is if we had some actual lore justifications to go with it, and if Blizzard could also make it fair and give it to the Nightborne too, with some lore justifications as well to something that could work for the Nightborne.

Some Dark Rangers decided to be part of the Alliance.

I think the issue you’re having is, “There is a Dark Ranger Void Elf.”

Nah. Just, a Dark Ranger hanging out with the Void Elves.

If you’re a dark ranger and your family became some Void Elves are you gonna hang out with the Blood Elves?

#NeverForget the accidental best Void Elf skin I’ve had. ;_;


Do the questline as Alliance, Velonara mentions that some of the Night Elves Sylvanas resurrected want to return to the Alliance, and she won’t stop them if we accept them.

Hence, Night Elves being added as an option.

Still don’t agree with Void Elves without an explanation, but I’ll still use the skin cause I’ve been wanting a grey skin tone and it’s the only one. I just wish I could use Purple/Blue Eyes. X_X

As for Nightborne - I’m like 99% sure the reason they weren’t given it is the devs were being lazy, because Nightborne don’t have eye color options, so they would have to add an entirely new option to them for it, which they definitely should have, but is the likely culprit.


But that is the thing, there really isn’t any lore to suggest so. And we also know the Void Elves weren’t there during the burning of Teldrassil, or the battle of Darkshore.

Huh? Where?

Well, I did say this:

but now that you mentioned that part of some of the resurrected Night Elves wanted to rejoin the Alliance, I must of completely forgot… Shadowlands have left a plague on my mind.

Delete void elves !

It was actually just added this patch - in the Lordaeron quest. Unique dialogue from Velonara to Alliance players at the end. She tells us that us being Alliance in disguise didn’t fool her, but as we were helping, she thanks us, and tells us about the Night Elves.


Oh ok. Well, I haven’t done it from the Alliance side, since I unlocked it from my Warlock here. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I mean, this isn’t some strange unknown or anything. Maybe Danuser can make a twitter post about it. But this isn’t some strange logical leap for lore.

That’s what I mean. You can play a Dark Ranger like you can Play a High Elf. They’re not a Void Elf.

I mean, if you slap blue or purple eyes on a Blood Elf you’re living in fantasy land too.

Sylvanas rn has blue eyes too and I’d use that option if they unpaired the eyes.

The Grey skin fits the Void Elf aesthetic, not even Dark Ranger, just void.

The fact they locked it to the Red Eyes is >_<

But yes, NIghtborne should have gotten the option too, if Void Elves did.


I’m fine with Nightborne having the skin, if they’re trying to represent undead night elves who stayed for some reason. Man, that’s crazy though with the burning of Teldressil. But PTSD is pretty crazy.

But technically Nightborne are like… the only one without a lore reason for being around.

Also, Blood Elves shouldn’t have blue or purple eyes, so this whole hate on red eyes is a bit bizarre.

Any Blood Elf player down to make that trade? Lose blue and purple eyes so that Void Elves lose red ones?

I was just looking for this thread.

Well…we did it, red eyes undead elf customization. Now we just need our skin tones, hair styles and hair colors…i want my pink bun hairstyle.

Come on blizz…you can do it.

Also showing my support for this thread.


Actually Maizou, you just gave me an epiphany, especially when you said the grey skin fits the “Void Aesthetic.” Sorry, didn’t want to retype it from Discord to here, so I just got a screenshot and post it here.


I just want to use the red eyes with purple skin. Closest we’re probably going to get to the N’zoth eyes in this thread.

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I agree. I wish it wasn’t locked to each other.