Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It is genuinely so cool seeing all the different visual variations of Void Elfs on the forums and in game. Blueberry Void Elves, natural High Elves, combinations of those 2, and now Darkfallen too…

Now we just need a customization pass for Void customizations + tattoos and I can just imagine HOW cool everyone will look! Fingers crossesd for some at Dragonflight launch!


They gave the blue eyed option to Blood Elves as well as the purple eyed option, so at this point, not giving red eyes over to the Void Elves would have been pretty odd.

Blood Elves shouldn’t have blue eyes. If you can play a High Elf defecting over to the Horde you can play a Dark Ranger defecting over to the Alliance.

I like that there is this mass outrage over Dark Rangers for Alliance but no mention of the fact that BLOOD ELVES GOT BLUE EYES.

And the Pro-High Elf players were like, “Whatever, live your best life.”

It’s not even lore breaking. There are Dark Rangers that left to rejoin the Night Elves. There are going to be Dark Rangers that go alliance…

but once again…

Blood Elves GOT BLUE EYES.

And we were adults about it.

Anyways, posting my love for more Void Customizations for the Void Elves.


Well… There were lore reasons behind Blood Elves getting blue eyes, to be fair. Also, I’ve seen a fair amount of High Elf stans ask for Blood Elves to just have green/gold eyes again unfort.

My personal outrage is that Night Elves and Void Elves got Darkfallen, but only Blood Elves on the Horde did. No Nightborne option. Which is biggie sad.


There is a lore reason for Void Elf Dark Rangers. Like Night Elves, they were like, “Let’s go home.”

I’d be fine if Nightborne got it. But they’re the ones without the lore reason?

There’s really no way to represent the Night Elf DRs who did decide to stay, when apparently they were the majority?

If Velf DRs are meant to represent those original few who left, then we should have NB DR customization as well.


I was merely discussing the blue eyes comment.

Blizzard is done with lore it seems.

I agree! Which is why it seems like such an oversight.


I’m not against that.

But can we talk about how I’m not against Nightborne getting Dark Rangers and also didn’t complain about when Blood Elves got blue eyes they shouldn’t have gotten. =P

Sorry, I got confused :stuck_out_tongue: Didn’t mean to be antagonist. Saw this comment and made the assumption you were complaining/opposed:

I don’t really think that’s true.

it takes like half a second to know why a Void Elf Dark Ranger might be around.

Also, part of it is just people ignoring the rp stuff.

Ely Canon said blue eyes were so you could rp a high elf if you want.

So it’s not a “Void Elf” Dark Ranger.

Just like it’s technically not a “Blood Elf” dark ranger.

I’m so far beyond giving a chocobo’s butt about who gets what over who in the elf debate, so I should have block quoted what I was replying to.

Belves could get void toggles at this point, and I wouldn’t care so long as it meant I got more void customization :blue_heart:

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Honestly, I just blame Blizzard. But there isn’t much that I can do, since it feels like Blizzard won’t listen to us.

Unfortunately it appears to be. Especially with Darkfallen paladins, which should theoretically be impossible in the old lore. Its the same argument why Void Elves shouldn’t be able to be paladins (and I’m not talking about High Elf RPers, where that is fine.)

Perhaps? But it would also take half a second to assume that a Nightborne could be some version of a Night Elf representation on the Horde.

You’re right, but that only strengthens my desire for NB Darkfallen.

They are spiteful this week, it seems. As happy as I am for Darkfallen peeps, I wanted so badly for my NB (who I RP as a Dark Ranger) to have the opportunity to be one.


It could be, easily. Either a Void Elf died in the battle for Darkshore and got raised as a Dark Ranger, or a Dark Ranger was like “Void powers? That sounds cool!” Take your pick, really.


Im a void elf again…


Honestly, I just don’t really see why it was given to the Alliance in the first place, let alone the Void Elves. I understand the Warcraft lore is huge, but there is no lore to support for the Void Elves. Otherwise yes, if given to the Void Elves, then why not give to the Nightborne.

The devs seem to be out of touch with the lore, to the point where the lore is meaningless now.

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Night elves 100% deserved the customisation.
They had all the story set up from bfa when they were risen.

Void elves… no justification
I like the options but the lore makes no sense and they made no effort of explaining it


From all I can gather (reading the same text over and over), it just appears to be another sub-race tack on to the race that already struggles to justify its place in the world.

They are the Dark Rangers who only stuck around for whatever reason, still lingering loyalty to Sylvanas(?), and now that the dust has settled they return with the Night Elves who similarly do not feel kinship with the Forsaken.

Which returns us full circle as to why Nightborne didn’t get it to represent the Night Elf Dark Rangers who stayed.


It really could work. I mean even if they just gave Nightborne the red eyes:

Of course the skin would be nice too.