Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It might be possible that they’re hearing their own voices :thinking:

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The Void, as a concept in WoW, is heavily based on Lovecraft. Almost whole cloth. The unknowable darkness always had a whispering voice, and a sort of sentience to it.

The only times we can experience the whispers in game are when we have been in direct contact with Old Gods, or their minions. C’thun and Yogg Saron being the most memorable of these.

Xal’atath speaks directly to the priest when they are using it. So it’s not a talent exclusive to the Old Gods themselves. We can assume there’s a sort of loose hierarchy around that like to sow discourse to any who would stay a while and listen.

Also yeah EE needs some cosmetic love for sure.


Honestly with the surprise inclusion of Darkfallen, I kind of want to see red explored more with tentacle color options and EE.


While I doubt I will ever use the Darkfallen options on my Void Elves, if I ever change my mind, I’d probably headcanon it as my Void Elf being one of a few Ren’dorei operatives helping the Kal’dorei hold Darkshore, fell in battle, and was subsequently raised as undead by Sylvanas’s Val’kyr along with the Night Elves. As the Lordaeron questline indicated, said undead Void Elf would be among those wishing to return to the Alliance. It’s a simple explanation and in keeping with the lore as presented to us in game.


Red is a regrettably ignored color when it comes to the Void, even when it’s very prominent when we deal with the Nightmare and Ny’alotha.

Because of its use in heavily corrupted areas, I choose to believe it is the most extreme end of Void. If we had a sort of safety barometer, red would be on the Lethal end.


found this in wowpeadia:
Gilner Greymoss

Gilner Greymoss is a gnome priest located in the Sanctuary of the Void of Netherlight Temple. Gilner’s dabbling in void magic granted him dark visions that would have extreme ramifications down the line.

they call them visions

he is in the quest:

Whispers in the Void

here’s some dialoges

Gilner Greymoss says: They’re taunting us, you know. The shadows. They see our demise.
Gilner Greymoss says: You don’t hear them, do you? Their laughing… their warning. Our time is coming.
Gilner Greymoss says: The void sends whispers of our fate, a gruesome death! Light a candle for your loved ones, priest, because the end is near and inescapable.
Gilner laughs.

Quest completion

Alonsus Faol says: Another shadow priest spouting nonsense. I can’t say I’m surprised. Things like this are bound to happen when you linger too close to the void.
Prophet Velen says: We cannot afford to make careless assumptions, Alonsus. We need to find out if this shadow priest speaks the truth.

maybe alleria’s voices, are visions of her own mind looking the ramifications of diferent posibilities in the future.

when we hear old gods voices’ in our minds is diferent than void voices heared by the person using void magic.

I’m only keeping it to my Warlock here. I think the Dark Ranger customization is nice, but in my own eyes, I can’t really look at even headcanon it for a Void Elf, though I think the only Alliance toon I got left that is a Void Elf is my Warrior, and haven’t touched that since BfA.

I’m just failing to really see how the Dark Rangers actually make sense for the Void Elves in general.

I personally don’t think they do, and it was definitely a head scratcher for me when I found out that Void Elves were getting the options as well.

The only conclusions I can come with as to why Blizzard went this route are: a) the assets already existed, b) they didn’t require any extra work for Void Elves to use them, c) it promotes a narrative of the faction divide weakening, especially in light of how the Lordaeron questline ended.

That’s about all I can come up with for why Blizzard did this.


Well, no point for me to continue on about it anyways. It is added, it is now in the past, and I don’t want to be someone requesting for someones enjoyment to be removed, since there would be some people who are happy with the options on the Void Elf.

But I do wish Blizzard would actually look at some more Void options for the Void Elves.


There’s a pretty good case to be made that the voices we here are twisted versions of ourselves from possible futures. During the Visions in BfA, we did see a lot of possible futures (pretty bad ones, mind), but you could be onto something here.


Just showing my love and support, high elf and dark elf customization is only the beginning.

Keep up the great work blizzard, just need more hair styles foe void elves.


waggles tentacley eyebrows

(Pretend this was posted on one of my VEs)

This is really amusing to me since I’ve started playing BFA Alliance side (for those sweet sweet death druids) and Umbric is like one of the most moral people in the expansion XD I kinda wanna stab everyone else.

What’s cuttlefish for “Why haven’t you still gotten better loot?”

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Hasn’t this been answered in the Danuser tweet?
The Void Elves let themselves find to anyone who is interested or seeks power?

Wip of changes to the Void Elf section in my compellation of suggestions.

Void Elves

Void Elves are currently in a unique spot with recent High Elf/Dark Ranger themed additions, but they did not receive anything new related to the Void theme yet.

The best path going forward would be to add more Void Themed options, as well as adding things to differentiate them more from Blood Elves.

Void Elf Suggestions


  • Tattoos/Markings like Alleria. (Both her Void and Non Void forms.)
  • Some Darker Void Infused Skin/Eye Colors.
  • Entropic Embrace customizations.
  • Scars/Void Marks.


  • Add Tentacles for all haircuts that don’t have the option to toggle them on.
  • More Void Inspired hair colors.
  • The ability to change Tentacle Colors.
  • More hair styles, preferably some that are more managed/styled and less messy looking, and made with the Tentacle Toggle in mind.

Artwork and pictures

Alleria’s Tattoos


Alleria Tattoo Concept for Void Elves by Keyboardturn

Hair Styles (by Lu0ren)

Any opinions would be nice.


Nothing there answers that question. We have no information. How do we make more?

Alleria’s path takes time and a dark Naaru, and they haven’t learned how to do the trap like Umbric’s folk.

We see they and others have made more. No other way to explain the few becoming so many in bfa.

Danuser clearly doesn’t have an answer or he’d have given it rather than say they’re letting folk in but not recruiting.

Looks pretty good all things considered but I’ll give it a think.


I made a void elf just to check out the customisation.
I went to kill a few things to get the gold to see how they looked in better transmog.

Theyre level 20 now…
Thinking of faction changing back to a void elf…

My statement didnt last long…

But seriously blizz get your act together.
No more adding non void stuff until you fully flesh out void elves.
Its a joke and an insult at this point.



When inspiration strikes it strikes.

Like for real though. I feel like the next time Velves get stuff it really reallly should be Void based.


They will come with the Heritage Weapons. At the moment Void Elves have only two weapons which isn’t really this much. A staff and a bow.

And hopefully they release also a flying mount with the update.

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Here is hoping they are wriggly. I still use the tentacle dagger and sword from Cata. The staff and polearm from WoD are a little too nature based to pull off, though.