Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

/pulls out button.

/presses red button

/space ship shoots lazor at you


Back on subject though…

We got more non-void based customizations yet again, and on top of that, customizations that belongs to the forsaken.

Blizz better speak up on why they keep doing this foolishness.


Nah, I thought Goblins were. At least they’re funny when up against a Gnome :joy:

Honestly yeah this is kinda annoying any way you cut it.

I’m hopeful we’ll finally get options for the main theme someday though I’m not sure I’ll expect it soon.

Blizzard makes it obvious that they’re reverting to pre SLs viewpoints at the moment.

Not expanding it except every rare blue moon. Though the lore attached it nice.

I do wish that lore explained void elves being them… But I digress for now.

I’m glad for the folk who wanted this and hope blizzard uncouples the skin and eyes and makes them available to death knights for all three elves. Bonus if they add this to the Nightborne… More bonus if they give Forsaken a Nathanos look.

Far as those wanting to erase us. That we’re a mistake.

I hate that as well. Hate it in the Mechagnome threads too, of which I’m quite fond. (I’m Coaxial when I post on my mechagnome.)


I know for a fact a heck of a lot of void elf fans would love that entirely black color with the white eyes.

Both as a skin and a EE option.

It’s glorious.

It’s frustrating for sure. But in time I’m sure we’ll get some good void options. We just have to be patient and push aside those whispers in our heads saying it’s for nothing.

This rings so true it really hurts.

We are bereft of any idea about ourselves.

I can’t tell you how we make new void elves.
I can’t say what our goals are.
I can’t say how the whispers effect us.
I can’t say how we’re orhanized.
I’m not even certain who the damned leader actually is.

1000 questions abound for a race focused on something so specific.

And we get nothing to show for it.

You don’t have to burn them that hard… They’re gonna need a lot of burn cream to recover.

I won’t stop seeking customizations at some point down the line (note I’m not saying we need to be first) but I’d do almost anything for foundations for us.

I’ll write it for you blizzard if you want?

Just give us something to work off of.

All of this.

We need to keep asking for the story.

I’m hopeful that more weapon/mount heritage quests will pop up and when velves get our turn we’ll get something good and voidy then.

It’s an odd choice.

Probably just easy really more than anything else. I do wish there was a little lore to explain it.


Thank you. Credit goes to the wonderful artists and mock up designers who worked so hard!

I just put it all together.

The eyes in the OP are done by Silverleaf, Somand and Lancelot.


They are adorable though…

I wouldn’t mind knowing their mindset and maybe an explanation to Void elf Dark Rangers.

I’ll be honest. I like both goblins(and Kelfin) and Vulpera about the same but pretty sure I’d choose vulpera 8 out of 10 times…


I actually don’t think they’re supposed to be risen Void Elf Darkfallen. I think they’re Darkfallen that went Alliance now that they have the opportunity.


i dont think there ever will be an explanation. at this point blizzard knows there are tens of alliance only players who will cry and beg for any pretty elf aesthetic so its like here make up your own story


And there will be hundreds of cry babies asking why the void elves got it.


I know of myself and a handful of others who are going the “so hopped up on void we are experiencing necrosis” route. Sidestepping the Dark Ranger can of worms entirely just to have a more corrupted appearance.

There’s no lore to begin with on what the Void truly does to us in the long run, so who knows! That might as well be canon since we have nothing else to go on, and Void Elf Dark Rangers are impossible.

I really want to see Umbric in Dragonflight, but I know that is such a long shot.


“Umbric what are you doing?”

he stops channeling Void energy into a dragon egg

“Uh…nothing important…”

pikachu face


I’d be down for some morally gray adventures :eyes:

Alliance is overdue for an episode to act up. Also, bring the Eredar aboard. They’re unemployed and not doing anything right now.


Possibly. Thats part of the problem. It’d be nice to have an idea. They didn’t mention them at all.

Probably so, though it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Ultimately even if they gave one its not like you’re limited for what you want to rp or do with your character. Just be nice for those of us who prefer to have something to start with.

Thats one way to go.

Just a regular Dark Ranger who decided to go hang out in the Alliance is another.

Maybe like the wayfarers and scholars its just some Dark Ranger who wants to play with the void.

Any number of options there.

Just be nice to have a mention in lore is all.

Heh, We can dream right?

Is it bad I might help him…

I never got my N’zoth Dragon. >:[

Morally grey I’m all for especially if I get to see more Void elf development.


Ehh, idk, it’s essentially implied imo. Similar to VEs mingling with HEs in their rift implying that High Elves are joining the Void Elf ranks. I’m more of a fan of open ended opportunities and the player filling in the holes.

Hire me for work and I’ll get you some eggs :smiley:


All this has got me thinking about what exactly the Ren’dorei are up to. They were filling a similar role as the Nightborne during BfA by creating portals for troops, but I don’t recall seeing soldiers of either in combat.

What’s their standing within the Alliance? Alleria has Hero plot armor, so we can’t really gauge much on her. Are they really welcome in Stormwind, or are we to infer the groups clustered in back alleys (and the fact the portal to Telogrus Rift is waay out of the regular city proper) that there’s a bit of segregation?

The dominant faith of the Alliance is the Light, so it would be reasonable to assume the average boy in blue would have some prejudice. Especially on the basis that the Natalie Seline, who preached the how-tos of harnessing shadow, had all of her works locked away in the Kirin Tor vaults. Then they tried to scrub all of her work from the records. Even though she and her acolytes had done the dirty work for the Alliance in the second war, and had originally preached the importance of balance between Light and Void (are we all seeing the parallels here, or am I just too hungry for lore?).

There could be a really good tie-in to the Natalie story, and by extension Xal’atath, if we had a bit of exploration on history repeating itself.


I was saying Vulpera are better than Void Elves.

I still support more void (space, cosmic, eldritch) options for Void Elves. There’s so much that could be done with void elves and I for one hope we see more stuff for them and every other race because if there’s one (of many) thing WoW lacks it’s deep customization. Give me my galaxy space queen elves, Blizz.


I think this is the most likely answer.

And it’s going to be an increasingly bad mindset we will have to deal with as we ask for things for Void Elves and Blood Elves.

Void Elves are really the victims Blizzard doing things half heartedly.

Bad intro, not used in patches they would excel in, no clear direction or standing, and now they are getting things just because it’s easy and not because it works for them.

This is literally the only thing that makes sense.

I really wish they would add NPCs and/or dialog to explain some of these things.

Like this.

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The way some of y’all nonchalantly talk about folks playing with the Void makes me think of old classrooms letting students play with mercury.


Clearly you’ve never attended one of Instructor Duskwalker’s classes.


Attended? The man won’t let me leave :sob:


Well, there is no argument against that. But I do admit, I wish I could use the Void Elf hair styles on my Warlock here.

i would like to ask why the void has voices? whoms those voices in the head of voidy people, is just that the void makes people schizophrenic?

it’s said the void sees many posibilities while light only sees one, are those voices just ourselves consciences multiplied by the ammount of posibilities? or void lords talking to us?

that being said it would be cool having voices speaking Shath’Yar while EE procs