Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

points at Wiggle Goats

Please point out what all races have gotten the focus and not “abandoned” during Shadowlands.



Yeah, too many people are acting like there were multiple expansion inbetween BFA and now, doods, it was literally the last expansion, we’re still in Shadowlands, which has nothing to do with any of the races from the game.


One of the reasons why it failed.

It could had plenty of potential like bringing much more passed away charecters like anduin lothar or orgrim and other npc’s of the past that could stat how they feel about current events.

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There’s too many ways to go over how the story is frayed and a letdown (but consider a chunk of it is due to someone actively sabotaging the story cause he was getting the boot there’s only so much you can build with what ya got shrugs), but in regards to this you had an afterlife with little to no connections to things we the players and our characters care about, but all the while making the afterlife too niche and too relatable so it doesn’t even feel like one.

Denathrius for example, he’s awesome and one of the best things from this expansion, I do not in the slightest get “primordial being from the dawn of time watching over the afterlife” vibes from him in the slightest, he’s too relatable.


Because Denathrius is basically the ruler of sin. So he’s meant to be relatable. He’s supposed to be like the devil. Charming, can win you over with a smile. Seems like one of you but has ulterior motives.

Hmm. While I do support both the Void and High elf themes, and I do think the Void theme needs exclusive attention in the next customization wave, I am a bit baffled with how excited some people are about obtaining creepy eldritch elves via Void elves, lol. And I see people on Twitter also drawing monstrous void elves, (turning Alleria into a muscular Venom lol) and I cannot help but wonder what people’s reasons are for wanting something like this. At the end of the day, Void elves are still Thalassians who used to be Blood elves. Grace and beauty is the one thing all Thalassians have in common. I guess some people might genuinely dig the eldritch monstrous elf theme, but for me and others Void elves can remain graceful and charming even when surrounded by the Void whispers and their appearance is more Voidy.


Can’t agree more. I hope they do more Void themed customization rather than High Elf themed. They could come as an extra option such as more jewelry colors - that include a blue crystal and silver/gold/bronze option alongside the void purple crystal. More voidy tentacle textures with the last option being braids replacing tentacles as a whole. I could keep going, just want to point out that many customization can be made for us - with more textures and alternatives in general.


I wouldn’t go so far as some I’ve seen on Twitter by any means. Tentacles in place of jewelry though is entirely unique and would fit fairly well I think if meshed properly.

I do have an idea for changing Alleria which I may talk about in a week or so here after I’ve worked out some thoughts there, but it wouldn’t greatly change her silhouette nor character.

I touched on it a bit above, but the reason I haven’t really included a specific jewelry options section is because it wont be particularly more innovative than anything else you’d see on any one race, however, I would expect that if they did the tentacle/Eldritch based jewelry we’d also end up with standard metal and jewel type stuff along with it as an option. Just seems like something Blizzard would do.

And at the end of the day such options (Tentacle jewelry and such) would be optional. None of my Blood Elves really use any of the jewelry options provided to them for instance. I just personally hate it all.

Some other examples of the “eldritch theme” that are more mainstream.

I think such options are beautiful myself.

I’m not a fan of this one. Tentacles with/within braids makes sense, but replacing them just seems more like taking the void out of the void elf to make it a high elf imo.

That said all hair options we do have, both currently and in the future, should get the tentacle toggle option. I’m not a fan of removing a design system nor doing it halfway…


For the same reason why people love to draw these obese cartoon characters: Because they can.

I don’t think they will add nightmarish Void Elf options for two simple reasons: It will take too long to animate these and the majority of the player base will prefer High Elf or rather Alleria-styled options (permanent EE-effect which also changes the armor).

I also don’t see them doubling down on star-crossed hair options and colors but more regular hair options (with the tentacle toggle) and copying the Blood Elf hair options over to them, to save on time and money. We’re still speaking about Blizzard, after all.

And, at one point, they will release a Void Dragonhawk as well.

This thread proves you wrong on both accounts, also most people wants high elf players to stop leeching off of VE’s and wants VE options as seen with most of the stigma against the HE community for what they had done.


Love this! I hope we got more customization!


How do you post Pictures on here besides links? Like I have pictures saved on my computer to show points of customization options but I don’t know how to on here?

You can upload them to imgur.com, right click on the uploaded image and select copy image url, then paste said link here.

Please only post them in this thread if they’re Void based customization as that is the nature of this thread.

To have image links display as images in your post, you would need Trust Level 3, which you can read about here:


Being honest I just don’t care about high elf options anymore. I got enough of what I would have wanted for high elves, but now I have void elves which I find much much more interesting and fun to play with.

I’m very tired of people telling me ridiculous “no one wants void elves” or “they’ll only bother doing high elf stuff because thats what players want”. This thread has a very specific focus for void elves and its really counter to those people’s claimed beliefs to come in here to say things like that.

Maybe cool it on the leeching lingo though. Unnecessarily rude imo. Heck it was Cadazamir’s first post in here to claim that of me. lol

In time I’m sure we will. When Blizzard realizes they should be pushing customizations hard in DF I’m sure everyone will get some nice things.


Elves are hot.
Monsters are hot.
Monster elves are double hot.


Hmm I see.

This is beautiful stuff, I want it

I can see your logic but NoOoOooo don’t crush this dream of mine, let me hope!

Hope dies last!

Starcursed hair effects for Void Elves!

I actually agree with you I like most of these options and find them eldritch and graceful at the same time. It’s just a bit unsettling seeing what some Twitter artists are doubling down on in terms of Void Elf art lol, since the public can see their tweets. But yeah I’m all for Voidy jewellery and voidy eyes, tentacles weaved into braids etc x

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I love Overnoes art (SFW if anyone wants to look it up) they’ve done of Void Elves, that’s the kinda aesthetics Id love to have in-game.

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Personally I enjoy the void aspect. Some of the eldritch things are enticing. A third eye for example, dagger-like teeth, claws. Maybe not tentacles in my case. Starcursed hair certainly. I like ‘beautiful monsters’ but they can lean toward the monster side and still appeal to me greatly. All depends. Everyone has their preferences. More monster options are good. I saw multi-eyed art of void elves (probably linked it in this thread) and thought it was super neat.


Tired, about what people write on the internet or on discord? You shouldn’t have ever taken this to heart to begin with.

Yesterday evening I went through the Draenei wiki for my second Draenei, I ever will level. I really cannot stand the design because how humanized it looks so Alliance-players might give the race a chance. Anyways, I went on to read about their history and went from the Eredar to Velen, then to Anduin and finally - for some reason - I landed on the Alleria and Void Elf-wiki pages, rereading the storyline from the beginning.

I did forget a few parts of it but it was a enjoyable read through. Looking back at it, the Void Elves would have received far better if they just were like Alleria herself. Didn’t help either that one part of the recruiting story is locked behind the NB-recruitment scenario. The lack of development and fan expectations scratched the car’s surface ultimately.

It’s fair to have such a request… but reading through the whole storyline again… it feels so off-putting to see pink star-crossed hair options being here shown, as if Void Elves are more like a hipster race rather than the mysterious and dangerous beings who could snap under certain circumstances.

Could it work? I think so. But would it fit? I don’t know. We went going from enslaving a dark Naa’ru to rescuing corrupted Blood Elves to what Americans may call a “hot topic”-character. If I had the power to give the Void Elves anything I want, then it would be a toggle for the Entropic effect. Not because of “High Elves” but there is a certain lack of parallelism when it comes to Void classes:

Shadow Priests can turn into their empowered Void-form but Void Elves have a random effect? I know that several Void Elf players want this feature and I do hope they will listen to them. Otherwise I would also add some void-based mount to the race, this is definitely something where the lack and could even update the older Void-mounts. The current season mount is a nice idea but it’s ultimately not a Void-mount. Another idea would to give the players the Void weapon-effect as a skin option, including a shimmering version of it.