Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Yeah, y’all whine a lot, that’s not the gotcha you think it is.

Speaking of, can you go make another or something and leave the VOID Elf customization thread out of your entitlement?


I feel like it’s more than a few people whining. High Elves are a requested race basically since Vanilla. And more so during TBC. Alliance High Elves has been something that hasn’t fizzled out for decades. That is some commitment. In my opinion, the support and requests for it have only grown stronger as time has passed.

Yeah, it’s a lot of whining, like I said.

Just because you demand something over and over doesn’t mean you deserve it. That applies to a lot of stuff.


They have the audacity to say their crowd don’t want to erase velves, but then drop the “phasing out the void” line. I hate it here.

I’m still on about jewelry and accessorizing. Lots of races have necklaces, and my velf’s neck is looking noticeably bare. Always been a big fan of chokers, and statement pieces. The way the Zandalari’s golden choker can work as a halter for pieces really make some of my mogs.

Apologies for my lack of photoshop skills and ability to post images



Nice, bonus points if it writhes while wearing it.

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I’d love void based jewelry like that.

Thinking of trying to see if I can get a few work ups done like that… Might make a dedicated jewelry section if I can get a few of those.


glad i decided to do my weekly check here and just happened to scroll up a few posts. wow!


I hope they make more.

Never included a void jewelry section before because it felt like all it would be was recolored belf stuff. This gives… Opportunity for something uniquely void.

i know you guys wanted blood elf stuff… but that just shows what a missed opportunity void elves are becoming

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I LOVE the arm options for Belves, don’t really care for the necklaces for them since they’re so thick they either cover up or clip through most outfits, too clunky for my tastes. A bunch of the other races have good neck options though, especially chokers. Dat Night Elf one swoon

Still time to course correct, more Voidy.


Not really.

These sorts of options should be what we get. Things that set us apart and favor the void we’re here for.

Imagine the tentacle color from our hair on tentacle jewelry.

I don’t so much care for the Belf jewelry, and have trouble using it but tentacles and void eyes like stuff.

Mmm perfect.


I mean Void Elves kind of are when they don’t have any characters that everyone knows besides alleria, they have no home, no screentime or attention on them, and more.

In which why brother making the Void Elves when they clearly are not really represented in the story in general since they are kind of like the High Elves within the Alliance. Just sitting in the background until they get their chance. Same with Dwarves, and etc.

I’m back on my Bloodborne/Lovecraft love affair so I am bursting with ideas and wants.

Velves are due for a return to Void. I second the want for arm jewelry. Long grasping chains and living tendrils of a sort. I just want my velf to look alive and dangerous.

Because I like them. You can all blame me specifically :blue_heart:


I don’t hate them. It’s just it’s seems odd for blizzard to just up and abandon them after BFA was over and during the time for them they pretty much haven’t done alot other than showing up in small appearances in Patch 8.2 and 8.3 but nothing else happened during Shadowlands.

In a alot of ways I kind of was excepting to see the Windrunner Sisters show up and something bad happens to one of them when they reached Sylvanas but nope. Non of that happens. Heck Alleria once again barely does anything within the story other than small background appearances. As for Umbric who knows whats he’s doing now.


great thread. i support this very much!
glad to see people are taking the shallow allied race and giving a true, dark void depth.

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It was a wasted opportunity, but BfA was so up on its own agenda with its story. It left very little room for… well anyone. I did the farm for Mag’har back when you had to do rep, and I still couldn’t tell you what their involvement was beyond just being foot soldiers. Seemed to be how they handled “inclusion” of all the other races as well.

SL as a whole was very rushed, but even with all the Windrunner sisters in the same room you got nothing. Not even a lot for them. Vareesa even performing a complete 180 on her feelings towards Sylvanas.

My hopes is they start adding side-quest chains of substance again. Just little stories involving these varied people making sense of this new land we’re going to. We don’t get to see the perspectives of others often anymore.


I know it will never happen but I’d love to have tentacles on my back too while they’re at it.

You uh… should make more voidy mockups. >.>

Count me in. I literally came back for the void elves.

I wouldn’t have been interested without them.

You mean like literally every single allied race?

After BfA we abandoned Azeroth for Old Gods sake.

Hopefully building up the Rift and arranging for a new ritual to make more void elves proper.

I appreciate this. I’ve spent a great deal of hours compiling these options and trying to present them well.

Props to all those who spent the time and energy to mock up the pictures in the main post. (Among many many others).

That would be wonderful.

Bring some more of that rpg back to WoW.

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Yea it’s like you got a Orc faction or a Alternate Faction of Orcs who lost their homeland and they are the ones becoming Extinct after their culture and way of life is being convicted and destroyed. So they head to Azeroth in hopes of not only joining the horde but also atleast to find others who are like them. So far nothing. They are just regular foot soldiers like the common orc instead of the rich warrior race of the clans and such like they were used to.

I was kind of hoping they add more Story to Rexxar and such on the Horde but so far nothing. Heck Baine pretty much got the Alleria treatment. Just sitting around doing nothing.

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It’s actually kind of Too Many Cooks in here with characters. It was fun to have such a giant cast when we were running around to discover these little stories going on all over the world.

One of the reasons I love questing in WoW (in the ye olden times) and ESO, but loathe it in FF14, is that you’re stumbling into narrative. It’s become too on rails and dictated to you. The pitfall being that writers then have to sacrifice narratives just for the sake of a cohesive story (let’s leave that thought here).

When I get my new tablet I may do some accessorizing mockups proper >>