Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


They can be both.

… we just gonna ignore all the other contemporary and meme aesthetics the other races have?


I cannot follow you. What are you referring to?

Fem Forsaken literally have the Bride of Frankenstein hairdo.

The masc Forsaken have the, I don’t know the speicifc name but it’s fauxhawk slicked forward and down like a 2000’s poprock singer in a Tim Burton movie.

I did not know about this. My main concern is that certain customization requests do not reflect the nature of the race. Personally, I do not see the Void Elves as these flashy colorful beings with screaming pink hairs. But it could work, if they tone it done considerably… for me, at least.

Here’s the thing, no race a hivemind (the Void may be trying that for the Velves but we’ll see), they’re not all a single clique.

For Void Elves, they represent dwelling with madness and the void and the eldritch and also standing against it.

So you can have the solemn and aloof warden.




Idea for Void Elf mage, play them like Robin Williams’ Genie

PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER! points at flesh iddy biddy living space.


To be honest, the one with spikes isn’t really something i associate with Void. More so Fel.

Now if BEs got the Felblood customization options :eyes:

In general… it’s a bit odd Demon Hunters don’t have that red skintone?

If not tentacle jewelry, abstract jewelry with “Eye” Gems would be a neat option.

Could even have a headband with an eye in the middle for both genders.

On the subject of “Eldritch Themes”, not to be too much of a buzzkill, eyes require a lot of regging. I don’t even know if they can actually add those bones to the face. They won’t even give Worgen tails and they already have bones for tails.

So I would not expect any multiple eye options to be added.

I definitely think they should expand on this feature. And add new colors/effects to the tentacles as well.

It would be a great way to add void themes to any look you’re going for.

I like that concept.

Pretty much what I think should/could be done. Along with Void Tattoos/Markings.


I find it more rude to enter a thread about void elf void customizations that has a large following of said customizations saying they all don’t matter because no one cares about it because what they themselves beleive is an unpopular idea that should be ignored, after being asked multiple times that the thread is not for that.


This is more headcanon than anything else. The Void Elves weren’t vital in the “destruction” of N’Zoth in 8.3 and they weren’t really disfigured in the Stormwind scenario either. I just was the past days inside the instances because I still haven’t gotten the mail mount yet.

I would welcome Void customizations but I do believe they will be rather normal instead coming directly out of a Cthulhu-storyline. Thinking of it, you can’t even give the Void Elves some tentacle arms because they need for every class both hands available. More tentacles around the body? No, it will be a clipping problem.

If they are going to add a pink hair color, then in the same tone as the blue one. Muted and not outstandingly screaming.

That is literally the opening narration when you make one.

… and?


No doubt but you don’t need to be rude back to that level. You’re better than them.

Your vision is lacking.


Might of well come in here, and post my daily support for more Void customizations for the Void Elves…

Seems to have been a while that I have done this.


The opening intro - just watched it on YT - is about the Void being dangerous which can break the will of dragons and titan’s children. The Void Elves, however, do do use the power to defend the world and the Alliance. I don’t see where this “eldritch and also standing against it” comes from.

Missed opportunity.

Just to be clear here: This is a public forum and not a closed community. There is nothing rude in engaging with topics you have an interest for. Freedom and so, wasn’t it.

Then walk me through it and how you would avoid the clipping issue on shoulder, belts and so on.

Freedom to make a statement is not freedom of consequences.


blink blink

You should have lead with that instead of just arguing that Void elves aren’t trying to be wardens against the void.

points at Blood Elves armband jewelry

It could also just turn “off” when you have armor in that slot, similar to our hair disappearing in most helmets.

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Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from people. Just the government. Nor does that necessarily matter on a companies public forum… they have their own rules… Which they are allowed to enact and enforce in that space.

However being Rude isn’t so much a matter of the freedom of speech anyways… its just about being rude or not.

It would be like any other piece of jewelry that currently operates like that. It would probably be more focused on the Neck and arms than anything else.

I suppose if they were to do something like Back Tentacles, which I’ve seen requested a couple times and is also one I would love to have, they’d probably just be off the back through whatever armor like tails do…

Honestly clipping in WoW is the least of our worries regardless. My human paladin’s shoulders clip through her face regularly… and thats just armor.

^^^ This right here.


Woah, this escalated quickly… :eyes:

I mean what would you expect if you do the equilavent of joining a bowling club, saying bowling sucks abd no one cares about it, and demand we should be golfing instead lol.

I made finally the connection after I looked the word up again and the different meanings it has. I’m not really used to the word eldritch and the initial google description sounded differently. But yes, I do agree now with you.

It’s a topic beaten to dead already and I assume everyone is on the same page here that the Void Elves were absolutely underused in a void-specific storyline. Will the same happen again in the upcoming Light VS Void storyline? I do hope not.

There is nothing rude about joining a discussion in good faith. It’s rather offensive to assume I would come here to stir some drama. I’m not one of your online discord elf-buddies who mastered this art for their subscription fee leisure.

Yes, this could work for static tentacles.

I can see this working. In my mind I envision the tentacles animated, wiggling around all the time which is why I questioned how this would likely work with armors. From all the customization requests I have seen so far I do think that anything can happen but the parts which needs to animated completely from scratch, like additional eyes.