Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

I mean, the worgen starting zone is basically bailing wire at this point and the goblin one is only marginally more functional.

My gut says it would be nice if all the allied races could be something the parent race couldn’t (and the parent race had a class choice the allied race couldn’t). Though obviously with dwarves and blood elves, that’s kinda rough.

It’s not really a priority for me, personally, though. And the only option for void elves in that direction are shaman and druid.

…I’d rather see a VOID SHAMAN, but that’s a bit zany.

Just ask the Japanese, Void is totally an element.

Edit: fixed, Chinese the fifth element is Metal.

I’m really wondering what the hell happened to make the worgen starting zone practically blow up and when it happened.

The Alliance were threatened by the cute fluffiness of the Vulpera so they mass produced Worgen to counter them.

It was the early days of phasing so probably… Too much work on it or too little or both.

Either way, it’s… uh…

Well, there’s a few reasons I don’t have many worgen, including lore and customizations that leave me indifferent, but it didn’t help.

There are void shamans, but they’re mostly EVIL BAD GUY MINIONS. We could probably wiggle into some good ones, though.

I dunno, Thornspeakers as they are actually known in lore, were originally founded by the Drust Druids who did not agree Garok Tul’s war. I mean, yeah, they seem to be more towards the life as Garok Tul wanted to rage war on Human Settlements, but originally, with how they were founded, it does seem on the side of a nightmare…

The Thornspeakers are the drust druids. (in culture)

Gorak Tul started entreating darker powers and they (Thornspeakers) broke away and joined up with the humans.

They are not like the Drust we fight.


copy cat druids. be more like a new class for mechas, something like transformers. they’d tap arcane not nature but could transform mechakitty, mechabear, etc. would make them more popular, for sure. maybe a function of tinker?

i always think of velfs as a negative of belfs. so their paladin would be a negative of a light based paladin. they’d use void the same way a light based paladin uses light and all their spells would reflect that. a negative of light in the wow universe does not automatically mean evil, however. it just means dangerous, like the void is dangerous


They aren’t really negatives anymore. They are slowly retconning the void out of void elves.

well i already addressed earlier, how i think people who select high elf features for their void elf, could adopt the high elf wayfarer/silver covenant angle and just have normal pallies, because they technically wouldnt be void elves yet.

I agree. One of the biggest problems though would be the lore, as there is very little lore to go on by :sob:

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Your a void elf… also this is the void elf customization thread.

We went off topic enough with non-voidable classes as it is, can we get back to charecter customizations?


Dude. It’s only a matter of time until they just rope in the silver covenant with void elves. Then you’ll be either a void elf or high elf, both are alliance. They won’t be adding a separate race so they will just use void elves to give them everything they need. It’s gonna happen. High Elves are too requested and void elves are too niche. Just rope in high elves and it’s a wrap. Like it or not. Void Elf paladins will happen, and high elves will be a branch from void elves. You love to be in denial a lot, but you clearly don’t understand that people will not stop until high elves are here. And blizzard knows this.

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The silver covenent isn’t just high elves you know, there is members of other races in it.

Doesn’t matter. Same for the clan void elves are under. I mean there’s an Ethereal there. And technically anything could learn the teachings of the void, not just elves. But what we know of the void clan and the silver covenant is they are primarily high elves. Alleria and Vereesa are both seen with each other at the end of Shadowlands. Seems to me they are going to try to set something up there. Have the two come together with both of the elves under their command and just make a unified group.

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We are not.

We’re our own thing. We’ve diverged down a different path and become more than we once were.

They give you rp tools for high elves and Allerian style void elves for the rest of us and you think it’s getting retconned?

They’ve not even given a single void elf any natural option since they added those options.

If it doesn’t work for the race it is it shouldn’t be an option.

Void elves using natural options are still void elves, they’re just more along Alleria’s format.

She can no more use the light than Umbric can.

Paladins for void elves if they occur at all should be void based.

We don’t need genociding race purists among the void elves.

SC shouldn’t be anyone’s jam after the purge. Literally the worst people.

Unlikely to happen either since the SC elves wouldn’t be interested in the void anymore than the average blood elf.

Besides we need time to grow on our own.

Locus-walker is so far alone. Hardly an example of other races among the Void elves.

He assists in teaching new recruits what they need to know prior to becoming full void elves.

Alleria and Vereesa have been together because of Sylvanas… Their sister. Not because of some closeness between void elves and the SC.


doubtful and hopefully no.

Last thing we need is worse void elf lore by being watered down by “high elves” Which btw should and remain a seperate entity.

A void elf is no longer a high elf, period.

And the silver covenent should remain a dalaran entity.

Which honestly shouldn’t happen at all honestly.

Last we need is more bad lore.


This too.


Yea but they weren’t really part of the expansion and only showed up at the end because blizzard forgot that Sylvanas had siblings and I think the one sibling that has been ignored alot more than Alleria and Vereesa was her Brother.

Why couldn’t they bring back her Brother in this expansion when it was a death expansion out of all things is beyond me.

Well. I don’t consider it doubtful. The fact people are so adamant about high elves really tells me this is the direction it will go. You keep saying it will water down void elves but that’s already happened. Blizzard has shown they do not care at all about watering them down.

I can tell you with very high certainty that the silver covenant and the void elves will join a pact and we’ll be able to choose either a void elf or a silver covenant elf. Because blizzard has been giving the players what they want and that is a big thing they’ve been requesting for years now. Like, again, you can’t go a day without seeing a high elf thread and no they don’t all come from me.

That doesn’t mean anything. They are together now and that is a big deal. Times of grief or strife create a closer bond. And I feel there is more in store between the both of them going forward. Them going to see the trial was just the start of what is to come.

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