Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

That one has you, as the tooltip puts it “Disperse into pure shadow energy”. They’re really inconsistent with Void lore, aren’t they?

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They are.

Though it could just be that always there undercurrent of our lack of understanding the void. It is one of those powers that is hard to work with due to the mind being easily messed with.

Void elves (and the other races who regularly used it without succumbing, orcs/Mag’har and forsaken) are our best chances to finally gain that understanding and find new ways to utilize it.

If done right… It could be an amazing story.


The argument about how a void wielder wouldn’t use their power to protect is kind of silly when we consider Death Knights.

I’d readily toss Holy spec as a mechanical outlier, but the other two are solid contenders to further the point that Light and Void aren’t Good vs Bad.


The Void can be a source of terrible power, the kind of power that comes at a price.[[7]](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Void#cite_note-Disrupt-7) While the Light is often said to bring about feelings of positive emotion—hope, courage, comfort—and the like, Shadow abilities are the opposite, able to impart feelings like despair, doubt, and panic. In a poetic sense, it can be said that the emotions which the Light brings about come from the "heart", whereas the emotions manipulated by Shadow are often based on survival logic, and therefore affect the "mind"

Where Light would tank by empowering themselves and healing, I think a void knight would tank by attacking the mind, causing doubt on the enemy and making them lose focus. In fact it would be a perfect spec for Sha themes to play out with.

I also imagine that if a void knight uses a sheild, I think they would use it differently then caption America prot pallies. I imagine they will use it sort of a portal of sorts for void creatures to reach out and attack the void knights foes, like tentacles or small void beings exiting the sheild aka void portal.

That actually makes me think of a possible mechanic that could be interesting if void knights was to be a class.

I will make a thread tomorrow.


The Void is not necessarily “evil”, it is a primal force with its morality characterized by how it is wielded.[4]

Void Elves can wield it however they may need to. I imagine so too could Forsaken, Mag’har (maybe regular orcs?) and Worgen.

Really any race that learns to use it properly.

That all said…

I can’t wait to see it.

While I still think that since Blizzard is claiming they want to bring every class to every race we should try to steer the paladin, druid, shaman tracks towards a void design lorewise, I have no qualms about a void knight class overall.

Again though I don’t want that to be purely for one race. So it must apply to more than just Void Elves.


I disagree, it goes against everything that is established for those classes to pick up void magic in any iteration.

And vice versa.

Am I the only one that dislikes the “Every Race Can be Every Class” idea?

The only cases I would like to see these expanded on is if it has a strong unique theme for them.

Human Versions of anything would be watered down and dull.

Goblin Druids are contradictory and having them would weaken their culture.

I think some new ideas could work, but to make them stretch over every race/culture would feel watered down.


I also do not like the idea, my examples;

Druids are huardians of nature; having them be nightmare druids twisting and then eventually killing nature is contradictory to the class.

Paladins: iconic to WoW, light warriors, strong faith in it, upholds what they beleive to be right and just. Protectors of civilized life (or what they saw as it) bringer of peace in hearts. The void stands opposite of that, as I linked above.

Dreanei warlocks: dreanei forbid the practice, and dreanei that is like maraad would had hunted them down if they tried. This is on top of the fact it was due to fel they lost their home world argus.

No not at all.

I prefer not expanding it willy nilly to all races.

Especially in cases like paladin for void elves. They’re the one race where it literally requires too high a cost to the lore of Blizzards version of that class for me to be fully for it.

I also don’t like the idea of making a whole new class for void elves to get something similar done.

I do like the idea of having glyph like options for velf warriors to give the feel of using the void to attack like that.

Most folk suggesting this are saying they’d be keeping the nightmare from growing not corrupting.


I need more lore clarification on that to even think that would be a thing.

One of the thing void does is currupt and tries to spread.

I think it is a safer bet that if nightmare druids would be a thing, it would be like it did to current druids we seen in legion, lost their minds and had to be put down before they spread it further.

Pretty sure Kul’tiran are technically Nightmare Druids.

Yeah, I don’t like races like Goblins or Mechagnomes who are supposed to be removed from nature getting them.

A Nightborne Arcendor type Druid would be a good take, but robots that function like druids are too far removed.

I think it can work if done right, since Paladin is technically the most flexible of the pseudo religion classes.

But just handing it over as-is is not a unique form or special class skin would suck.


No, they are druids that represent the end cycle of life.

They are not nightmare druids.

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The Void does.

Void Elves do not.

The void itself only corrupts when the things using it put it to that use. Sure its much easier to do with the Void but it doesn’t mean thats all it can do.

Why would Void Elf druids lose their minds anymore than any other void elf class?

Kul’tiran druids are still nature druids. They err more towards the waning of life but they’re not even actually death druids. They support the cycle just as much as any cenarion druid.

I think Goblins could make a stronger argument for it than not honestly and I don’t think Gnomes are all that far out there either, but Mechagnomes being little robots always makes me feel kinda odd.

I don’t think mechagnome druids, if they were to be a thing, would turn into robots.

In gnomes (Both types) cases it would be them exploring and learning the magic for the same reasons they learn anything else. To learn in general.

Goblins aren’t always entirely greedy and I don’t really think theres that much keeping them from being druids beyond that societal greed.

Also Kelfin druids would be amazing. They don’t have that issue that their land based cousins do.

Nightborne shoulnd’t be any harder than blood elves for druid. Whether thats doing a flavor based thing with the arcane or Arcandor, or using the simple teaching of Cenarius.

It needs lore regardless of how they add it. Otherwise it just won’t make any sense.

I want it to be a void based thing if they’re going to.

Ah, yes this.

While I see NB, Belf, and dwarf druids before Velf… I would sign up for Hoover Service cleanup in the Dream in a heartbeat.



I do hope that they spend time adding the classes that more easily make sense to the ones that require some work before adding them to ones that are…questionable.

Dwarves really should get druid if thats the only way we’re getting Wildhammer.

Belves and Nelves should get Druid and Paladin respectively.

And damnit everyone should have monk already.


I understand why they didn’t give Worgen monks, but Goblin had to eat it because of.

The old model was so jank - truly jank. It had clipping and tearing in its regular combat animations. You could view the rig using monk animations in the Wowhead model viewer back in the day. Every punch went right through their mouth.

There’s no reason why monk shouldn’t be the first to be unlocked for everyone.

Bah, the no monks for Worgen being because they were too feral was bunk. Their own starting zone has you gain control specifically to be able to shift in the first place.

They also claimed that it was because those races were stuck to a specific timeline start. Thats now no longer the case.

Real reason I think is Blizz didn’t want to spend the time to make em work properly and just had the excuses.

Entirely this though.

The void also abhors life. Once it gets currupted, the void will then consume it.

That’s what I meant, really. The way they implemented the monk animations for the old models was really lazy. They made a skeleton for it, and it worked for most humany models. It looked a bit wonky for Tauren and male Draenei, but it serviced.

I don’t think they actually tweaked them all that much, and Worgen would have taken more tweaks than they were willing to do. Especially with the graphical tearing the model already went through on the regular (I think there’s a thread still up showing where the female worgen actually had holes visible in the model during certain animations). Which is how we got the “Oh, uh, time bubble!” excuse - even if Belves and Draenei don’t already start in a time bubble.

Was just lazy all around.

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Of a sort y4eah, it’s my understanding that adding Monk quests/trainers to the Worgen/Goblin starting zones would have caused some issues… BUT with Exile’s Reach that’s no longer an issue.