Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


Something that’s been irking at me is that since we’re opening up body jewelry to customization, I’d really like to see some grasping tendrils on the arms in that pretty, almost violet, silver.


Or just give us more tendrils for that slot >>

Voidy, of course.



I feel like since they said they would be adding lore for classes that are not so easy to explain away, such as paladin, druid, shaman, demon hunter and apparently Monk?, it wont be something I should expect soon.

I’d also like to encourage Blizzards Devs and story writers to focus on adding it through a void based means. Effectively they wouldn’t be “paladins” as much as just using the toolset to represent a Void Knight.

I don’t see why Void Elves, Forsaken, Mag’har (Possibly regular orcs too), and Worgen wouldn’t all be capable of taking their already existent darkcasters and teaching them martial skills and how to wear plate armor while utilizing the Void/Shadow to strike their foes.

That said I don’t see this as a customization option overall, nor should it be talked about in the context of only one race or even class if they’re going to open those doors.

Blizzard is walking down a path I have little hope they can do justice, but I will hope for them to do it well.

There is something to be said about this.

While Blizzard said they want to work towards a all races all classes concept… Thats just a thing they’ve said.

They’ve said many things in the past that did not come to fruition.

They are adding Priest, Rogue and Mage to all races now. That I believe them on.

Everything else I take with a grain of salt.

Certainly something to consider especially with cross faction systems coming soon and likely being opened up.

Though Not super relevant to this thread as that would be a high elf thing.

Druid would have some easy story beats to jump into with the Emerald Flight.

Paladin especially tanks though are easy peasy to play through an expansion…

Kinda the same thing I need to decide… do I take my Feral/Guardian Druid or my Ret/Prot Pally? If I get enough money to put Fenelon on my main account finally maybe I’ll use him too…

Rude. Tanks are my favorite spec to be.

Casts levitate

Welcome, here hoping we get such things in the future friend.

Voidified Druid forms for the Void Elves would be quite fun to see.

Wonder if they’d go way out there and make em like… A bear model but with a wholly different creature in its place?

Oh thats pretty!

Ohho. Much better… Wonder if I can get someone to mock that up…

Currect yet not currect. Why would a Void knight want to fight like a paladin for one.

The void likes tormenting, giving misery, and other negative emotions, it also seeks to currupt, not preserve. I would imagine a new class would justify a void knight more then just a lazy class skin. Also using class skins will arise issues if used against the spirit of the idea, which would be to use them as a means for class combos.

I’m planning to return from my photoshop hiatus very soon


The void does sure, but we are not the void. We stand in opposition to it. We prove that the void can be used to protect and defend.

Shadow priests already use it to heal, so its not really too far out of the realm of possibility to do that or protect.

Its just a power source like any other one that many races tap into from time to time.

Its like when folk try to claim Void Elves would try to corrupt Silvermoon or the Sunwell… thats not what we’re about. Alleria’s first move when it reacted to her was to help push the void back.

Not sure I get what you mean here? (Still recovering from my sickness so I might just be missing what you mean.) Can you elaborate?

Oh! I am excited to see what you have next for us!


The thing with VE Paladins and Druids is that lore would only be a part of it, the art assets would be the big thing to overcome.

For Druid you’d need new Bear, Cat, Chicken, and all the Travel forms for them (the same for any new Druid inclined Race).

For Paladins, if they wanted to be Shadowdins, just slapping a Shadow Glyph on the class more or less would be really unfulfilling for a lot of people, since you’d still be doing holy damage and everyone and the game would still be referencing your character being a warrior of light (not that kind), so that would be a lot more intensive than just changing the visuals. A whole new spec/class? Would a class skin customization justify the resources used on it vs how many people play it? Lots to go over.

Also also new Void Charger mount.

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I suspect with those particular classes that Blizzard has not added (aside from monk) that that is likely one of the reasons they’re giving themselves more time before trying for it.

Lore is one thing, but in the context of the game development its the forms, totems, demon forms, and in the case of paladin… modification of the light look to a void one. (Also yeah a charger.)

Would they even do it is my concern? Is that too much work for them to justify it?

We’ll see. Like I said I’ll take their “all races all classes” as a grain of salt until I see it.

Unrelated to that though my friends helped me to get my robe today and I am so thrilled and happy and just elated!



Also completely random but I’m kinda hyped for the Arclight Rumble game, probably not gonna play it, for the potential for all the new models that’ll come with it. I wonder if they’ll have a squad of Void Elves as one of the units?

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I signed up for the beta. I’ll give it a try though its not really a game type I’m normally for.

I’d absolutely love a void elf squad option! I’d bet Umbric would do a good amount of damage!

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Keep in mind Shadow Mend leaves a DoT on the target, so it’s very much unlike Light healing.

I think if Void Elves actually do get Druids at some point, they will probably end up using the same models as whatever is made for Blood Elves but with a visual effect layered over it like Entropic Embrace or the Void Edge weapon illusion. I would be incredibly surprised if completely unique models were made for Void Elves.

I expect similar shortcuts to be used for Draenei/Lightforged, Orcs/Mag’har, and anywhere else Blizzard thinks they can get away with it.

Eh, hardly a matter. There’s also dispersion which does healing and protection (to self).

I’d hope they’d try a bit harder then that if/when they get there.

Even despite the Tauren/Hmt? Trolls/Zandalari?

Oh me too. I just don’t expect to get that level of effort.

Even despite the Tauren/Hmt? Trolls/Zandalari?

In fact, yes.

The reason I think that is because Highmountain and Zandalari were each added in a specific expansion, whereas when the time comes that Blizzard adds Druids to the races that don’t have access yet, I expect that they will do them all in one shot rather than do it piecemeal. And not for nothing, but the Highmountain forms aren’t much different from the Tauren forms. Mostly they just have antlers instead of bull horns, and their travel forum uses a pre-existing moose asset as a base.

Case in point:

Here’s a comparison of Highmountain and Tauren bear forms. That’s the level of effort I expect.

Zandalari forms are more of an outlier, yet they still rely on pre-existing assets (dino’s made for BfA) as a base.


This is a good point especially considering that Alleria’s sister was the Ranger General of the Blood Elves. She is a Blood Elf. How could she be a different race than her sister?

Here’s something like what I expect for Blood Elf and Void Elf cat form. More than likely it will be a more updated model and Blizzard will probably replace the old Springpaws out in the world with the updated model at the same time. Gotta get as much use out of those time/resources as they can after all. :stuck_out_tongue:



We’ll have to see of course since we don’t have any info beyond they’re thinking of adding all classes to all races.

I took their words to mean they intended to do it over a long time line and develop lore for each one rather than do all of them together.

Could go either way though.

Uprezzed a bit too.

Most druid forms are based off of an existing model in either case. I do hope they go less cookie cutter at least with some races.

Void elf druids could be quite out there.

Belf druids can easily be made quite unique.

Draenei ones too.

And I’ll kill for dwarf druids and remake my Wildhammer.

True but most druid forms are still based on existent models generally.

Kul’tirans had a lot of that modification but the bear if still a bear.

I mean I can see it but again I hope not. Both races have veered from one another and I’d bet we can ask for better.

I hope the same. I just don’t expect much. Keeping my expectations low means if I’m wrong I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Truly something I can get behind.

Best way to operate these days.

I hope Microsoft sets them on a better path.

Perhaps one where customizations are added en masse and with a more even hand between races…

Maybe a few more ARs too…