Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

They wasted the customization budget on that new race. So many options for it, but it all looks disgusting. It’s yet another high elf compromise race with ugly visuals that only go to add bloat to the race. It’s funny how we can have 2 new Thalassian models yet still can’t get the Thalassian people actually want.

I liked it, it gave and gives some good insight into upcoming stuff and potential upcoming stuff which was and is nice.

Plus not gonna lie, I can’t wait to make a red dragon boy because that preview one was hot, hot, hot. :fire: :fire: :fire:


90% sure blizzard doesn’t see Dracthyr as elf related at all.

Oh yeah it definitely did that.

Far as this thread though not much to report is all.

I do recommend folk take a listen. A lot in there all things considered.


You say that. But then why give them the Thalassian model? Come on, you know it was purposeful. Thalassians are really popular. The dragons could have had any humanoid form. But they specifically picked the Thalassians for it. I know females are human, but still. Human and Thalassian are the 2 most popular races for both factions. Now horde has the human model with the Drackthyr females, and alliance has the option for a Thalassian that doesn’t glow purple. If they actually spruce up the male model, allow for the horns to be removed, allow for the hair colors to be a flat color instead of multi color, and not force the scales then you’d have pretty much a high elf if you’re able to play as their human form in combat.


Seems more like they were trying to keep them in line with their progenitors humanoid choices.

Wrathion uses a human form which has the stance of a belf male. Onyxia and Deathwings humanoid forms were humans. Many other black dragons pick human as well.

These just seem more along those lines.

And Blizz is definitely not as focused on elves as people like you and I are. Blizz is just doing what they think is cool not what will make elves happy.

I very much doubt any of this is for you or I.


I actually agree with this point - I recently checked most popular races played by 2019, 14% is human, 15.5% is blood elf, and 14% is night elf. And even though that was 3 years ago it’s still very much relevant. I think their way of thinking around the visage forms was still very very confused though because they didn’t have enough time and resources to apply so much customization to other races. It’s all in the plan

Btw if you listened to the Twitter space interview with Ion and Danuser, they sounded quite reserved and Danuser stuttered a lot on the Dark Rangers question, and usually this does not happen because a race is not coming but the opposite. We’ll see what happens.

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Notable progenitors are a Tauren for black dragon flight, and a night elf for green dragon flight. But we don’t see either of those. Oh, also Gnome for Bronze Dragon Flight. Chromie is a pretty important character.

Don’t get my hopes up. :pleading_face:


I wish that there was more news about Customization Options for all races but so far nothing really.

I hope more is explained in the future.

Dark Rangers won’t be a race but customization options. But still, it goes to show just how much love Thalassisn get.

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The dracthyr progenitor is Deathwing.

The others didn’t know they existed.

To this end I do think they decided to focus on those two forms due to time constraints.


I agree most of the dragon flights seem to prefer human, and elven forms for their visage forms.

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It’s less for elves or players into elves and more just what dragons tend to choose. Especially black ones.

Thus they use a Wrathion like male human form and the relatively easy female human one.

I have no doubts that with a lot more time and will blizzard would have let us choose our mortal forms more.

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and its mostly the flip : female thalassiaans and male humans, with the rare human female and male thalassian. go figure.

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New Race / Class Combos

Nothing to promise yet, but they want to work towards a place where race isn’t a limiting factor. But the timeline is something they’ll have to be flexible on. A lot of the classes have a lot of content and lore requirements like for Paladin and Warlock.

In 10.0 Rogues, Mages and Priests available for all races. :eyes:

I hope void elves will have the DH and paladin class in a future DF patch. :crossed_fingers:


I’m glad to see them lessening restrictions on the easy ones.

Though I cannot imagine why monk isn’t included.

I’m also very happy to see them indicate they want lore to back up these new additions as that’s one of my big desires with new classes, especially between warlock/paladin/druid/shaman/demon hunter.

Also you beat me to my computer. I was gonna link that interview!

:octopus: :purple_heart:


Ion had already mentioned in the Millenium interview that the addition of new class/race combos would be possible, today we have confirmation of this. :v:


Monks should really be universal… the class fantasy may be fairly tied to pandaren now, but if we can wiggle in wicker magic death druids, Sunwalkers and Prelates, and whatever mishmash the priest class is, we can certainly make some space for other unarmed or lightly armed brawlers fortified by beverages.


I hope we get paladins. It’d go a long way to defuse old grudges. Being tied to void elves has made that class impossible. But if we can manage to get it in the end I think this whole thing will be less insufferable. I am still hoping for entropic embrace toggles.

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Don’t even think they need to worry about that. Mechagnomes got monk… so it can’t be a time thing. LFD and Worgen and Goblins have plenty of reason to be monks.

It will be interesting to see how they make lore to justify the classes for some races though and I can’t wait to see what happens. I’m especially excited because I think theres a good chance that void knights (void paladins) will be available for more than one race. Imagine Mag’har, Forsaken, Velf and Worgen Void Knights.

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