Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Worgen can just be regular paladins, as can Mag’har. In the card game we see Worgen Paladins. Mag’har paladins already exist and are with Yrel.

They are just called Lightfang. The worgen Paladins.

In the case of Mag’har, Forsaken, Worgen and Void Elves while three of those could easily utilize the Light, they all have a history of void casters.

Mag’har have the Shadowmoon clan, still with shadowcasters unlike their MU cousins who may have lost much of it.

Worgen Darkcasters are common in many places, while not entirely common among the gilnean’s recovered Shadowfang and duskwood worgen often use those abilities.

Void Elves…should be self explanatory.

Forsaken would work really well given their church of the forgotten shadow. A group that could use more lore and attention.

I shy away from adding specific significant lore changes to a class for only one race.

We haven’t really had that so far and I’d rather if they’re going to make a Void Knight based on paladin that they extend that to more than one race, despite my love of void elves. It wouldn’t feel entirely fair to do all that work and setup for one singular people.


Totally called this last week! Glad to see some of the classes opening up, I had a feeling HM Tauren and LF Draenei were up for an update, but it seems all Tauren and Draenei got the hook up. If my math is right, there should be at least two more class openings, based on the three announced. They’re being wishy washy with the Dracthyr, but they may be sneaky and add a surprise to them.

As Blizzard is keen on hybrid builds for the new talent trees, I’m banking on two out of the four following: Shaman, Paladin, Demon Hunter, and Monk.

HM Tauren were the big winners with the recent announcement, so 91my money is on Shaman next, as it will give a huge balance for the Alliance. I’m betting Blizz’s final choice will be laser guided, and target only a few. If it’s Demon Hunter, it will be Void Elves and all Draenei, along with Highborne and all Tauren. If it’s Paladin, it will likely be Night Elves and a Horde surprise.



I get to be a rogue y’all :sob:


This is good news. Can’t wait for Draenei Rogues.

They really need to add a Glyph for more Brawler looking moves.


If they ever do add Void Elf Paladins (and it seems like they might someday), then at the very least I hope their spells are all void colored so that cathedral line still makes sense. I feel the same way about Void Elves getting Demon Hunters. If it ever actually happens, I’d hope they had “void” colored flames rather than fel colored for their abilities.


There already are void elf demon hunters and they seem to just use fel. Fel and Void are often used together, just look at warlocks. Hell they even have a pet that is void called the voidlord. The void elf demon hunters are from the card game. Also, if void elf paladins become a thing they need a glyph for light spells or that won’t make many people happy.

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How is that even possible? Not saying void using Demon Hunters couldn’t be a thing already, just saying I don’t recall there being any Void Elf Demon Hunters in the game.

Void and Fel aren’t at odds with one another like light is with void. Warlocks combine fel and void magic together all the time and nothing bad happens.

I realize that, but you said there already are Void Elf Demon Hunters. That simply is not true. Void Elves didn’t come into being until after Legion and as far as the game has told us, the Illidari have not recruited anyone recently.

Probably demon hunters that joined the ranks of the void elves. They do exist if the card game is to be believed. Just not common in the slightest.

Well I’m not going to take stuff from Hearthstone as canon, not that I object to Void Elf Demon Hunters. I wouldn’t have an issue with it at all. Just saying they don’t exist in the game at the moment.


I mean, sure. But again, any Thalassian can choose to become a void elf. So a Thalassian Demon Hunter would simply go through the process. There is grounds for it. That’s why Void elves have every class but paladin that blood elves have. Because they don’t interfere with the process.

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Honestly, I am actually against the idea of Void Elf paladins, but if it does happen, congrats then to everyone who wants them.

More customizations would be better though for the Void Elves, adding more to the Void side of the things.


I’m ambivalent to Void Elf Paladins (or Demon Hunters) myself. They just aren’t a big deal to me. That said, if Blizzard does make them available to Void Elves someday, I’d just like them to have recolored abilities cause I think it would be cool. But I totally get it if people don’t want the combos at all, and I do agree I’d much rather have more customization options than class combos.


So anyone note that the two-toned hair the Dracthyr can have in their visage forms is suspiciously similar to the star cursed hair a lot of us have wanted for void elves? >> Maybe other races can get that option down the line (since apparently they have over 30 hair colors to choose from, top and bottom both and 5 customization catagories >> )


It’s less like the Starcursed hair and more along the lines of ombre hair which has been a request of both velf and belf players for awhile.

I’ve also seen it pop up for human, draenei, Nightborne and even orc requests before.

It sure would be nice though if that had been added to all races hair options…


I’d love to see that pop up on all types of characters. Also really, really hoping they add starcursed hair eventually. I would 100% use it on probably all my void elves.