Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

They’re an indi company, we can’t expect too much of them.

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I mean the choosing renewal over vengeance has been a big part of her character.

Honestly I can’t see Tyrande being unkind with the NE Dark Rangers, I really do think she’d see them as victims of Sylvanas as well.

But who knows at the end.

Except they turned their blades on her people… she is not the type that forgives on the fly you know.

Mmm, I think we just disagree on how we see the kaldorei. I do think they would be compassionate towards their fallen brethren.

Most likely than not, this won’t even be addressed in game lol.

As I said:

It’s not that Tyrande doesn’t hold a grudge, it’s that the NE Dark Rangers, IMO, would elicit her compassion. That’s how she comes across to me.

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You think tyrande is going going forgive someone that joined the enemy army and starting attacking her people so easily?

I think you might want to look into her story a bit more then in sl. She isn’t that way. Look on how she looks at the nightborne. That is her way of dealing with questionable peoples.

Knowing tyrande she’d probably just kill them to “give them to peace in death they deserved” before being resurrected. And that would be her version of compassion.


TBH I never got the outrage over Tyrande being so reticent about the Nightborne. Like I know it’s a plot over lore decision, but I do get why she would be distant towards Suramar. It was her home turf, and to see them shield themselves away from the fight and abandon them, instead of staying and fighting, is a believable cause for her distance.

Maybe time would have helped, but the BE offered far more understanding at the moment, so it always made sense for me.

I disagree with how you interpret Tyrande, I just really don’t think it’s accurate.

Lmao why all the Tyrande misrepresentation on here.

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Liadrin is not the blood elf leader…

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That has nothing to do with my point?

Tyrande, Calia and the Tirisfal glades are in the next patch.

We may have the continuation of the story this quest. :crossed_fingers:

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It does? As we seen through out the entire suramar spectical tyrande, THE DEFACTO NIGHT ELF LEADER treating nightborne as trash multiple times would leave a bad impression on the nightborne on what the night elves are about. Even liadrin treated them better even though she was not the blood elf leader, as lorthemar is the blood elf leader and actually approached them in a more diplomatic way and treated them as a people far better then tyrande ever did.

Its not like Blizzard is especially consistent with… a lot of things.

It isn’t hard to end up with two people finding vastly different viewpoints on how races look at things.

Far as addressed I think if Darkfallen do turn out to be the rumored AR then its likely to be for both nelf and belf models. It would make sense overall. If thats the case I think they’d have to kinda address it a little.

As she is currently I can see Tyrande doing that at that honestly.

I still feel her people would be less enthused.

Honestly could still see her do this too… lol

I am curious to see how that goes.

Me too, patch 9.2.5 has so much potential!

“treating Nightborne as trash multiple times”

TBH I don’t think we are one the same mindset to have a productive discussion, at all. The biased hyperbolics don’t augur any sort of engaging discourse, sorry.

That’s the major issue with Blizzard, not because something makes sense, it will happen XD

I DO hope it is addressed somewhat, but all we can do is wait and see.

IDK, the fact that Maiev of all people comes across as compassionate does lead me to believe kaldorei would be, overall, more compassionate. But yeah, who knows at the end.

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I think people don’t give Maiev the credit she deserves. Its been in little bits and definitely doesn’t equal to the massive turnabout of her character but shes been getting more and more compassionate as time goes on.

Speaking of the Shadowsong’s though… Can we get more of both Maiev and Jarod please? Shandris is nice and all but theres a lot of potential Night Elf folk who could be strong story characters.


I like to think Malfurion and Jarod have been in charge of taking care of the NE people in Hyjal and I’d like to see them, specially Jarod, in that role in the future.


I want to see Jarod be involved in retaking (in game) a portion of Ashenvale. Malfurion help in retaking Felwood and Mordent Evenshade in charge of securing Winterspring.

Not necessarily to force the Horde out but to reclaim the areas they did lose from anything that might still be there or have moved in otherwise.


It’s a step up from her days running a hate fuelled murder cult, and trying to murder her brother for being a Highborne sympathizer.


That’s true.

Man what I’d do for more story around other notable night elf characters.

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Recording of the recent Twitter interview.

Nothing in there pertinent to Void Elves excepting the general “no more customizations”.

Still figure I’d post it for folk to listen.