Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

It doesn’t benefit Void Elf fans in the slightest to allow more hijacking of their requests. In reality your time is over assuming VEs finally get a third pass of course it will be void options of course you want those options to be as HE in theme as possible because a third HE pass probably isn’t coming for the Void Elf race, HE options will always be available for the actual long standing playable High Elf race.

VE fans gain nothing by letting their request be combined w yours, meanwhile you have everything to gain.


Is that really true? We both have everything to gain. For starters the fighting between High Elf and Void elf does void elves no favors either. High Elves vastly outnumber void elf players, and the coming harassment from them only negatively affect your threads. Not only that, but because we vastly out number void elf players, high elf options will be the most likely to come in large number of their options. Void elves will only be given a few scraps, because blizzard has taken note of what people want, and majority opinion usually wins in that regards. Having high elf player numbers backing what you want, and compromising on certain things helps you out as much as it helps us. No matter what, we’d all be having something to look forward too, instead of someone being left out, and then them getting angry and running amuck through the forums. If we could broker peace between high elf and void elf players, the whole of this race will benefit. If not, neither side will ever feel satisfied.

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Are you threatening harassment on behalf of HE fans and the HE community?

Is that what I’m reading because you certainly seem to be suggesting it.


Then you are not paying attention. Nowhere did I mention myself. I said high elf players as a whole. It’s no secret that high elf players are the most likely to cause a fuss. Not even including me, there have been countless people who have come here to derail this thread and antagonize. And, on the void elf side, when a high elf thread goes up, they do the same to us.

So you’re owning past bad behaviors and acknowledging or suggesting harassment of VE fans next

This seems very clear. This isn’t you suggesting its in VEs best interests to throw away their actual pass in favor of more HE options, you’re more or less trying to threaten the issue citing harassment in the future and referencing behavior of the past of your community is that correct?

Because VE fans throwing away their actual pass to allow HE options to hijack a third pass isn’t in their best interests, and it isn’t likely to happen which is why perhaps you seem so desperate because HE options on VEs which aren’t the longstanding playable HE race aren’t likely to continue in the third pass.


I’ve seen your posts since you first made your thread.

I have no reason to trust you care at all about void elves.

Your first posts were about removing them.

You’ve called me a leech several times. You’ve called others worse.

The other day you literally said you were doing this as a tit for tat.

Today you’re still on about pretending we’re not wanted.

I can’t trust anything you say.

So… You do it right back? More tit for tat?

Eye for an eye.

Just like before.

The entire reason I made this thread was to get away from that sort.

Void elves weren’t welcome in high elf threads. So I made my own.


why are you even entertaining the discussion as if it hinges on the poster being trustworthy or not, arguably allowing your request to be hijacked by HE options is not a good move and you lose validity as a “void” elf thread


Normally I’d be “Ugh another void elf thread” but I was surprised when I came in. This took a lot of work to put together and looked a lot of it over.
Well I’d rather have all allied races get more. As it stands there is a lot of good stuff in here that I feel like should be added.

So bravo. As someone who has been tired of these threads you have peaked my interest and I hope for the best for you.


I understand you have no reason to trust me. I’ve merely had a change of heart on the matter. It’s true I don’t care anything for void elves, at all. But I have grown to understand that actively initiating hostilities gets nowhere, for either of us. I have come to acknowledge that what’s best for us can be what’s best for you as well. It’s time to just get over how we feel about each other and try to commit to finding some way to compromise between the two of us. As I’ve said the constant fighting only hurt us both. We’re both getting tired, the enjoyment of our race is getting diluted by the hate, and it seems like we’re never left feeling truly satisfied as once we do get what we want it just goes right back to ripping into each other for more.

If nothing more we can at least try to build a bit of trust between us going forward. I’m not saying everything will fall into place and our sides will be best pals right away. But in time, if we can settle our differences I believe it’s possible.

You have a much better temperament than I do so if I may ask of you something. You can keep this for purely the void elves, but how about we trial run something? Make a unified post for both of us. A void elf and high elf thread where we can band together and try to find some common ground. Both discussions will be freely available to us, no one will be forced away because of what they want. It will be an open thread that is made to harmonize us and bring us together. I for one believe that will be for the best. With your better temperament, I would ask that you helm that thread. I will also help. Any high elf people who begin to antagonize or completely try to overtake the thread, I’ll try to stop it.

What do you say? Can we agree to this? It could be a start to something great for both of us. And though you don’t trust me now, I am being genuine about all of this.

It may be better to find a third party interested in both options to helm such a thread.


A third party interested in both won’t resolve any issues. It has to be that we both come together on the issue, not someone who is neutral trying to resolve it. As I said, I’d also be part of it. I’d have Fen run the thread, but I’d equally be taking part in trying to keep the peace.

I appreciate that. I’ve spent a great deal of time refining it and trying to hit as many of the requests as possible. (some have had to be cut due to thread preview restrictions).

Thank you.


Look. Just what do you say? I am trying really hard here to mend things between not just high elf and void elf players, but even ourselves.

I have deep reservations about you as a person and I no longer have much drive for high elves as a whole.

I can not nor do I feel like I am the proper person to host such a thread.

I’m also not convinced we even need more high elf options in general. Keep in mind I’ve been satisfied since we got skin tones… Hair colors weren’t even an interest for me particularly.

My interests lie in void elves and blood elves. (well and technically a few other races and such but that’s unimportant to this thread.)


And again this isn’t the thread for that. It’s literally trying to ride the coat tails of any support this thread gets to insert HE demands.

I’m not going to enter the San’layn thread being like you know I want more light BE options and I want this thread to focus just as much on that as San’layn. Like what.


San’layn and blood elves aren’t constantly at each other’s throats. This matter goes beyond just customization.

If that’s what you want then. I won’t say anything else on the matter. Can’t say I didn’t try at least. I was hoping you’d see the bigger picture. But I respect your choice.

Any high elf that i under the void elf name tag became void elves, the method of how is debatable, but they are fully beings of the void now.

Proved what now?

Yet you also acknowledge holy priests don’t exist in void elf society? Your statement is highly illogical.

No that is not how class skins works when the concept was announced. It was supposed to work along with existing class lore, like druids of the flame and regular druids, not to contradict the class lore.

There is no such thing as void paladins, and void magic does not like, and struggles to, heal or empowere without currupting or consuming the entity in question.

Class skins are not meant to go outside of canon.

It is not a compromise if the other parties involve is loses out completely. Namely paladin, light, and void lore.

Sure… that worked out wonders for void elves, in the last 3 customization passes…

I disagree with your assessment. Void elves did not want to be your high elf race, we wanted to be our own thing.



Light options for blood elves vs darker themes for blood elves (such as San’layn customization) can get pretty heated.


I am not going to argue with you further about these matters. Not meaning I am giving up on them, but more that I refuse to acknowledge such stupidity and stubbornness. Plus, out of respect to my word I am leaving the matter as well. Good luck with whatever pointless things you choose to waste your time over.

Yeah. It’s just that the lack of any announcement regarding it isn’t a vote of confidence for me. We might still get more customization options during Dragonflight, but yeah, I’m not more hopeful about it than I was last week, maybe less so :confused:

Best case scenario we do get some on odd patches like we got them on 9.1.5, but without any confirmation on it, it might as well be wishful thinking.