Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Thank you. I’m salty and bitter at the same time :sob:


It’ll be okay! The new race looks amazing and both factions have full access.


I think it would be cool if he Uncurrupted Himself with Apexis Crystals.



I agree, add void elf evokers

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Dragons have always preferred being Elves though. Except Chromie.

Dragons have shown up as many races. Including gnomes such as Chromie.

No reason to limit them.



dont forget paladin :crazy_face:




What about the name for them. Change that to High Elves. Same thing with changing the Orcs named to Blackrock orcs or Wildhammers from Regular Dwarves.

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Name plates to chose who we would want to be. If that can happen, and we can lock the classes behind those things, then by all means, please.

I know right? I’m like why can’t we have those hair styles!

I’m actually looking forward to the new expansion now more then I thought I would be. It looks like it might end up being a breath of fresh air. It’s still too soon to know for sure though.



Thanks for proving my point;

Anyways, just saying that also invalidates your arguement for it being a class skin to force paladins on a void race.

There should never be a light user void race and vice versa, simply because they harm each other and cannot exist in the same space, void elves are entirely void beings. To be a paladin you must allow light magic to exist within yourself, although your not remade by it (unlike lightforged whom is remade by the light)


They have holy priests, yet that is for gameplay, not lore. All void elves are shadow priests. So I don’t see the problem with a glyph. That isn’t for void elves, it’s for the high elves.

The actual faction itself do not have holy priests canon, holy priests is only playable due to mechanics of the class.

Also the race name is void elves, not High elves.



Yup so ask for it in a high elf thread.

This thread is for void elves and the void aspect.

I’m more into it than I was initially.

Had to go through a few stages of grief over some things I was hoping for despite trying real hard to expect nothing.

Dracothyr while I have some criticism of look interesting and I’m excited to try em.

Furbolg get a new model probably and more lore maybe so I’m super excited about that.

There might be Sethrak. Or a dragon like Sethrak race. Which is cool.

New ui New profession stuff dragon flying thing.

Just being on Azeroth.

And of course Ted the Watcher.


High Elves are still a sub faction of void elves. We have the option to play a high elf within void elves.

Anyways, you proved my point. There are no holy priests in canon for void elves, yet in gameplay they exist. That is basically how class skins work. They can fit in canon, and also be outside of canon. They are for gameplay reasons only. Fun over lore.

I was talking about void paladins, and only mentioned a glyph for holy for the high elf option of void elves. Void paladins is exactly in line with this.

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You’re only interested for high elf paladins.

You’re asking for high elf things.

If I thought you cared at all for something interesting like an actual void knight concept spread through the races that actually make sense for it plus void elves I’d believe a little differently but your own admissions and actions really don’t help you.