Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

That’s the thing. They’re like a new sub-race thingy of dragons, so why do they need “mortal forms” again?

It was just so they didn’t have to program armour for their combat forms, wasn’t it?


It’s possible, but it could also be for people not to cry about wanting to be the main dragons that can transform, although we know they do that through magic anyways.


Could be any number of things. Maybe they just thought the powerfully awesome dragons were too much anyways. Probably just that drakes are a hard form to work with.


Seems like no one got more customizations lmao.


I’m waiting till 9.2.5 gets a little more info before I throw in that towel for now… but probably.


It is interesting that so much about 9.2.5 is shrouded in mystery. Honestly I thought it was because it would be related to the expansion so it was under wraps, but today kinda dispelled that.

So why the secrecy?

I do believe there will be some shake ups coming in 8.2.5, but to what degree, I could not say. I don’t think we will be seeing a cosmetic overhaul like 9.1.5 brought, but something on the least.

As for expanded customization options, hopefully it will be something we keep seeing on odd patches like 9.1.5, during Dragonflight.

It actually depends on what you mean by “class skin?” The only way they could add Paladins for the Void Elves is if the Paladins were Void Base, which isn’t something that is likely to happen, because then it will mean screwing up the class, and editing the class lore also.

And even though we got High Elf customizations for the Void Elves, at the end of the day, they’re still Void Elves. At the end of the day, they’re still Void infused.

Which leaves to the only way for High Elven Paladins on Alliance is if Blizzard gave the Alliance the High Elves that were long requested for, but we all now know that is never going to happen.

I’m gonna say it…

Every single race should be getting more customization options after seeing how AMAZING the dragon customizations are!


The Dragons being human/elf only is a real gut punch.


I know right… Just so much wasted effort for one race, when it could be applied to every race.

My hair still looks like cardboard :sleepy:


Our city is still made of carboard. I know the feeling.

Sorry Fen, I know this thread is about the Void Elves.


where’s my chromie gnome dragon timey wimey healer fantasy at? we’ve all been robbed.


For real tho. Why do we need more elves and humans >:|

DHs all over again


I agree. We need more Space Goats :joy:

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The original form would be playable with a glyph. That’s exactly how it should be. A class SKIN is just that, a skin. It doesn’t have to fit with your standards of the lore. So long as it can make a modicum of sense within its theme, then it can work. People like you who want to bar things because of lore which has been rewritten and changed so many times that hardly anybody cares about it anymore is kinda stupid. The lore has been adjusted to fit the needs of the game more times than I can count now. It’s time to give up on it and stop using it as an excuse.

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That would be a long burn… 8.2.5 still coming for us. :laughing:

Thats entirely possible.

Think they’ll say heritage armor is going to come too?


I do wish they were more broad in the humanoid options. I get that with how they’ve done them they maybe wanted to limit it to give more options per choice… but like… yeah. I wanna have a Dracothyr whose humanoid form is a Tauren… or an Orc. Or a Void Elf. lol

Given the topic of the day I’ll allow some off topic. Forums are gonna be a wildwest land for awhile.

I say as though I have any control anyways.



They didn’t announce it but that doesn’t mean more customization options aren’t coming. This announcement hit the big ticket bullet points for a new expansion. New customization was a big ticket bullet point for Shadowlands. So maybe Blizz didn’t feel the need to highlight it a second time with Dragonflight.

Obviously there’s still no guarantee of additional customization with Dragonflight, but I’m hopeful that some will appear once alpha/beta starts and gets datamined.


Imagen it as a Class and you could apply the Horns/Scales to any race.

Imagen it!

That’s what I was expecting! lol

People want to be a Chromie, Reah, or Ebonhorn type character.

Also Sabellian. AKA the TRUE prince of the Black Dragons!


I wanna see him return and get uncorrupted.

Blizz forgot about him once before but it would be nice to see him return. (Maybe bring some Nether Drakes with him to the Dragon Isles.)