Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

There are some dead looking trees around the Rift if memory serves.

One of the islands could have a little forest of them at least.

Umbric getting a unique model would be awesome.

Two days remain.


They must have been alive at some point though…?

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Whose to say they’re actually dead?

It’s a void scape after all.

I imagine they were part of the world before Sargeras shattered it to kill the World Soul.

It would be interesting to see the void elves draw forth plant life from the void realm… I imagine just like the realms of Death, Void would similarly have differing biomes and lands.


yea i want more story for them , it kinda left me at this cliffhanger and i do want to know more .

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One day remains until we see what’s up in the next expansion.

Here’s hoping it’s good!


Even if we don’t get pictures, I do hope they say the rest of the AR’s are getting their expanded customization on 10.0


I kinda hope they’ll say more than just ARs. So many races are still so bare.

I hope they’ve seen this thread though whenever we get new options.

I honestly bet remaining ARs will be done in 9.2.5 still.

We’ve so little info on it and they’re holding it back until Tuesday.


With the guy in charge of the “systems” design resignated, there is a chance more resources could be redirected to other projects. Although I don’t have my hopes up 100%, it is possible the art assets could be redirected to customizations and other new possible AR’s/races

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hmm nothing about customizations


Yeah. Either those are, along with ARs, relegated to an expansion feature or they have little to share at the moment.

Nothing about 9.2.5 either.

Here’s the new website where you can read up on more features and expected zones, as well as sign up for beta.

Ui improvements caught my eye especially.

Talent tree rework I’m very hesitant about but more than willing to try. It’s needed work for a long time.

The edit your own flying dragon could be neat though I’d really like nether drake options.

The race/class has relatively little interest to me… Just never been super into a dragon type race. That said I would had race changed my warlock human who is supposed to be a dragon… But it’s class locked so… Bleh.

I’m sure I’ll make one though.

No new character slot options makes much of this frustrating still.

Let’s see. New profession stuff is interesting… But I’m cautious about it.

Big plus. We’re on Azeroth.


My view on that is more like:

I’ll remain cautious in my optimism though.



It’s needed but it’s way too early to make much of an opinion on it.

I am very happy they’ve added ui options. With luck they’ll let us have as many action bars as our hearts desire though.

We shouldn’t need mods for things like that.


So glad we got back the old talent system again. It feels more like a rpg element than the current one in retail wow.

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I remember classic and beyonds being far more limited if you wanted to actually be good really.

I don’t think this will greatly change things in the long run. There will still always be the Raider preferred and Mythic preferred yada yada.

I hope they’re not going to make it like the past talent system which was clunky and a pain imo. Thankfully so far it seems like they’re focusing on passive and utility more than anything else. Which may work out.

I don’t know. Like I said, I’m cautiously optimistic and holding off judgement there.

they look amazing, honestly


They don’t fight in those forms though. They will swap to their draconic forms in combat.

yeah cause they’d look like demon hunters otherwise

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Not only that but it makes sense, being in a weaker humanoid form would do nothing but hinder them, they also would most likely need to focus to maintain that form.

In their natural state they have their full power, strength and abilities they can command at will without being hindered and while able to focus on the fight fully.

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Yeah, I know. I am sort of excited with also how the Talent Trees are going to work, one for the class, and one for the class specialization. But the downside to this is going to be the same problem as always, there will be useless talents that nobody will ever pick, not unless they allow people to pick every talent available.

i wont play one. but i think the art team is so good. wish they could do that for velfs/helfs. so much talent.