Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Ok I’m getting lost at looking at this persons Tumbler art but oooooooooooh my god I want jewelry clips onto the tentacles now. They clipped their HAIR to the TENTACLE oh my god Blizzard get some inspiration from this person.


Y’all should check this persons work out, it’s so cute and wholesome


Ok this is offtopic artwork but nalkjadajngjlangjakbgklgbrkagelaerajlkgra it’s just too freaking cute I just cant





That second image is amazing.


From what I seen, lann brought it to the thread, not him.

No one was silencing you. I only told you guys it was not appropriate for this thread.

Why I am losing pity for you is now your showing me you are what you are crying about being oppressed by, people that discriminates.

Move on.

Then you do not know what the term means.

You need to stop this too, your not helping this situation.

Good all of you should keep it that way.

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Lol no


It was over
The thread moved on
Youre the one reopening the issue

Just ignore it, and no one will talk about it.
Because they will have no one to talk about it with


Personally I think Umbric is a great opportunity for some LGBTQ+ representation :heart:


He should get some character development first.
At the moment everything he says can be boiled down to “I’m a void elf. I fight for the alliance”

I think it would feel very shoehorned in if hes still as interesting as a blank piece of paper

Edit for clarity: not the lgbt part, just any form of love life. Hes just so boring


It really is!


bubble gum pink. :blush:


the faery goblin is adorable


i forget where i got this from but my goodness, what a cool idea. buns tied with tentacles lol


I really like the concept.
Not sold on the angelic pose though haha

Faebelina does wonderful work.

I don’t remember any lore about that.

Blizzard’s issue with hair colors was just that they wanted races to be unique and hair color for some is part of that.

More likely its really that they just don’t have the time or desire to make a color wheel.

Yeah. It would just be a lot of work for them.

That would be perfect for my velf DK… Exactly what I was thinking of for him.

Canonically they do. Just game play wise we don’t.


they could implement it as a tinted semi-transparent overlay of the baked texture. or even moggable hats that have hairstyles.

It wasn’t actual lore
Just an easy answer as to the range of hair colors. The void did it.

But now we have more options not related to the void, I can’t see a reason they can give to say no.

They had an easy one. And it’s gone

I saw people make that argument back before the hair colours were added, but it never made sense to me tbh.

If the Void affected only one thing, it would obviously be eyes since that’s how magic works with elves in WoW. I guess I could be sold on skin being the one to change, since that’s how orcs go at least. But hair? That’s the least likely to be the one thing to change.


Another idea I could see work is some kind of Void Forest/Park on one of the rocks.

Though I have no idea how to invision or describe that other then glowing purple/glowing flowers/trees.


Faebelina makes really amazing Void elf art that is a little bit out of this world and graceful at the same time so it ticks all of the boxes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

So much this. I’ve been thinking a Dark Forest where the ground is dark blue / purple with stars and the trees are light purple with a silky glow and their leaves are basically just little stars. The Forest would form a path towards the first main Castle which will hold the main ritual area for the Voidification. The castle grounds will be occupied by Void elf warriors practicing on dummies. At the mid castle floor there will be a long bridge connecting the main castle island with one of the nearby islands, leading towards the Library and Research Halls, and there’ll be a 2nd bridge leading to a large Inn with beds accompanied by desks etc and a dining hall area. It’ll be a mix inspired by Human castles and elven gem adornments but in a Voidy theme.

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Speaking of Umbric, can he get a makeover, please? I feel like they made him look really plain so that his looks wouldn’t rival Lor’themar’s which would upset belf fans that were already upset about velfs existing, lol.