Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

If we are doing shipping, I would pair umbric with that Rambo dude in bfa and have them adopt a kid, make a side story out of it in reference of metal gear.

John J. Keeshan.

He was actually in Vanilla, Cataclysm and WoD prior to BfA.


Yeah him. He’s awesome lol.

I think a hoity toity holy priest would be an excellent match.

LGBT+ people existing is a fact of life, our lives and human rights are not some political issue that should be voted upon.

Anyone who thinks that my having the rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is a political controversy are people against me having life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.


Honestly ship keeshan with kelsey…

They’ve a lot of fun chemistry together in BFA.

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that entire Redridge Mountains chain quest really blew my mind.

Didn’t keeshan talk with umbric for a while in BFA?

Mowing down Blackrock Orcs in a tank was certainly different than the way the zone was in vanilla.

I can’t recall, but it seems likely. They were both Mission Table champions on the Alliance side, so they probably interacted at least a few times.

Well that’s your political belief and you have a right to it as much as anyone else.

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Human rights is a political topic.

Does not belong.

This is not a political thread. This is a customization/request thread.

The more you keep pushing it, the less pity I feel for you.


Woah, what happened here?

By all means! Feel free!

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I wish the rift had portals like stormwind does.

I know its not that much effort to just take the portal out to stormwind and take the short flight.

But even so, I like going back to there.
Its nice being able to be at your home area.

And let’s be honest, 95% of the time you’re in stormwind, it’s to take a portal somewhere else.


Guy brought up wanting to join a discord.

Multiple people brought up previous negative behavior relating to LGBT+ behavior, because it pertained to the situation at hand.

In true fashion y’all started whining about pOlItIcS trying to silence us for conversing on the topic at hand because you don’t like the topic, going so far as to false flag us.

Human rights is never a political issue.


TBH. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


You’re just an extremist with narrow views on the subject. No other LGBTQ members aside from people with your same narrow views believe that about me. Because what you are saying is untrue. You’re just sounding absurd on here. A lot of people have been getting annoyed with how extreme you’ve been, and how relentlessly you bring up LGBTQ matters, even when things do not relate to the subject.

Maybe perhaps we’ll see more Void version of Easter Bunnies and void easter eggs this Sunday.

Have people visit Telogrus Rift to do events there while there is portal for anyone to enter.

Finishing the event gives you Void easter egg decorations on your hair.


You can’t actually be serious. Why support such an extremist? There’s a time and place for these views, but going about it in such a matter and attacking people for even remotely showing a slight variance of his opinion is uncalled for and unnecessary. He’s only creating more hate for the LGBTQ community with how he’s been acting.

You mean like how you try to jam the whole High Elf narrative down everyone’s throats in every single thread and wanting to further ruin and replace Void Elves, while posting in a void specific customization thread for Void Elves?

Like it or not Void elves incorporate high elves. It’s not strictly not related to bring up high elves in a void elf thread. The reality is we are merged together.