Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Bhaha, I mean on other things… yes. But when it comes to UI I do think they like the symmetry.

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Of course, I would. You think because I’m not satisfied with the hair and the skin tones that I can’t be satisfied with anything? To me, the skin and hair colors just isn’t enough. There’s still too much that strips you from really being a high elf. The three main culprits are the Entropic Embrace racial, the hair styles we have, and the racial name. If those things were all changed, I’d be pretty satisfied. I may still want more eventually, but I wouldn’t be seeking it out nearly as badly as I am now.

Blizzard let us know today what time we’ll get to see the new expansion!

Heres hoping for more customizations for many races are coming along with it as well as wonderful content for those races!

Very excited to see what we’ll get for Void Elves.


one of the problems in customizations is bone budgeting. they have x-amount of bone rigged animated textures they can add before the system starts glitching. when a new expac comes out, they have to budget new creature animations, new armor and tier sets that are expected to animate, any new spell animations and so on. even a simple draenei pony tail was crashing the beta for wod.

they work around most such issues by copy/pasting existing animated rigged textures, since they dont add more stress to the system, thusly why allied races were copies of existing bone rigged races with minimal added bones.

so if they do give us brand new hairstyles, they’re likely to be styles that already exist


Have they said they’ve worked out the extra slot issue? Last I’d heard the current slots were hard coded in.


What I want more for us Helfs and Velfs on the Allaince is more lore that gets expanded on.


Hope they can. It would be real nice to have those sorts of changes.

I just want some pants. A decent pair of pants!


I wish I could see Alleria and Vereesa teaming up together in 10.0. But what we definitely need for the Void elf lore is a proper and decent explanation on how Void elves can safely re-create the Voidification process without losing themselves. And we at the very least need some nice buildings in Telogrus Rift, including a Library and Research Hall decorated with dark blue void floors like starry skies. :heart:


Honestly between the research Umbric and his lot had been doing and the path Alleria walked along with Locus-Walker there to guide them I can’t imagine it would be that hard in a place literally floating in a space within the nether utterly covered in condensed void energies.

They need to have an NPC “event” occur there once in awhile (Preferably on that third island with the void storm) showing the wayfarers and scholars becoming proper void elves. Have them come out the other end a mix of Alleria and Umbric type void elves and the whole thing gets answered, makes all our options definitely canon and gives us some lore to work with.

I want them to make use of the five or so islands we have there in full. (Some modification to some of these islands would probably be good too). First one have kinda a fortification of some sort, an inn and a dedicated portal leading to Stormwind. One any player can use to visit our home.

Next island have lodging for the new recruits, wayfarers and scholars, perhaps your library and research hall, places for the new void elf recruits to learn and practice.

Third island have a big ole tower built around the Void storm. Have this be the place where they conduct the ritual to turn more of their kind into void elves. Also have an area for more advanced recruits to be training and working. A building for administration and maybe something for our priests. Definitely a place for our magisters.

Next island have our warriors, rogues, some hunters and our siege equipment and weapons of war stored. Show Riftblades and Ghostblades practicing. Basically the war area for the void elves. Have some void elf armorers working on large void stones to craft our weapons and armor.

Fifth island should be for our rangers and stabling of our animals. Hawkstriders should be here some of which should be tameable for hunters, along with starcursed varieties of the lynx, dragonhawk, hippogryph, mana(void)wyrm and the Rift Stalkers. Gives our hunters plenty to choose from thematically.

I like the color pallete you suggest there. I’d love to see our ceilings have a bit of a starryness to them.

I also want to see the void gems in our buildings here and there.

I also want this sort of update to bring our heritage colors to the average void elf wandering around there and to add an alternative chest armor.

I doubt we’ll get that in 10.0 but when they do update this stuff I hope they go full force.


I can get behind this.

Perhaps we could also get either a special Hearth stone to let us teleport back to our home.

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There is an inn there already for us to attach our hearth. Its the area with the tents round the corner from the portal.


I can’t believe that I missed this. Thanks for telling me.

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I had heard rumors that this thread no longer talks about high elf customization on void elves. Is this true?

I believe it’s true since the title specifically states that we want this thread to be about void themed options


I’m fine with the obvious implications we have now, but I certainly wouldn’t say no to this.

This is nice and all, but as the portal race I’d much rather the ability to open a Void portal directly to Telogrus rather than having it as a subpar hearth location.

Yes, it’s true. Fen had it pointed out to him that he was being too permissive with people co-opting this thread for high elf stuff, so he’s made an effort to be more vigilant.

Heck, I myself have curbed multiple attempts to co-opt this thread for high elf things, as awkward as that is. High elf stuff is my preferred aesthetic as you can probably tell by my avatar, but this thread isn’t about that and I take that seriously.


I don’t want to see any high elves becoming void elves. Why ruin them to become that? Let them keep their theme. It was bad enough we have the void elves we do now. Let them stay as they are with limited numbers. Eventually yeah, they’d go extinct. But by that time I’m sure their story would be over and there’d be no reason for void elves to even exist anymore. The void theme just has 0 longevity to it.

this isnt true. theres an audience for the macabre and gothic. why else would wow be based on lovecraft’s universe?

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WoW only had subtle influence of Lovecraft. It mostly took inspiration from Tolkiens universe. The lovecraft stuff was always in the background and wasn’t even a reason people got into the warcraft games. The original rts warcraft games mostly just stuck to the war between Humans and orcs. Only in warcraft 3 did they branch out and added demons and undead, but it’s still very tolkien. Lovecraft stuff had very small appearances near the end of the undead campaign with a single old god entity. Most people didn’t even remember that.

Also they didn’t have to turn Thalassians into void monstrosities for that audience. You end up pissing off a larger audience to give a pat on the back to a much smaller one. Ridiculous. There was already a void race they could have used with the Ethereals. Has everything people are wanting with the void customization options.

But what I meant with my statement is that eventually, we will deal with the void, or the void will become too much to handle. Then void elves will either succumb to the void, or we’ll wipe out the void and they will have nothing left to do.