Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Thats fair too. Its not like every race is always seen to with each expansion.

I would normally have said that any void expansion will see void elves involved but I feel like 8.3 should have had us but only had us in a Vision of Stormwind. Where I would have expected more things going on there.

Honestly kinda feel like both were pretty lazy. >.> Nightborne didn’t exactly launch with what folk were expecting nor with many options to boot.

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I agree 8.3 was very disappointing
So much potential wasted

That’s what always has felt wrong about VE’s for me. They just don’t have the level of cultural depth, of identity, pretty much every other AR has.

Highmountain Tauren, Nightborne, and Lightforged Draenei had whole zones dedicated to their identity and place in the world during Legion. NB the utmost, LFD the least, but still serviceable to get us on their shoes.

Mag’har Orcs had the whole of WoD, DID do suffer from having the oldest assets, but they do have their aesthetic, and their identity has been a part of WoW since the beggining. Then Kul Tiran and Zandalar have whole continents about them, and Vulpera and Mechagnome, as the Legion AR’s, whole zones revolving around their stories.

Void Elves as a group have only an unlock quest. And as such, have none of the assets all of these races have by nature of exploring their areas, they just feel so, empty in terms of identity, and that’s why I think that addressing that is paramount when we are 3 expansions in their introduction.

While I do agree with the sentiment that their cultural identity would be best addressed when it makes sense to the story, I also think each expansion that passes without doing so is real bad. Void Elves have no real history or place in Azeroth, the more adrift they remain, the more removed from the setting they come across, and that actually hurts them as a concept and as a part of the world.

They need more of an identity, because with each expansion that passes without one, the more superfluous and irrelevant to the setting they will become. That’s why I think it’s paramount 10.0 does something about that.

And not even that really. It used them the bare minimum, and did nothing to address their identity beyond Umbric’s personal ethos, and their loyalty to the alliance.

I do look it more on the “presence” within the narrative. BE’s are getting more TLC than other races, and I do think through the Heritage Questline we are getting a lot of what solidifies that identity and their ethos, beyond just aesthetics.

Without getting too much on a BE tangent, my issue with the BE options is that they have no, well, OOMPH factor. They are suitable and nice, but they don’t reinvent them, nor are they as varied as other races. It was just more of the same -apart of the skin tones- so it just didn’t feel daring enough, nor did it push already solidified aesthetics of opulence or struggle.

So it didn’t add another fantasy such as Undead Elves or Fel Corruption, nor Farstrider aesthetics, nor did it push the aesthetics like opulent jewelry a la Nightborne, or scars and markings.


I don’t think I worded it well.

I just mean that I hope they spend actual care and time with our stories and home rather than rush it.

Pretty well agree with this.

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Oh no I got that, it’s more that I think VE identity should be addressed, even in a small measure, sooner rather than later.

I’m not saying we should get a full Telogrus revamp with a dedicated storyline right now, but that we do need VE’s showing up more this expansion, and ideally introducing new assets for them.


How can anyone look at Nightborne and say they’re a product of anything but intense laziness?


Idk man those 2 hairstyles truly are very innovative and unique trust me.


Nightborne stole the orcish tradition of hairstyles clipping through the body of the wearer and I will never forgive them.


I’d also like them to give us an actual chest piece and not just a bare chest with a collar. Blizzard had a real thing for bare chests in Legion, didn’t they? DH at least were supposed to be protected by their fel tattoos, but with Void Elves it’s like the only unarmored area is the one area I’d want to protect the most (vital organs).

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Hey everyone remember me? I’m glad to see more customization threads being posted!

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I don’t think you’ll be satisfied even if there was subrace option for high elf.


I’ll be satisfied when we get little bit more normal as hair colors of brown, blue, deep orange, deep blonde, some Blood Elf/Silver Covenant High Elf WoW Hairstyles, A Robe for the Heritage Armor Redesign with more armor colors like Silver Blue, Silver Purple for Kirin Tor, and etc, Half Corrupted half Normal Hawkstriders or Unicorns like just bring more Void Hawkstriders in General, Seeing the Void Elves/High Elves in the Leveling Zones more including Stormwind in their own District, Void Elf Paladins, Druids, Seeing them in their own Zone on Azeroth, A Faction for Void Elves like the Silvermoon Remnants from Vanilla WoW, War Paint Tattoos, Void Customization Options, and etc.

No I’m not that guy you are talking to. Just commenting.

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I’d also like them to give us an actual chest piece and not just a bare chest with a collar.

I use the Master Builder’s Shirt + Ren’Dorei Tabard to get a fully covered chest look with the heritage armor.


It’s the next best thing for sure. If they add more heritage armor options, I still think it would be cool if it had a matching chest piece with the starcursed glass built into the armor, kind of like the legs but designed for the chest.


TBH I really want for them to just add a new mog slot for back accessories so you don’t have to choose between them and the cloak.

All the Covenant cosmetics would go there, also bags, quivers, and the VE wings.


Yeah, the tabard pretty much is the chest covered option for VE’s

But I would like a robed version :eyes:


That would be cool. Also a face slot for glasses and eye-patches and such, separate from helms and hats.


While this doesn’t let you have the wings, the mythic version of this robe works well with the Void Elf Heritage armor!


Oh that’s right! Also it would allow for symmetry on the UI!!

Oh dang that’s a sweet fit! Perfect IMO.


That would be nice.

But we all know Blizzard’s opinion on symmetry: