Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)


They aren’t a void elf. It clearly still says high elf. My point is I do not want that going any further. They can visit but they should never become a void elf.

They are literally there to learn how to wield the Void. It’s backstory for Void Elf characters. That’s the whole point.


Not exactly. They haven’t learned the void yet. That just needs to stay as it is. They should never learn the void, and it should never be expanded on. High Elves are meant to be pure. That’s kinda their thing. Why would they end up wanting to use something even more disastrous than both fel and arcane? It’s dumb. You don’t need to use high elves to prep up your pathetic numbers. Just go extinct already.

I vote no one replies to that guy until he learns to have a calm rational conversation.


No. What you’re thinking of is they refused to drain mana from living beings. That’s an ethics choice, but it has nothing to do with being pure.


Right. And letting void into their mind and body is… ethical? Void is pretty much considered malevolent and chaotic, as much as Fel is. It can corrupt you and make you do terrible things if you’re not careful. As well, it can just flat-out kill you if you lose control. So why would they want to dabble in void? makes 0 sense.

Because Alleria, the Thalassian hero who they named a stronghold after, does it?


Well Alleria shows not to hold to their values anymore. She has been gone for a long, long time. She has changed, they have changed. Just because one person jumps off a bridge doesn’t mean you should go and do it. I mean, hey. Here’s a story. Kael’thas dabbled in fel. He was a highly respected figure. That worked out so well…

I dunno, I just get the same vibes from both of them. You’d think Thalassians would learn from their mistakes, not follow in the exact same path again.

The fel wasn’t what made Kael a failure. It was his own arrogance. He lost focus of what his end goal was. Void also =/= fel.

Thalassians’ entire history is feeding off raw power.


Yeah, feeding off raw power was considered a problem though. Plus, who is to say Alleria wouldn’t end up the same way? Both powers they used have the ability to corrupt. To say Kael didn’t become corrupt in some way by the feel is crazy. I mean there’s a whole dungeon where you see him all fel infused and mad.

You do know that even Helves need to come back to the well occasionally right? That’s why they are still allowed to visit. All Thalassians feed off power to some extent. Helves only hated feeding off other beings.

If you play a Thalassian, you play a magically evolved troll that feeds off raw power. That’s how Blizz chose to separate their High Elves from other lore.

Many have wielded void successfully.


High Elves are just more cautious. That’s their whole thing. They only do what they have to do.

You no longer a Gnome or this a new toon? I like the look.

Also yeah just ignore him. He doesn’t seem to get this thread is about the void aspect.

Also has some questionable takes.

I decided to finally unlock void elves on my us account. (For clarity I’m an EU player)

This character now looks identical to my main.
Only the armour is different.

I deleted the gnome and made a void elf on the same server to keep my posting history.


Cad, chill. There is void elves that most likely did not choose the name blood elf nor had to make a choice to use mana-tap like the blood elves did. It is more likely those ones are becoming void elves then the ones that refused the mana-tap practice. Also please note there is high elves in the horde also as seen in ratchet.


I don’t care. No way to distinguish them. So it’s left up to interpretation, and I don’t like the interpretation. I don’t want to see high elves becoming void elves. Keep them separate. Just let void elves die out. That’s what needs to happen. Such a volatile race should not go beyond their uses.

Actually the Sunwell affects them wherever they are. Even when they’re in the AU Draenor timeline somehow.

The reason they return to it is more akin to religious reasons, like a pilgrimage.

  1. Again chill.

  2. Your in the wrong thread to complain about void elves, no one here is going to sympathize with you here since this is a Void Elf fan thread.

  3. While you want them to vanish they most likely will not since they are an success as an AR, even before the sl additions.

  4. There will be former high elves in it’s ranks (in fact all thallasians was high elves at one point anyways)

The best thing to do is accept it and move on,the more stress about the existence of the race the worse it is going to be on your health.

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You really think void elves will be a long-term thing? If ever they decide to make a WoW 2 you’d better believe void elves will be the first thing they cut. You may think a WoW 2 will never come but honestly how much more duct tape can this old engine bare until it all unravels?